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I am coming to thailand for 45 days in june and july I take cbd oil medicinally for RA will I be able to bring my personal use supply?


Sheryl gives you a good starting point for learning more: the Thai FDA.


However, be aware you may be asking a slightly different question than you realize...


"...will I be able to bring my personal use supply?"


The answer depends on who finds it (even beyond what you learn from the FDA).  If it is found by customs when you arrive, the question will be whether the officer finding it knows the pertinent regulations, and if they do not, what will their action be?:

- confiscation of the CBD oil?

- detaining you?

In short, you will want to make sure of your case (ideally backed up by official documentation in Thai) even if you are right, to avoid potential hassles.


I believe the risk of getting caught is low, but I have avoided bringing in CDB oil for a Thai friend of mine who is undergoing cancer treatment--that's just my own assessment of the situation, which is too uncertain at the moment. 


This issue will probably eventually get worked out, as most things do, but for people who try things in the early stages of a regulatory change in Thailand (Thai and farang, alike) the resulting hassles are often not worth the effort.


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I'd add that, if you are caught with CBD at customs without the necessary permissions, you leave yourself wide open to extortion, which could be in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of Baht;

Picture this: the CBD is found in your possession; as is the way with Thai officialdom, you are made to feel like you are a mass murderer, such is the seriousness of your crime and the threats of decades in prison that accompany it. This softens you up for their opening gambit of, say, a couple of hundred thousand Baht in cash, right now. From then on it would be down to your negotiating skills, assuming your legs haven't collapsed from under you, to get the figure to something more affordable.

Of course, there's always the chance you could encounter an honest customs officer, who would begin putting you through due process, which could involve detention for months, with a fine and/or a prison sentence, then deportation and a ban from entering Thailand again at the end of it.

Which would you choose?


Just don't. Don't even try it.


If they catch you with a vape you get extorted, they know it's not really a drug but with CBC oil which they think is the same as Weed...oh boy i wouldn't want to be in that situation when caught. 





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3) You will not post about activities or links to websites containing such material that are illegal in Thailand. This includes but is not limited to: gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing, file sharing of pirated material, pyramid schemes, etc. Discussion of the above is permitted only as news items, but never as a "how to" topic.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

On 5/11/2019 at 3:12 PM, Sheryl said:

Since cabinoids have been reclassified as a category 2 narcotic it should in theory be possible to get a permit from the Thai FDA narcotics bureau same as one can for codeine, morphine etc.


That said, no reports as yet from anyone who has tried.


Contact <[email protected]

That’s a good question actually because during my trip to Bangkok a few days ago I seriously aggravated an old back injury, two old fractured vertebra that I had seriously injured on a jump (Airborne Operation) several years ago on Fort Bragg, NC and I aggravated a new injury from Songkran a fractured scapula.  So I was at Bangkok Hospital again last night they did another X-ray and I got another shot of morphine, and I was sent home with another 10 day supply of oral morphine pills.  I wish I could get something for my chronic pain that’s just as good as an opioid pain medication but without the risk of dependency.  About a year ago I started to have a problem with Codeine but I kicked it on my own.  So I really need something good for this severe pain right now but I really don’t want to take morphine unless I really have to because I don’t want to end up like I almost did a year ago with the Codeine.  If I can deal with it I won’t take my next dose of morphine if I can help it, but I’ve been awake all night and day because of the morphine it actually keeps me awake.  I’m going to try and take a nap and if I wake up in severe pain again then I’m probably going to pop another 10 milligram morphine pill.  


At Bangkok Hospital and at Saint Mary’s they have a copy of my military medical records so they truly understand that I am sometimes in severe chronic pain and they have no problem giving me morphine shots and oral morphine pills to take home if I really need it.   If I don’t really need it they won’t give it to me so it’s under control.  


I’m a 100% disabled veteran and I spent 21 years before I retired in Special Operations Units and I was on Airborne Status for most of my Military career and I’ve been on 5 combat tours.  I have multiple combined service connected disabilities, and I was also on Military Free Fall status as well (HALO High Altitude Low Opening jumps).  I was injured on lots of jumps (Airborne Operations) and in combat as well.  And my local Bangkok Hospital is well aware of my medical history and the extremely physically rigorous work that I used to do.  


