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Big Oud in, Big Joke out: Thailand names new Immigration chief


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On 4/19/2019 at 3:54 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You kinda have to wonder, why they never seem to promote from within Immigration, which like any Thai govt agency is rife with deputy commanders of all sorts....


They seem to have a habit of sending someone in from outside... in this case.... like BJ, someone who apparently has absolutely no prior working experience within the Immigration Bureau.


They do that with all the top jobs though. The yearly 'shuffles" and moves. Moving people around different divisions.


Presumably someone thinks that a good leader can lead and that expert knowledge will be provided by the minions. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 3:24 PM, CMNightRider said:

It will be interesting to see if he will continue Thai Immigrations obvious purge of western retirees. ????


Is it really a purge? Or were they trying to stop people using agents to illegally circumvent the requirements?


Looks like whatever, someone somewhere didn't approve.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Is it really a purge? Or were they trying to stop people using agents to illegally circumvent the requirements?


Looks like whatever, someone somewhere didn't approve.

I think the reason was Big Joke was starting too ‘interfere’ too much with the ‘relationship’ between Agents and I.O. 

No way do The I.O. want to ditch their lavish lifestyle supported by Agents.

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On 4/19/2019 at 4:21 PM, bdenner said:

Errr! What is normal about the Thai Immigration policies? Hoops - Revolving doors - Goal posts moving etc. We haven't seen a status quo (normal service) for years!

Because they’re making it up as they go along, they just love ‘trial and error’, it’s the only device at their disposal, you should know that the only other is logic being applied, and that’s hopeless in ‘fairytale land’. 

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4 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Crap, I am going for my first retirement extension Monday morning.  I am sure the new boss is home right now completely changing all the requirements before start of business tomorrow.  Round and round we go...

I live in the present. I don't know what the "new boss" is thinking, doing or is planning. Whatever happens does so regardless of my input, and I will reevaluate conditions when it does. Easy does it.

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16 hours ago, jerojero said:

As it should be. If you don't qualify for a visa why should you be allowed to get in or stay in the country. Not any different in most countries across the world.

Yes, correct. Enforce the rules strictly, BUT: stop the BS with yearly back to back extensions of stay and open up the permanent residence permit to those married with Thais or on long term retirement with funds to back it.


Same as many other countries, 3-5 years on the "parole" first and then off to permanent. Yes, I know the PR exists, but the rules and the long queue are made so onerous not many bother. Fix that route. And while at it remove the idiotic parole appointment TM28/30-rules.


I'll give that a 0.0000001% of happening. Basically exactly the opposite right now, they are slowly purging farangs out with ever tightening extension rules. Bad farangs out, good Chinese in.

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1 hour ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I think the reason was Big Joke was starting too ‘interfere’ too much with the ‘relationship’ between Agents and I.O. 

No way do The I.O. want to ditch their lavish lifestyle supported by Agents.

I think you are being very naive if you think his complete and sudden removal from the position has anything whatsoever to do with retirment visas, agents and immigration. If that was thw case they could simply tell him to wind it in. 


The issue is obviosly far bigger than that and the person taken action far more powerful the Prayuth. Some websites are speculating already on large sums of money stashed over seas etc. Maybe this was going to come out and be very very embarassing which is why the hush hush.


As if the powerful generals give a shit about a few angry expats lol. 

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1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

I think you are being very naive if you think his complete and sudden removal from the position has anything whatsoever to do with retirment visas, agents and immigration. If that was thw case they could simply tell him to wind it in. 


The issue is obviosly far bigger than that and the person taken action far more powerful the Prayuth. Some websites are speculating already on large sums of money stashed over seas etc. Maybe this was going to come out and be very very embarassing which is why the hush hush.


As if the powerful generals give a shit about a few angry expats lol. 

So where was the big fella getting the money from ?

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On 4/19/2019 at 6:30 PM, sweatalot said:

purge of corruption in (and outside) immigration would be appreciated

the Hammer is dropping!!  The box cars are lining up to haul all farang out!!!

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Its pretty obvious that the RTP is trying to destroy Big Joke and that Prayut jumped in based on how close Prawit and Big Joke are, so now Big Joke works for Prayut and is immune to anything the RTP had in mind. Soap Opera between the RTP and the Junta goes on, there's a reason why the Junta can't seem to remove corruption from the RTP ranks, its because the RTP might as well be another Political Party, they should run their own candidate for PM, the power struggle for who controls the money/corruption in Thailand could really get interesting then. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 5:46 PM, webfact said:

It is not known why Surachate Harkparn was removed as Immigration chief.

Oh come on guys, it's because he is one of Prayuts guys, and big joke was one of his deputy's so Article 44 being one of Prayut's favorites and him being the current PM, means big joke is now a civilian, politics at its best, Thai style of course, hush hush.

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On 4/20/2019 at 11:27 AM, Kasane said:

OTOH I hope there is a purge of all the farangs who have overstayed their visa and/or who are a burden on thai medical system due to them being poor.

Why on earth would you wish for that, what has somebody's visa/ overstay situation got to do with you and how would such a purge benefit you exactly?  No foreigners are burden on the medical system we don't get treated for free.

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On 4/21/2019 at 6:55 PM, Bday Prang said:

Why on earth would you wish for that, what has somebody's visa/ overstay situation got to do with you and how would such a purge benefit you exactly?  No foreigners are burden on the medical system we don't get treated for free.

Thank you for your comment and I'm glad someone spoke up for the poor guys here who have money problems or just getting by. People with a lot of money have problems, some are very good people like Bill Gates trying to help the world, others are like Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" and then there's a lot in between that just want to show off they have more than you. But now many guys here are just trying to get by with thier government pension which may not be a full 65K and are used to the 'income letter' system that has been a god send. Now we have these kind of people that just want to be condescending towards those on the edge. What a F***ed world this is sometimes, the OP must be a Trump supporter or similar from Euro or UK, excuse me while I go throw up. 

Edited by rainwater
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On 4/19/2019 at 3:31 PM, Captain_Bob said:

Oh great the new bosses name is "Out" which is where bad guys go ???? 

I don't think its limited to just the BAD GUYS... seems like the NOOSE is tightening up everywhere... apparently.

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