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Under fire, former U.S. V.P. Biden says he did not treat Anita Hill badly


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29 minutes ago, Kasane said:

America is clearly transitioning. Repubs have old white folks, fearful, scared, and mostly racists, backing Trump.  Dems have firebrands like AOC that have know the pulse of the marginalized and downtrodden, and dems old white establishment does not quite know how to handle this phenomena. Interesting times.

AOC won in a district that a hairy toad labelled democrat could win against a republican of the stature of Abe Lincoln. She does NOT represent the democratic party. She's part of the fabric but not even close to representing the majority. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

AOC won in a district that a hairy toad labelled democrat could win against a republican of the stature of Abe Lincoln. She does NOT represent the democratic party. She's part of the fabric but not even close to representing the majority. 

True but she does have her place and hey why not every party has a few oddballs so why not plus she annoys Donald lol

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1 minute ago, Tug said:

True but she does have her place and hey why not every party has a view oddballs so why not plus she annoys Donald lol

Sure of course. But to suggest she represents most democrats is simply a ploy from the "trump" fans. Maybe someday in the future her brand will manage a takeover of the democratic party in the way "trump" took over the republican party, but that's just a maybe, and definitely not NOW. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

But you're 100 percent wrong. Look at the Blue Wave in the house. Sure there a few far left extremists getting the most press. But most of the winners that actually turned the house? Centrist or center left democrats that won in districts that "trump" won in 2016. I get the game you're playing. It's part of the "trump" propaganda tactic. Paint the democrats as radical lefty extremists. But overall that is NOT the truth. 


BTW -- I'm not thrilled about Biden but I think he has a place in this race and we'll see how it turns out. 


Calling it a Blue wave is subjective opinion, but nevertheless that doesn't matter much in the presidential race. And it is a fact that the Dems have gone radical left, and in their eagerness to pat women and people of color on the head, they've put forth quite the little extremist group that provides a hell of a pool to choose political ammunition from. 


9 minutes ago, Tug said:

mr Biden will be just fine a good centerest safe experienced guy just the guy we need to right the ship of state and get her back on course


This is pretty much what they said about Hillary. 

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I was shocked to recently read an article detailing how prominent a part Biden played in supporting and prosecuting the War on Drugs.. efforts that resulted in so many incarcerations of American citizens including - of course - a disproportionate percentage of non-white citizens.


He is still against legalization of cannabis, which makes him the odd man out among current announced Democratic candidates.


This background, which will be highlighted by his Democratic opponents, combined with his "slightly out of touch" problems with women will be the end of his campaign.


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9 minutes ago, bobbin said:

I was shocked to recently read an article detailing how prominent a part Biden played in supporting and prosecuting the War on Drugs.. efforts that resulted in so many incarcerations of American citizens including - of course - a disproportionate percentage of non-white citizens.


He is still against legalization of cannabis, which makes him the odd man out among current announced Democratic candidates.


This background, which will be highlighted by his Democratic opponents, combined with his "slightly out of touch" problems with women will be the end of his campaign.


Fair points. He needs to explain his past and I hope he changes his position of legalization. It would help his chances. Keep in mind this is still an OPEN primary.

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6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Great campaign start Joe! How about this. Fire your advisors, they made a fool out of you. Go away and play some golf and enjoy your twilight years. Let somebody with a clean background and some charisma run for President.

Yeah, Sanders is waiting too

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6 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

Oh dear, incidents happened 30 years ago.... 

Nobody at that time was complaining. 

I think it's improppriate to make that important for being a candidate for presidency 

At the very least he does need to clarify his current position to contrast from his older position. This is the problem any very experienced politician has and a benefit fresher politicians have less of, such as Mayor Pete. Biden knows we all know he has tons of experience. He won't himself by emphasizing that because that just reminds people again of his age.

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6 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

When a woman feels the need to claim a politician acted inappropriately, years after the alleged event...there is a motive outside seeking an apology...this is just more dirty politics...the Dems will be fun to watch as 20 candidates compete for the one coveted position...turn on one another...let's see how low they can go...let the poop slinging liars face-off to destroy one another...????


Will the DNC fiddle the results so their chosen one gets the coveted position like last time?

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

At the very least he does need to clarify his current position to contrast from his older position. This is the problem any very experienced politician has and a benefit fresher politicians have less of, such as Mayor Pete. Biden knows we all know he has tons of experience. He won't himself by emphasizing that because that just reminds people again of his age.

Well, I agree in some extent. Biden got a lot of experience and the by this made a lot of mistakes. Why It's so hard to admit? Everybody changes positions and opinions within decades. Politicians are no exceptions. And times are changing. 