Although I’ve never tried CBD oil.  Does it really work and how hard would it be to get it at the hospital?  


I never thought about asking the doctor about that yet.  They just shoot me up with morphine and send me home with oral morphine pills and sometimes Codeine with it as well when I’m in unbearable pain like last night.  I was doing really well till last night, I have not taken any morphine for the last 4 weeks until last night when the doctor gave it to me.  I will check out the website link you attached thanks so much.  

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They also usually give me anti inflammatories such as Celebrex to take with the oral morphine pills at home after getting an IV morphine shot. I have noticed the last few times I needed a morphine shot at Bangkok Hospital they have been giving me slightly stronger doses in the shot probably because they know exactly how many times I’ve had it, when the last time I had a morphine shot, and probably because of tolerance level. I remember in the past they were pretty stingy with the morphine but the last 3 times I needed it I got a larger dose of it. But not such a big dose that I’m totally in la la land it doesn’t make be feel super high but it does kick in fast through the IV. And I always immediately feel a pleasantly warm tingly feeling in my head as soon as they inject it into my vein.

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I wish there was a way they could just numb it without opioid pain medication like how the dentist does to your mouth when getting dental work done. The dentist used lidocaine I believe. I remember during some of my surgeries years ago before they sedated me they would give me something called an epidural I believe it’s called that totally numbs you from the waist down or wherever they’re cutting. I wish they could do something like that just numb it somehow with using morphine. I don’t know I’m not a doctor. I’ve had very basic medical training in the military. I was actually trained to give someone an IV. We used to practice that on each other using only fluids for hydration.

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23 minutes ago, theboogeyman said:

I wish there was a way they could just numb it without opioid pain medication like how the dentist does to your mouth when getting dental work done. The dentist used lidocaine I believe. I remember during some of my surgeries years ago before they sedated me they would give me something called an epidural I believe it’s called that totally numbs you from the waist down or wherever they’re cutting. I wish they could do something like that just numb it somehow with using morphine. I don’t know I’m not a doctor. I’ve had very basic medical training in the military. I was actually trained to give someone an IV. We used to practice that on each other using only fluids for hydration.

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Great for hangovers! 


It is NOT legal to buy from various websites given and these posts have been removed.

It can only legally be obtained from s physician or licensed traditional healer and is subject to special controls on reporting etc.

It was only legalized as a class 2 narcotic less than a month ago and systems are not yet in place at hospitals. Nor have any cannabis products yet been licensed by the Thai FDA.

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Here is an older topic with some good information

I think some replies are a bit over the top.There is a fine for posession of canabis but it is usually just a few thousand baht.

Does anyone know if people have been charged with posessing

cbd oil?

I am sure a lot of people are interested in this,i know i am.

When it becomes legal and easy to get i would like to try it myself.I know it works for a number of things,an older man who lives next to my brother(in farangland)had a sever case of Parkinson.He could not drive anymore because he was shaking so bad,his wife talked him into trying cbd oil and he took two drops before going to sleep.The next day his shake was gone!!!

He is driving again and he can feed himself again also.

5 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

If they catch you with a vape you get extorted,

really now?

It is NOT legal to buy from various websites given and these posts have been removed.

It can only legally be obtained from s physician or licensed traditional healer and is subject to special controls on reporting etc.

It was only legalized as a class 2 narcotic less than a month ago and systems are not yet in place at hospitals. Nor have any cannabis products yet been licensed by the Thai FDA.

