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Former English teacher at prestigious Bangkok school jailed over child sex offences


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4 hours ago, XenZen said:

people need to wake up.  way to many are sick and perverted and that's why they come over here, visa runs out, and then they figure they can just teach.  other teachers, farangs, i'm sure know the guy is off but afraid to report and probably have no proof.  schools like the white face.  they should be called English "speakers" not teachers.   



4 hours ago, LongTang said:


Sure, spill some more fuel on the xenophobic fire here.

All white farangs are sick perverts or accomplices.

I'm sure the XEN in your name stands for xenophob.


Just know that people like you can do a lot of damage to others, Just as the scum that will be rotting now in jail.


I don't think that is spilling more fuel on the xenophobic fire.  Just calling it as it is...if the shoe fits wear it.  

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2 hours ago, neeray said:

Had he been to Ph and apprehended there, Duerte would have given him very, very little jail time, nothing like 5 + 5.

Duerte would have eliminated this scum post-haste, and probably quite brutally.

You think so?

Rumours suggest some different outcome.

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2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Agreed, but life without parole

I actually never thought I could agreed to locking someone for the term of their natural life, but I cannot see hope of rehabilitation for some.


These can go a long way to assure rehabilitation.



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Yet Bill Wyman has been given a very sympathetic reaction this week when he discussed his relationship with 13 year old Mandy when he was middle aged. If you are a rock star or a DJ you can get a away with it like Saville and John peel, if you are a teacher or a footballer they (rightly) get crucified in the media, double standards.

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2 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Yet Bill Wyman has been given a very sympathetic reaction this week when he discussed his relationship with 13 year old Mandy when he was middle aged. If you are a rock star or a DJ you can get a away with it like Saville and John peel, if you are a teacher or a footballer they (rightly) get crucified in the media, double standards.

Although Wyman did go on to marry Mandy Smith , also Savilles activities only came to light after he died (although his activities were hushed up at the time and not publicized) and John Peel didnt do too much wrong (and also died).

   Those things also happened in the 1970's , where its wasnt such an issue , as it is now .

Gary Glitter and the Lost Prophets singer , jailed for 50 years , show that rock starts can no longer get away with it 

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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Although Wyman did go on to marry Mandy Smith , also Savilles activities only came to light after he died (although his activities were hushed up at the time and not publicized) and John Peel didnt do too much wrong (and also died).

   Those things also happened in the 1970's , where its wasnt such an issue , as it is now .

Gary Glitter and the Lost Prophets singer , jailed for 50 years , show that rock starts can no longer get away with it 

John Peel admitted in the 90's that when a DJ in the states he had 'girls as young as 13 queuing up to be abused and I was only to too happy to oblige'. He also married a 15 year old in the states and had a 15 year old gf in the UK while he was married. Sexual abuse of children is RAPE it is now and it was in the 1970's. Saville and Peel were criminal rapists. Glitter was rather an exception, the Politicians of course have had the most free passes. If they could do Glitter for images on his computer why not Wyman for admitted rape of a child?

Edited by Orton Rd
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He also said he wanted to have sex with a four year old.


    But a four-year-old sounds so insane that he's lost his human rights. Being a teacher should give him twice as much time as anybody else would receive.


    Cut it off and give it to the ducks! 





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32 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


Source please or are you just disparaging the inhabitants of Thailand's villages?





Google "Rape remains a serious problem, but reported rates in Thailand not especially high" 


There is a reason that so many Thai soaps feature rape and violence, even familial rape and violence. 


Some Thai academics also argue that the relatively high rates of non-traditional sexuality in Thailand are due is significant part to the regularity of familial sexual abuse at early ages. 


A reason for everything. 

Edited by Fex Bluse
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5 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:


Some Thai academics also argue that the relatively high rates of non-traditional sexuality in Thailand is due is significant part to the regularity of familial sexusl abuse at early ages. 

An area for more serious research. I have know a few women who said their first experiences were with female family members, they were all bi sexual as adults. Others were raped by male family members, 10-12 being their ages.

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5 hours ago, monkeycu said:

How does a grown man get turned on by young kids.

It's just the way some people are wired. They can't help it (apparently). 


Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, NO I don't understand it, NO I'm not into it and NO I don't support it. However, I don't think they should be hanged, mutilated, etc. as some people believe. They need counseling/therapy in addition to a prison sentence. There is help for alcoholics, drug addicts, people with mental disorders and so on, so why don't/can't these people get help too?  They need to be shown that it's not acceptable, it violates children's rights and screws up their lives. 

Edited by djayz
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4 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

The children's parents do not have clean hands and should have some form of punishment...then mandatory counseling with their child to get their parental responsibility act together...  

..thats it..they see the young child just as a money making item thinking they will forget it all by the time they are an adult..ludicrous inhumane logic..hope those little one's affected can deal with this terrible psychological burden forced on them.

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1 hour ago, watcharacters said:


Source please or are you just disparaging the inhabitants of Thailand's villages?




Hooo ! So now when it concerns the locals, suddenly stats and serious sources are needed...


I agree that sources are indeed needed, but it goes both ways.


Burning the farangs is easy.. why look deep when you can let the xenophobia blossom..


Edited by LongTang
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25 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:

What source could I possibly give you???

Learn Thai and listen to Thai people over a period of time. Say 10+ years. It's enlightening .