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Will the DNC fiddle the results so their chosen one gets the coveted position like last time?

First of all, Hillary would have still been nominated even without super delegates.

Secondly, yes the DNC has instituted major reforms since then, so the general answer to your rather unfair question is NO.

It's an open primary. Very open. 

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1 minute ago, sawadee1947 said:

Well, I agree in some extent. Biden got a lot of experience and the by this made a lot of mistakes. Why It's so hard to admit? Everybody changes positions and opinions within decades. Politicians are no exceptions. And times are changing. 

That's true and as far as the African American part of the base which is massively important in democratic party primaries, Biden is already wildly popular. 

That's another reason why he is going to be hard to beat. But Biden is not inevitable. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's true and as far as the African American part of the base which is massively important in democratic party primaries, Biden is already wildly popular. 


That should be an easy enough pot to stir, just blast it across the news media that Creepy Joe is the one that a huge hand with putting their fathers in prison. 

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2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


That should be an easy enough pot to stir, just blast it across the news media that Creepy Joe is the one that a huge hand with putting their fathers in prison. 

African Americans already know about his history and they know where he is at NOW (at least where he was at under Obama) and they still love him. Nice try. No cigar. 

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15 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Yep, and Obama isn't here and isn't endorsing Creepy Joe either. 



That's a feature. He will if he's nominated. Obama is doing the right thing and Biden doesn't want to be perceived that his nomination is a coronation any more than people already (incorrectly) perceive that it is. 

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Trump is going to have a hard time getting the same number of Democrats and Independents who crossed over and voted for him to do it again- as they feel betrayed by him.


Trump's tax cut did nothing for the middle class- the $2-3 a day extra money simply buys a daily cup of coffee, while the wealthy have become even wealthier.  The level  of wealth disparity in America is startling and more people are slipping into the lower classes than rising to the wealthy class


Americans of all colors and ages want the next President to do the following=


1.  Establish Medicare for all- a truly universal health care system that covers all Americans (and hopefully those abroad)


2.  Real Immigration reform in which an Immigration plan provides legal ways for foreign workers to come to America; stops the locking up of children in detention camps; and paves the way for a partial amnesty.


3.  Real Tax reform which starts to fix the unfair distribution of wealth- in which the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes and these taxes are spent on programs such as Healthcare.


4. Tuition free education and a reform of the  student loan program which makes students an indentured servant of the banking industry for 20 years.


5.  A raise of the federal minimum wage to  $15.00 per hour from the current $7.25 per hour which  is  not a living wage.


6.  A reform of the drug laws in which cannabis is legal in the US and other drugs are decriminalized with corresponding free medical care to enable addicts  to get off off addicting substances


7.  A reduction of the defense budget based upon solid negotiations with China; Russia and other nuclear powers to agree to force levels; nuclear levels and  disposition of troops.


8   A  complete pullout from Afghanistan and  iraq - The war is over.


9.  A complete reversal of the current foreign policy and a recognition that America must rely on Allies in Europe; Canada; Australia  and Japan to make sure the World is free from tyranny and terrorism.  America cannot go it alone.


10.  A trade policy that actually works and one that does not  use outdated tariffs to threaten both allies and adversaries.


11.  A balanced budget and a law that stops the US allowing  countries like Russia and China from purchasing American debt which is creating a clear and resent danger to  American interests.


12.   America must rejoin the Climate  Treaty as it is a proven fact that the World will eventually destroy itself if limits are not imposed. 


13.  An infusion of funds into the US Social Security System to include  an immediate pension increase of 15%  for  each recipient paid for by expanding the Social Security tax to every working American (It is currently  not taxed above $125K of income)


The candidate that  can present the above plan will get my vote.  




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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump is going to have a hard time getting the same number of Democrats and Independents who crossed over and voted for him to do it again- as they feel betrayed by him.


Trump's tax cut did nothing for the middle class- the $2-3 a day extra money simply buys a daily cup of coffee, while the wealthy have become even wealthier.  The level  of wealth disparity in America is startling and more people are slipping into the lower classes than rising to the wealthy class


Americans of all colors and ages want the next President to do the following=


1.  Establish Medicare for all- a truly universal health care system that covers all Americans (and hopefully those abroad)


2.  Real Immigration reform in which an Immigration plan provides legal ways for foreign workers to come to America; stops the locking up of children in detention camps; and paves the way for a partial amnesty.


3.  Real Tax reform which starts to fix the unfair distribution of wealth- in which the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes and these taxes are spent on programs such as Healthcare.


4. Tuition free education and a reform of the  student loan program which makes students an indentured servant of the banking industry for 20 years.


