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How Rich Are Tv-members ?


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Absolutely loaded, Mr Man is a millionaire and I am a princess with my own kingdom that generates as much bread and honey as I can spend. My daughters are, or at least will be highly desirable as brides due to the huge dowery that we can afford to lay out. I buy my weeks shopping at either Villa or Paragon, I use creme de la mare on my face and elbows...............................

Actually we are not loaded by any stretch of the mind. We have enough to get by on, own a car and go on holiday often - usually to Pattaya, Koh Chang or fly airasia.

Wealth is a relative thing.We are compared to many, if not the majorityof Thai people absoluted loaded, but in comparison to our friends in England we are certainly the poor relations.

Don't lay awake at night worrying about the exchange rate though.

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i feel rich because im blessed with a positive outlook and balanced view on life.

i can way up the good and the bad and usually come up with a positive instead of a negative. :D

the glass is half full instead of half empty sort of thing.

i have a great job, which brings me respect and allows me to travell often, also supplying a very fair financial reward.

thank you very much. :o

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I convert a lot of my hard earned satang into liquid assets which can temporarily make me feel rather bad .... :bah::D

but the hangover is definately worth paying the price for a night out with the katoey 10 eh dave. :D :D :D:o:bah:

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I convert a lot of my hard earned satang into liquid assets which can temporarily make me feel rather bad .... :o:bah:

but the hangover is definately worth paying the price for a night out with the katoey 10 eh dave. :D :D :D:o:bah:

All I can say Terry is that it will be good to have the reverend back in the Rambuttri parish in May to help me with the K10 and those 3 litre towers of liquid assets. :D

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I don't think about the stock markets because it's years since I owned stocks.

I try not to think about the baht exchange rate because it makes me want to vomit.

I lie awake worrying whether I can get to sleep before the bloody sparrows start chirping.


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Do you lay awake worrying, about world stock-market corrections, or the baht exchange-rate ?

I don't worry about corrections but if the baht goes down it makes my farang money buy me a longer stay. In general if you got no money you are not really wanted in any country and Thailand is no exception to that rule.

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No. Not financially wealthy. I'm a bakery chef and I make about US$ 26,000 a year. That's just about enough to get by here in the States and maybe have enough for a nice vacation at the end of the year if you live very freugally.

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I'm rich enough to be able to have anything I need or want. I'm also blessed by not wanting to have, or needing to have anything too extravagant.

Quote by Mark Twain: A man is rich in proportion to that which he can do without.

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Well I am not really happy, purchased a Benz S class 500 series and it stutters when going beyond 200 KM per hour.

My pool (50x20) gets cleaned every week but still have some leaves in it after.

The maids (4) are doing a good job on keeping the house clean, they also cook for me whatever I want.

However, a bit of problem for them to find a good Kebab.

Have sauna and Yakuchi.

So I consider myself rich but not too rich.


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My Ex won the lottery, we had everything however life was shit!

Now i have no money but do have a wonderful fiance, life is fantastic!

Depends on what 'rich' means to the individual!


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I'm certainly not rich by any western standards BUT I live here as I choose and am able to to live on less than half of what I could afford to spend. That may change if the baht keeps appreciating and if my stocks continue to go down. Actually my nest egg is in the stock market and other than the dividends, I have not had to use any of it. My retirement was based on 25 baht to the dollar so I am still comfortable.

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Well I am not really happy, purchased a Benz S class 500 series and it stutters when going beyond 200 KM per hour.

My pool (50x20) gets cleaned every week but still have some leaves in it after.

The maids (4) are doing a good job on keeping the house clean, they also cook for me whatever I want.

However, a bit of problem for them to find a good Kebab.

Have sauna and Yakuchi.

So I consider myself rich but not too rich.



To answer the original question......

Obscenely, thanks for asking, important? no where near as important as the health and happiness of my family and friends, and of course as the above post points out, that all my toys are running correctly......... and the houses are always clean………

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However, a bit of problem for them to find a good Kebab


Dear Mr. High Master,

Am writing to express my keen interest to provide Kebab with the most original (Taste) standards and high quality that I wish it would get your consent :D


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