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Russian agent Butina begs U.S. judge for mercy, gets 18 months in prison


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Russian agent Butina begs U.S. judge for mercy, gets 18 months in prison

By Sarah N. Lynch



FILE PHOTO: Maria Butina appears in a police booking photograph released by the Alexandria Sheriff's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. August 18, 2018. Alexandria Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Admitted Russian agent Maria Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Friday after the Siberia native, her voice breaking with emotion, begged a judge for mercy and expressed remorse for conspiring with a Russian official to infiltrate a gun rights group and influence U.S. conservative activists and Republicans.


U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan imposed a sentence that matched the prison term prosecutors requested and also agreed to have Butina, 30, deported back to Russia after she completes her incarceration. The sentence included the nine months Butina already has served in jail since her July arrest, meaning she has about nine more months behind bars.


Lawyers for Butina, a former graduate student at American University in Washington who publicly advocated for gun rights, had asked Chutkan to impose a sentence of time served and let her return to Russia.


Clad in a green prison jumpsuit, Butina implored Chutkan for leniency, calling her "dear judge."


"For all the international scandal my arrest has caused, I feel ashamed and embarrassed. My parents taught me the virtue of higher education, how to live life lawfully, and how to be good and kind to others," Butina said.


"I have three degrees, but now I'm a convicted felon with no job, no money and no freedom," Butina added.


Butina pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiring to act as a foreign agent, agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors. The case marked another irritant in fraught U.S.-Russian relations.


"This was no simple misunderstanding by an over-eager foreign student," Chutkan said before imposing the sentence.


Butina admitted to conspiring with a Russian official and two Americans from 2015 until her arrest to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, a group closely aligned with U.S. conservatives and Republican politicians including President Donald Trump, and create unofficial lines of communication to try to shape Washington's policy toward Moscow.


By coincidence, Trump addressed the NRA's annual meeting in Indianapolis about an hour after Butina's sentencing, drawing enthusiastic cheers by announcing the United States would abandon an international treaty regulating conventional arms sales.


In Moscow, Russia's foreign ministry called Butina's sentence "politically motivated," saying in a statement: "Our countrywoman was sentenced only because she is a citizen of Russia."


Prosecutors said while Butina did not engage in "traditional" spy craft, she worked behind the scenes to make inroads in conservative political circles and promote warmer U.S.-Russian relations. She arranged dinners in Washington and New York and attended events to meet prominent politicians.


Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, was the Russian official mentioned in the case. Torshin was not charged.


Butina's case was separate from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. election, which detailed numerous contacts between Trump's campaign and Russia. Her activities, though, occurred during the same period as the contacts investigated by Mueller.




Until Friday, Butina had made no major public comments since her arrest. Her remarks ran counter to the Kremlin's account of Butina being forced by the United States to falsely confess to the "ridiculous" charge of being a Russian agent.


"I destroyed my own life," Butina told the judge.


"While I know I am not this evil person who has been depicted in the media, I am responsible for these consequences," Butina added.


"Now I beg for mercy, for the chance to go home and restart my life," she said.


Her lawyers downplayed her crime as a simple failure to notify the Justice Department of her activities on Russia's behalf.


"If I had known to register as a foreign agent, I would have done so without delay," Butina told the judge. "I just didn't register because I didn't know to."


Prosecutor Erik Kenerson told the court Butina's activities were more serious.


"This is not a registration offence," Kenerson said. "This is a case where the defendant acted in the United States as an agent of the Russian government."


Chutkan said determining Butina's sentence was "far more complicated" than most cases. The 18 months recommended by prosecutors were less than they could have sought, reflecting Butina's cooperation after her guilty plea that included her speaking to a congressional committee, the FBI and federal prosecutors.


Reuters previously reported Butina was a public Trump supporter who bragged at Washington parties she could use her political connections to help people land jobs in his administration.


One of the two Americans referenced by prosecutors was conservative political activist Paul Erickson, Butina's then-boyfriend. He was not charged in Butina's case but faces wire fraud and money laundering charges in a separate prosecution in South Dakota.


Many of Butina's meetings were documented on her social media pages, with photos of her at NRA conferences, a high-profile annual prayer breakfast in Washington, and with dignitaries including Republican former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a 2016 presidential candidate.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-04-27

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Russian agent Butina begs U.S. judge for mercy, gets 18 months in prison

She'll get credit for the nine months she's already served. Then deported back to Russia.

