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Thais' obsession with documents, copies, signatures


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14 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

In immigration once I was asked for proof of where I lived....I didn't have anything with me as it is not legally required to extend your visa, indeed they had just asked me to fill in a form in English saying what documentation was needed and it was only 4 items (passport, pictures, forms filled in and money). I pointed this out to the IO and he said it was a new regulation which was a lie. 

I told them to look in the file for proof of my address as they have hundred of copies of my wife's blue book, wife's ID cards, 90 day reports etc. 

He wouldn't budge and I had to go back home and get the blue book and bring my wife back to sign. As the next day was a Saturday, my visa expired and I was stuck having to pay an overstay fine.

I ask myself, why bother collecting all these copies if you never ever want to refer to them in the future? My experience generally is that the more backward the nation, the more paperwork is required for the simplest things. This of course is a major reason for low productivity, inefficiency, and corruption. I am not holding my breath for Thailand to computerise or liberalise.

Ya, I wonder when they will start to do the 90 day reports by computer?  Or pay bills with a cell phone?  Or increase their exports.  Or make more cars.  the fastest-growing cars exporters since 2014 were: Sweden (up 135.5%), Turkey (up 71.5%), Thailand (up 70%) and Mexico (up 52.5%) .

Five countries posted declines in their exported cars sales namely: United States (down -16.6%), South Korea (down -14.7%), Canada (down -8.6%), Germany (down -3.5%) and United Kingdom (down -0.9%).



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14 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

I taught in Thailand 1968 to 1970 and again 2000 to 2005 in Government schools and for the Thai Navy and private colleges.  Kindergarten through college.  I'm a graduate of the University of Michigan. 

Good school, U of M. Had a friend that I played football with my first two years of college at the local Junior College who was from Michigan. Knowing he’d probably be a bench player there, he came out to California where his Mom lived.

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On 5/9/2019 at 8:13 AM, ttl said:

Maybe immigration should be interested in a scanner to save duplicate personal copies to be physically sent to the master office from Mukdahan to Korat  and all other offices round the country,  Then we only need to submit one copy of every required document which is filed by scanner to ultimate destination where it is instantly available

Would reduce work load considerably for every one????


They already have scanners at my I O after making me get copies of nearly every page of my bank book, yep they scanned it.....Oh and don't forget the photo they take with their computer. Daft as a brush is what my dad would have said.

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On 5/9/2019 at 10:01 AM, Captain 776 said:

Just be happy that Immigration stopped the madness of all the required copies for 90 day.......just a TM-47 and you are out the door in less than 10 minutes........unless you do online or other method

Online DOES NOT work

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23 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

You're a foreigner so can't compare. Much of the paperwork is due to your own countries too. Bank forms for example, do you think Thais want to deal with it? 


I do not think the paperwork is significantly more than in other countries. 

So you have never traveled. 

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This thread is sorta all over the place.


Two people move, one from Thailand to usa, one usa to Thailand.


After that first year, I am betting the paperwork from the visa process alone far far exceeds the entire sum of paperwork the American in Thailand had to fill out. We will assume they both did the same stuff, applied for a bank account, filled out their tax returns etc.


What are we still talking about? It is obvious the real issue here is entitlement and people believing they are above Thailand's procedures... even when their own country has much more paperwork for foreigners! I can't think of too many positions more arrogant and self serving than that. 


Just chill out! Thailand is not the bad guy. 

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2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

correct, give the monkey sugar.

Nothing good about it or it's alright.

Alien go immigration with paperwork but there's no sign of intelligent life. ????

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21 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

You know foreign people living in the US? How about when they came to the usa? Make a pile of all the docs needed for that, then make a pile of docs for a foreigner to come to Thailand. We are talking about 50 to 1 here. The op's assertions is absurd.


Try this... look i to their tax docs when they are in the usa. Or my god look at their tac docs if they open up a business. Then compare those to the foreigner working in Thailand equivalent. 


People just think they are put out because they are overprivileged, pretentious white folk who think the world should lay out a red carpet.  


People have to deal with paperwork far worse than what expats do here. For christ's sake, there are currently bans in place prohibiting some nationalities from entering USA. And you think you have it bad in Thailand? Imagine the documentation, like I said, for someone from Saudi Arabia to visit their parents. Some of these folks are on a quasi ban to enter the US, and you think their paperwork is LESS than your in Thailand lol. Seriously laughable. 



Who in their right mind would want to visit Trumpland.

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In immigration once I was asked for proof of where I lived....I didn't have anything with me as it is not legally required to extend your visa, indeed they had just asked me to fill in a form in English saying what documentation was needed and it was only 4 items (passport, pictures, forms filled in and money). I pointed this out to the IO and he said it was a new regulation which was a lie. 
I told them to look in the file for proof of my address as they have hundred of copies of my wife's blue book, wife's ID cards, 90 day reports etc. 
He wouldn't budge and I had to go back home and get the blue book and bring my wife back to sign. As the next day was a Saturday, my visa expired and I was stuck having to pay an overstay fine.
I ask myself, why bother collecting all these copies if you never ever want to refer to them in the future? My experience generally is that the more backward the nation, the more paperwork is required for the simplest things. This of course is a major reason for low productivity, inefficiency, and corruption. I am not holding my breath for Thailand to computerise or liberalise.
Yes they have all your data already in their system in case of renewal of something.
I observed them, they are just checking if something has changed from the endless forms that you filled out. Those monkeys, why it doesn't go the other way round.
Ask if something has changed since your last visit or give you a glance at your records to confirm they are still correct and up-to-date.

Why immigration or other state authorities take a example from Thai hospitals. Once you filled out your patient data you get a unique number and plastic card.
So anytime you go to the same hospital again just hand over your card or even by your name and birth date they can find your record again.
Immigration and other state authorities living in the stone age of administration.
Hell, they not even managed to link some databases together.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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