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Do You Know (or Suspect That You Know) Anyone Off These Boards


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Oh dear, I seem to have started a bit of a 5hit storm. I would love to come to a TV meeting if one is organised in BKK. We will be leaving Thailand pretty soon so it would have to be in the near (ish) future. Currently on a different forum/space there is a thread running about what you think other posters look like. I would like to put faces to names

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No one has mentioned that there are stories about employers who search the Internet for blogs or forum postings made by prospective employees. Sometimes makes one greatful for a little anonymity, especially after the odd Chang-fuelled posting.

And while everyone's turning Japanese, can I just say I used to live in zoo to shiro.

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No one has mentioned that there are stories about employers who search the Internet for blogs or forum postings made by prospective employees.

Not to mention that some people spend more of their work days surfing the web than they spend on doing productive work for their employers. So posting under a semi anonymous name instead of ones own initials or real name would possibly hide that a bit better. Except for those whose employers spend a lot of time on checking proxy logs, monitoring network traffic, reading their employee's email and IM etc.

On the other hand, having the right buddies at work might give you immunity so your boss won't actually fire you, he will just talk about it year in and year out. "I'm going to fire x.x. next week! He hasn't updated the website for a year. Stealing from the company, that's what he is doing. Bastard. Thief!"

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Respect - I admire you courage in admitting that!

yeah , it takes a lot of courage to admit to having a name like julian

:o Actually it looks better with a capital J. I get Jules a lot from mates and no one laughed much after I grew to 6 foot three and bulked out to about 15 stone, most of it muscle from sawmilling.

Bigger than that now but it's mostly fat. :D


Edited by sceadugenga
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Bigger than that now but it's mostly fat. :D


The other day I pulled my old football jersey out of the closet and was happy to see it still fit. :D

Of course I used to wear a bulky set of shoulder pads under it. :o

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No one has mentioned that there are stories about employers who search the Internet for blogs or forum postings made by prospective employees.

Not to mention that some people spend more of their work days surfing the web than they spend on doing productive work for their employers. So posting under a semi anonymous name instead of ones own initials or real name would possibly hide that a bit better. Except for those whose employers spend a lot of time on checking proxy logs, monitoring network traffic, reading their employee's email and IM etc.

On the other hand, having the right buddies at work might give you immunity so your boss won't actually fire you, he will just talk about it year in and year out. "I'm going to fire x.x. next week! He hasn't updated the website for a year. Stealing from the company, that's what he is doing. Bastard. Thief!"

Good idea. I wouldn't want to hire someone that has been a member for a year and has 10,000 post already. It would be obvious that they are spending all of their time on TV and not working.

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No one has mentioned that there are stories about employers who search the Internet for blogs or forum postings made by prospective employees.

Not to mention that some people spend more of their work days surfing the web than they spend on doing productive work for their employers. So posting under a semi anonymous name instead of ones own initials or real name would possibly hide that a bit better. Except for those whose employers spend a lot of time on checking proxy logs, monitoring network traffic, reading their employee's email and IM etc.

On the other hand, having the right buddies at work might give you immunity so your boss won't actually fire you, he will just talk about it year in and year out. "I'm going to fire x.x. next week! He hasn't updated the website for a year. Stealing from the company, that's what he is doing. Bastard. Thief!"


now that I found really funny as I am sitting at work "surfing"

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Mina-san ni wa, oshirase:

Kokugo wa, nanoni omoshiro no koto desu ga, zannen desu ga, kono "threado" no "topicu" ga dewa arimasen, yo. Soshite, ichiban no "topicu" ni wa sugu ni kaerite no ho gai ii, desu ne?

Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

AMEN! (Oh, sorry, that's Hebrew... :o )

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I try to guard my anonymity as much as possible, but I think I have been outed by someone. In my real life I am a quiet, shy, unassuming person, but on here I am much more outgoing.

I do feel that I know two posters from a previous life and certainly one I think works with my husband. YIKES!

Just read that, when I say previous life, I mean when I lived in England and one from Dubai not reincarnation.

What about the posters on here that post using multiple identities. Would they qualify as regards your topic title; 'knowing other people off these boards...' :o

No multiple ID's here and yes I know and have made extremely good friends from this and other forums. :D

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No one has mentioned that there are stories about employers who search the Internet for blogs or forum postings made by prospective employees.