Anyone think an American being charged similarly in Russia would get such soft treatment?

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32 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

She'll get credit for the nine months she's already served. Then deported back to Russia.

Anyone think an American being charged similarly in Russia would get such soft treatment?

She’s a key witness to multiple crimes, I’m quite certain there are those eager to have her deported.

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9 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


When NRATV puts out propaganda such as this, it is clear that the NRA is more than just a gun rights advocacy group, they are also a right-wing propagandist.


 In America It's a guns right group ,it says so in the article! It's a lawful organization that promotes gun safety through seminars,laws,tips and how to use them . It helps teach 5 million Americans of which 1 million are democrat ! Simple1 called it right wing organization! It is a name used by some liberals mostly leftest to denounce and deligitimize the members rights to bare arms and belong to a group that promotes safety ! I'm sure many dems would take offense to someone calling their membership in a organization as "right wing" when  1 million clearly aren't

Edited by riclag
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13 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Is this the part where you go on to attack the entire right for the actions of a spy? Call the NRA a terrorist organization? 


Just asking because you're on the extreme left and apparently stating what the left is going to do with this information is not allowed, according to you. 


And you seem particularly angry this morning.

I agree with you. Sort of. A bit maybe.

There was no need for the Russians to infiltrate extreme right wingers to influence the Republican Party and conservatives. 

The gun lobby was already doing far better than this amateur attempt by Russia. There is no collusion, the gun lobby is doing far better than cheap Russian attempts.


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An odd week for the NRA...



Trump at NRA convention

Ollie North-Wayne LaPierre "wardrobe" dust-up results in Col. North getting the boot

Filings with the FEC detailing the NRAs laundering of money for Senate and Presidential campaigns



I thought that there was some trade in the works Butina for Paul Whelan, and a spy to be named later?


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Butina, in pleading for mercy at her trial said, “I still hold a whisper in my heart to one day return to this country, but I know this wish is only a dream"


This reads a lot like the spam I sometimes get from "beautiful Russian ladies in my area" who are always extremely keen to meet darling.

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"Please judge, I love America.  And Jesus.  And gun."


7 hours ago, Thakkar said:

This reads a lot like the spam I sometimes get from "beautiful Russian ladies in my area" who are always extremely keen to meet darling.

I was staying out in the sticks in Malaysia once, got a pop-add with pics of Russian dollies and the caption "These girls in Bukit Middleoffrigginnowhere want to meet you."



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On 4/27/2019 at 9:11 PM, Prissana Pescud said:

I agree with you. Sort of. A bit maybe.

There was no need for the Russians to infiltrate extreme right wingers to influence the Republican Party and conservatives. 

The gun lobby was already doing far better than this amateur attempt by Russia. There is no collusion, the gun lobby is doing far better than cheap Russian attempts.


This is how some people want us.. well not us, but the Trump base and NRA following folks to think. 



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On 4/27/2019 at 8:39 PM, riclag said:

 In America It's a guns right group ,it says so in the article! It's a lawful organization that promotes gun safety through seminars,laws,tips and how to use them . It helps teach 5 million Americans of which 1 million are democrat ! Simple1 called it right wing organization! It is a name used by some liberals mostly leftest to denounce and deligitimize the members rights to bare arms and belong to a group that promotes safety ! I'm sure many dems would take offense to someone calling their membership in a organization as "right wing" when  1 million clearly aren't


Its perfectly clear from the quote I posted, accusing the womens march of indocrinating children with a socialist agenda that they go way beyond gun rights and also that the orgsnisation has a political leaning, clearly they are anti socialist or they would not of written their fears of children being exposed to socialism.


Tell me, just who did Wayne LaPierre mean when he said 'they' at thr Conservative Political Action Conference, "If they seize power ... our American freedoms could be lost and our country will be changed forever," ???

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On 4/28/2019 at 5:13 AM, simple1 said:

trump has made three speeches at NRA. NRA contribute tens of millions of dollars to the Republicans, supports republican candidates, demonises Dems, laud trumps right of centre agenda - the NRA executive are not Right Wing??? LOL.


IMO US right to bear arms is antiquated and way overdue for Constitution Amendment, but not for this topic.


They used to give large donations to the Democrats as well, not anymore, now 99% is given to Republicans.  The 23% of NRA members are Democrats trope comes from extrapolated polling data of 3960 NRA members, a sample of 0.07% of members, a method we typically hear the reactionary dismiss as being fundamentslly flawed.

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