Not everything is written down or documented.

As I said it's all about saving face and a complete breakdown in guardianship of children.

So many children cared for by elderly people in villages as the mother is off working out of the village and the Dad is not present. In these villages there are a lot of drugs/alcohol being consumed by men.

You may call that a stereotype but it's real <deleted> life.

Are you really trying to tell us that Thais would tell you what's going on behind locked doors? You've gotta be kidding, it just doesn't happen, especially not to a foreigner. 


   Thai people do not talk about it so how would you hear that? Please explain that. 

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7 hours ago, LongTang said:


Sure, spill some more fuel on the xenophobic fire here.

All white farangs are sick perverts or accomplices.

I'm sure the XEN in your name stands for xenophob.


Just know that people like you can do a lot of damage to others, Just as the scum that will be rotting now in jail.


What damage can I do?  Yes, many teachers are sick.  Yes, if you suspect a teacher being sick, report them to the police.  I've seen more than a few teachers act horribly, and I've reported them.  got a few fired, but unfortunately nothing more.  Yes, it's a big problem here.


big problem.  as they say, 'even one kid is too many.'   i'm never going to protect a "teacher" thinking they have power because they can speak English.  It's not a real teacher in my eyes.  Most like to drink, are kids themselves, and people in the villages look up to them and get some sense of power.   sick, sick, people.  


show me the stats of how most men don't come to Thailand for sex.  then let's follow that lie......most come for sex, a lot like minors, and here we go.....  quit protecting these teachers.  

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6 hours ago, nickstav said:

I used to go to the Philippines a lot as the diving there was way much better than here in Thailand. Poverty in the Philippines is far greater than here in Thailand. Cure poverty, so parents don't have to exploit their children, and it will help solve the problem. I know this sounds simplistic, but that's what has to happen.

To cure poverty you have to eliminate corruption, that country would by ok if it could get rid of the politicians. You think Thailand is bad , how much did Marcos steal. That’s why so many poor and the rich get richer. 

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37 minutes ago, XenZen said:

What damage can I do?  Yes, many teachers are sick.  Yes, if you suspect a teacher being sick, report them to the police.  I've seen more than a few teachers act horribly, and I've reported them.  got a few fired, but unfortunately nothing more.  Yes, it's a big problem here.


big problem.  as they say, 'even one kid is too many.'   i'm never going to protect a "teacher" thinking they have power because they can speak English.  It's not a real teacher in my eyes.  Most like to drink, are kids themselves, and people in the villages look up to them and get some sense of power.   sick, sick, people.  


show me the stats of how most men don't come to Thailand for sex.  then let's follow that lie......most come for sex, a lot like minors, and here we go.....  quit protecting these teachers.  



37 minutes ago, XenZen said:

What damage can I do?

You stigmatize thousands of hard working "white"(as you called them) teachers that invest now their life in teaching and advancing Thai students, And Stigmatization if you don't know, can lead to very unpredictable and violent consequences.


Show me serious stats regarding farang teachers in comparison to the locals before you smear trash.


37 minutes ago, XenZen said:

show me the stats of how most men don't come to Thailand for sex. 

So most men who like sex are pedophiles that want 4 year old babies??

Ye... Lets have the stats about that.


37 minutes ago, XenZen said:

quit protecting these teachers.

I'm sorry, but here you showed the real low side of you..

I Specifically regarded him as A Scum that will rot in jail.


But then again, maybe your only real agenda is to promote Xenophobia and hatred so i guess it goes inline with your strategy..



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Are you really trying to tell us that Thais would tell you what's going on behind locked doors? You've gotta be kidding, it just doesn't happen, especially not to a foreigner. 
   Thai people do not talk about it so how would you hear that? Please explain that. 

2nd bar stool from the left is an amazing source of data

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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I don't know why lawmakers around the world don't make this a capital offense.  The damage that is done to these innocent kids is a life sentence.  I say these disgusting POS's should be executed.  Let them see actual executions for this perverse crime, and then watch the assaults and molestations start to go down immediately.   When there is no severe punishment for these filthy acts against children, it will continue in numbers that are way too big!  Executions are a valid deterrent!

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3 minutes ago, JMSIII said:

I don't know why lawmakers around the world don't make this a capital offense.  The damage that is done to these innocent kids is a life sentence.  I say these disgusting POS's should be executed.  Let them see actual executions for this perverse crime, and then watch the assaults and molestations start to go down immediately.   When there is no severe punishment for these filthy acts against children, it will continue in numbers that are way too big!  Executions are a valid deterrent!

Actually research in many countries disprove your theory on Capital punishment, admitted these projects looked at death penalty for murder.







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6 hours ago, jvs said:

You can blame the catholic church for the poverty there .

A good friend of mine told me the church still has more power than the government has.

I have seen families living under a piece of plastic and dad looking towards the river in case something would float by they could either eat or sell.

Not enough food for two adults but seven kids and soon eight.

That kind of poverty is not here in Thailand but abundant in the Philipines and that makes them an easy target.

You can blame the Catholic Church for all the poverty in Central and South America too. Not to mention the highest percentage of pedophiles by profession on the planet...priests.  

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8 hours ago, nickstav said:

Cure poverty, so parents don't have to exploit their children, and it will help solve the problem.


Any idea how to do that? Let us and every government in the world know and we'll get right on it. Thanks.

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