Not to mention that some people spend more of their work days surfing the web than they spend on doing productive work for their employers. So posting under a semi anonymous name instead of ones own initials or real name would possibly hide that a bit better. Except for those whose employers spend a lot of time on checking proxy logs, monitoring network traffic, reading their employee's email and IM etc.

On the other hand, having the right buddies at work might give you immunity so your boss won't actually fire you, he will just talk about it year in and year out. "I'm going to fire x.x. next week! He hasn't updated the website for a year. Stealing from the company, that's what he is doing. Bastard. Thief!"

Oh-oh. You've got me sussed (you don't know me do you? God, I hope not! -- Nothing personal!)

That's why I moved to Thailand -- the IT staff at the (quite) big multi-media publishing company I work for aren't too bright so I can still get away with it ... if only we had a decent Internet connection.

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I suppose that if people were that interested they could identify me but I stand by what I post so are not worried. Some on the one forum do know me and I know them but it has never caused me problems.

I stand by even the Chang-fuelled stoooopid posts (that haven't been ''disappeared'') I've made here and on other forums (and even some really quite silly ones from 20+ years ago -- anyone else still got a CIX account?) that are still accessible. I'm not sure I'd want a potential employer reading them though ...

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I suppose that if people were that interested they could identify me but I stand by what I post so are not worried. Some on the one forum do know me and I know them but it has never caused me problems.

When I started posting on TV I used to sign off with my name at the end of the post. I think at about post number 5 I got a PM from one of the moderators telling me that it was against the rules and not to do. I sent back a reply asking for clarification because I couldn't find anything in the rules or at least the part that I read. Got a reply from the mod telling me that if I did it again I COULD be banned from the board. The reason given was that TV was a anonymous forum to allow people to freely express their opinions etc. I was going to reply that I was happy to freely express my opinion and would do it with my name attached to the message but decided that it wasn't worth the bother.

Anyone who knows my posts will see that I live in a small town just outside of Chiang Mai - there are 6 farung living in the whole area and I have never needed to give a local Thai directions to my house because they all knew where I lived from day 1.

I write on this board the same way as I speak in bars and with friends so I am easily recognised. A couple of people in CM bars have walked over to me in mid conversation and said "are you crow boy" and I have also been introduced to a couple of guys who are posters on TV as Crow boy. I have opinions and not afraid to express them, I am big enough, old enough, and ugly enough to stand up for myself. Similarly I am interested in what other people think even if they are idiots :D like the one I once spotted using the free internet access at #1 Bar in CM. :o

I respect the anonymity of others and yes I sometime wonder if that old wa#ker talking total sh*t really is someone I know on TV but I don't lose sleep over it.

A couple of the CM boys organised a meet and greet at a bar a while back and apparently there were a few surprises, I couldn't make it due to other commitments but would be happy to do it another time.

TV offers a great opportunity for expats and homelanders to exchange views but at the same time I look at posts and think "are you out of your f*&Jin' mind?"


San Kamphaeng

Chiang Mai


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For all the verbal roughhousing that goes on here sometimes, I find that some of the nastiest rivals get on just fine when the keyboards are put aside and the beers hit the table.

Can't say I've met anyone here in person I didn't like.

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I am easy to track down. Just look for my avatar's banana leaf in the garden of a Swiss house, then check the name on the letter box. Ring the bell and I invite you in for a cup of tea, a glass of wine, or a beer.

Oops, looking out through the window I see that the leaves have wilted during winter and new ones are sprouting. Perhaps when they are fully grown I should take a new picture and use it as my avatar.




thats strange, i always thought that was a nice picture of a sort of over-hanging rock, the sort of mountainous ledge that the coyote would fall over when chasing the roadrunner. definitely not a banana leaf.

i think i'll ignore that revelation since i'm sure none of you exist in real life.

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For all the verbal roughhousing that goes on here sometimes, I find that some of the nastiest rivals get on just fine when the keyboards are put aside and the beers hit the table.

Can't say I've met anyone here in person I didn't like.

I am inclined to agree with you. I once had a friend who had many a verbal sparring match with posters on a less sensible forum than this, yet when he met them in person for a beer as he often did they got on like a house on fire.

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Oh-oh. You've got me sussed (you don't know me do you? God, I hope not! -- Nothing personal!)

No, I don't think I know you.

But I do know a person who uses his own initials as his thaivisa.com nickname, and whose boss keep has been bitching since the day after he hired him that he is going to fire him. And who hasn't updated the company website for a very, very, very long time. :o

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