5.  A raise of the federal minimum wage to  $15.00 per hour from the current $7.25 per hour which  is  not a living wage.


6.  A reform of the drug laws in which cannabis is legal in the US and other drugs are decriminalized with corresponding free medical care to enable addicts  to get off off addicting substances


7.  A reduction of the defense budget based upon solid negotiations with China; Russia and other nuclear powers to agree to force levels; nuclear levels and  disposition of troops.


8   A  complete pullout from Afghanistan and  iraq - The war is over.


9.  A complete reversal of the current foreign policy and a recognition that America must rely on Allies in Europe; Canada; Australia  and Japan to make sure the World is free from tyranny and terrorism.  America cannot go it alone.


10.  A trade policy that actually works and one that does not  use outdated tariffs to threaten both allies and adversaries.


11.  A balanced budget and a law that stops the US allowing  countries like Russia and China from purchasing American debt which is creating a clear and resent danger to  American interests.


12.   America must rejoin the Climate  Treaty as it is a proven fact that the World will eventually destroy itself if limits are not imposed. 


13.  An infusion of funds into the US Social Security System to include  an immediate pension increase of 15%  for  each recipient paid for by expanding the Social Security tax to every working American (It is currently  not taxed above $125K of income)


The candidate that  can present the above plan will get my vote.  




IMO there will NEVER be an American candidate that presents ALL your wish list.

Perhaps there is a chance for number 6 though, and number 1 is the only sane policy but has no chance of passing while the present lobbying system is allowed to continue. Too much money being made by insurance companies to give it away. There is zero chance of it covering citizens abroad, Even the NHS doesn't do that.

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Another reason Biden has strong odds to get the nomination is that he has very strong support among OLDER democrats. While democratic primaries do attract lots of more leftist activists than are representative of the party overall, in real life, OLDER people vote much more reliably than younger people. Biden's appeal to older voters is not only about his own old age. Sanders is also very old but his support base is younger people. 

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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obama is doing the right thing and Biden doesn't want to be perceived that his nomination is a coronation any more than people already (incorrectly) perceive that it is. 


LOL no, thats not whats happening at all. Obama campaigned and presided over the USA for EIGHT YEARS barfing on and on and on about "diversity" and "more women" and "more people of color" so hes between a rock and a hard place of the DNC's own construction. Endorse Creepy Joe, the creepy old white dude who's a MeToo case waiting to happen, or one of the 400 other Dem runners that arent white. 


And on top of that, endorse creepy Joe, the old white dude, or kick his centrist base in the balls and go full socialist? 


It must be terribly hard to be a democrat having to navigate all the stupidity they created for themselves.

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12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

5.  A raise of the federal minimum wage to  $15.00 per hour from the current $7.25 per hour which  is  not a living wage.


And what happens to all the people who have been working a couple of years and have earned $15/hour? Do they get their pay more than doubled too? Or are they instantly minimum wage again? 


And if they get a raise that represents their experience, how far up the chain do raises have to go? 


That stupid idea would cripple and bankrupt labor heavy small businesses. 

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

MO there will NEVER be an American candidate that presents ALL your wish list.

Perhaps there is a chance for number 6 though, and number 1 is the only sane policy but has no chance of passing while the present lobbying system is allowed to continue. Too much money being made by insurance companies to give it away. There is zero chance of it covering citizens abroad, Even the NHS doesn't do that.

You are probably right but I am hoping at least one candidate will express a platform that has some of my wishes.


American cannot continue on its current path of creating minimum wage jobs and the majority of its population  transferring huge amounts of wealth to the 1% or not having universal healthcare.  





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4 hours ago, Kasane said:

Don't understand how fossil can take life again. And we have one in the WH too.

Really? If I remember correctly. The President wasn't a politician. But, you all seem to want him to be one.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

You are probably right but I am hoping at least one candidate will express a platform that has some of my wishes.


American cannot continue on its current path of creating minimum wage jobs and the majority of its population  transferring huge amounts of wealth to the 1% or not having universal healthcare.  





Open a thread about that on "The pub" and I'll happily debate about that, but it's too far off topic to continue on here.

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6 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Do you not see both the irony in this post AND they hypocrisy? Do you want me to list just the top 10 pet names ive seen you use to describe Trump AND his supporters? 


Dont pearl-clutch & hyperventilate as a way to dodge a post. 

No, I don't.

If you want to engage with me, then speak in a civil manner and do not use "trump" branding names on democrats. I happen to admire most of the democrats that are running and I won't get sucked into playing along with the "trump" troll branding games. As far as "trump" being a Twitter troll, that isn't a brand, that is a FACT. 



Donald Trump Is The World’s Greatest Troll




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