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Video: Foreigner gets criticism as he shouts at the scene of an accident


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5 hours ago, katana said:

Lots of comments from the Thais about it's now time to kick all the French out of Thailand.

I am no particular fan of the French, but it is so unfair that their reputation is becoming so damaged around the world.

So many stories crop up here on ThaiVisa about French guys getting fighting, raping or stealing, but when you read the actual news reports, you see that it is almost always one particular demographic group.

The biggest problem is that the vast majority of Asians are unaware of the distinction. I work on booking websites for small hotels and, very often, am asked to blacklist certain countries. The only European addition that regularly comes up is France, because they have had bad experiences in the past.

I try to explain that the vast majority of French are decent people, that they are throwing away good bookings, but they don't care, they just have it in their heads that the French are trouble.

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Videos of peaceful, cooperation between drivers that have had an accident does not sell well. It does not feed the negative nature of those that dwell on the minority of incidents of "bad behavior".

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21 hours ago, RobMuir said:

Thailand has very little road rage. I think that is half the reason why some drive and ride not so well. There is no fear of getting abused, copping the finger or a wheel brace like in the “civilized”countries.


i was in a taxi once, doing about 160kmh on a motorway. This idiot swerved in front of us. We skidded and ended up facing the other way. After recovering a few minutes later we had caught up to the idiot, and I thought to myself, this will be good, the taxi driver will give it to him now.


To my amazement the taxi driver didn’t even look at the idiot when we were passing. Nothing.


They are very calm a lot of these Thais. beautiful people.

Something seen some years ago. A certain local bus company (now thankfully defunct) had a massive reputation for arrogant and lethal drivers. Most locals still perceive that company as the bus mafia. One of their buses had a run in with an SUV driver. Said SUV driver chased the bus down the main drag, eventually overtook the bus (after the bus tried to fend him off by swerving across two lanes) and slewed his vehicle across two lanes so as to completely block the bus from going any further. And a traffic jam soon ensued behind, ensuring the bus driver had no easy means of escape. The SUV driver got out and proceeded to subject the driver to a five minute tirade, with a massive audience. The bus driver could do nothing other than make sure all his doors were closed, and sit out the tirade with extreme loss of face. The SUV driver then departed; the driver probably thinking that the cops would inevitably take longer than 5 minutes to arrive. I doubt that the driver made any attempt to call the cops. Part of the deal companies like this have with the cops is "Don't call us, and we won't make a call on you". (It might even have been that the SUV driver was a cop.)

Edited by Mexlark
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12 hours ago, Benmart said:

Yes, so calm and beautiful. That must account for the chaos and corruption resulting from decades of military coups and political upheavals. Yes, very calm and beautiful.

Yes, all my friends and family who come to visit really love the way the Thais conduct themselves and the world famous thai hospitality.


They are famous worldwide be being lovely and Thailand is known as the land of smiles. Nicest people I have ever met and lots of fun.


Most Thais don’t really care too much about politics. It is too argumentative. eg Brexit


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On 4/18/2019 at 7:04 PM, ta158 said:

 every week i see some people shot/stabbed, brutaly beaten in road rages,

Really? I have lived here for years and never seen anyone shot or stabbed. 

I saw a farang glass another farang in Pattaya beach road soi 8 once.

I saw a couple of farang bikies assaulting a drunk thai female in soi buakao once but they quickly retreated when the motorcycle taxi blokes stepped in. 

And I saw a couple of farangs having a punch on at a full moon party in ko phangan once.


I can’t think of any other violence I have witnessed here. Back in Oz we would get in punch ons all the time. And I was shot by a Leb with a shotgun when I was 15, but I sort of deserved it.

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lets see, I honked the horn once at a set of lights when the car in front of me didnt move on the green light because he was busy talking to someone on the other side of the road and he pulled a pistol out the window and waved it at me, had a pickup come out of a street on my left making me swerve to the other side of the road so I hit the horn, he then cut me off and tried to smash into the side of my car till I got out and he realized I was bigger them him so took off, doing 100k on a dual highway and was coming up behind a bus doing 60 k so indicated to overtake, a car several hundred metres behind us flashed his lights but I still overtook the bus then pulled back in, when the car that flashed us passed us he suddenly swerved in front of us and hit his brakes, I simply swung out and avoided him but he ended up going off the road as he lost control and obviously face,  was on a 3 lane road and the car in the extreme left lane talking/texting on his phone swerved over the lane next to him and almost mashed into the side of our car(wife was driving) in the centre lane so I yelled at him to get his attention then when we stopped at the lights he pulled out a knife and waved it around, this is only a few of what I have had happen to us, no thais dont lose face and do road rage do they

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