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Well I guess it couldn’t hurt to ask at my follow up appointment if I’m still in pain. How does it work? Do they just rub it on the injured area of your body? I mean they will give me morphine shots and pills like candy so it’s not necessarily a bad idea to try something new. Lots of people from my former line of work struggle with the same issues. After 21 years of doing that stuff it takes it’s toll on your body. I retired 5 years ago now but at least I make a really nice Disability pension because of my issues. Sometimes I think I’d trade the money back in if I could only just have my body back the way it used to be. I miss my old physically active lifestyle and I try to remain a little bit active but I end up running into problems sometimes when I do like on our Bangkok trip a few days ago. I actually just woke up from my nap after being awake all night last night and all day today after getting a morphine shot and I haven’t tried to move yet I can still really feel it but I’ll find out in a minute if I’m gonna need another morphine pill tonight. They gave another 10 days worth of morphine at Bangkok Hospital I honestly hope I don’t need all of it. Hopefully I’ll get better in a day or two and then I’ll flush the rest of my morphine pills down the toilet so I’m not tempted to take them if I don’t need them. Like I said above I’ve recently had issues with Codeine last year and that ain’t happening to me again. It takes strong will power to kick the habit when it starts getting addicting. There was a pharmacist a long time ago who was selling it under the table I didn’t know at the time that she was doing it illegally, but she isn’t allowed to sell it anymore thank God so I no longer have easy access to it I can only get it from the doctor at the hospital when I really really need it so at least now I’m under control.

And I just got up and oh yeah that is an extremely sharp pain in my back so unfortunately yes I’m gonna take at least one more morphine pill. Hopefully tomorrow I won’t need the rest of it for another whole week. It can be a struggle but at least I’m alive and I still have both legs and arms and two eyes, a lot of other guys I worked with do not so overall I consider myself to be very very lucky. It could always be worse and I do have plenty of good days that are pain free.

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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

really now?

Yes obviously, it's their main source of income. 

Doesn't matter if vape or one of those IQOS things that use normal tobacco (lol): https://yindeed.asia/japanese-arrested-iqos-bkk.


They piss off the japanese hard here (BKK Phrom phong area) as they all love their iqos devices... 


Tripadvisor is also full with bad reports at the airports lately https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g293915-i3686-k11213098-o220-My_recent_experience_of_using_e_cigarettes_in_Thailand-Thailand.html



It is one of thailands main priority to catch vapers it seems.


so in 2016 the Japanese report problems, and in 2018 the Brits report none.


OK so whats the real scoop

It is NOT legal to buy from various websites given and these posts have been removed.

It can only legally be obtained from s physician or licensed traditional healer and is subject to special controls on reporting etc.

It was only legalized as a class 2 narcotic less than a month ago and systems are not yet in place at hospitals. Nor have any cannabis products yet been licensed by the Thai FDA.

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

That’s interesting because I get junk emails all the time advertising CBD oil being sold online but I always just delete them. They’re probably scam emails. There are some companies that won’t even ship my multi vitamins to Thailand but I found a website that does send me my vitamins and supplements here to Thailand. It’s nothing illegal it’s just better multi vitamins and supplements because the local GNC here in Thailand doesn’t sell any good multi vitamins the multi vitamins they sell here are typically just for sexual health. I prefer mega men’s multi vitamins which you can’t find in Thailand. Although the local GNC here does sell great flaxseed and fish oil Omega 3s. When I used to be a great runner that fish oil was a miracle vitamin for me because it’s really good for your circulation and your heart as long as you take at least two every single day. Once that fish oil gets in your blood stream for a while I used to just feel the difference when running because my blood would just be pumping through my legs like a machine. I still take my fish oil every day. Sometimes else that’s good is Ginseng it’s a good natural stimulant.

I would never think about trying to import anything illegal into Thailand because that’s a good way to end up with some serious problems.

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Great for hangovers! 

You sound like you know what I’m talking about. Have you ever had medical training in giving IVs? Were you in the military? In Special Forces we used to cross train with our 18 Delta Medics all the time it was called Combat Life Saver Training. The hard part was practicing giving each other IV fluids. During that training you’re like a human pin cushion for a while. And after the training I’d go home looking like a heroine addict or something with track marks up and down my arm because you get hematoma anytime someone misses the vein which are just bruises all over your arm where you get stuck. But we’d keep practicing until we got it right. I’ve never had to give anyone an IV in a real world situation only in training. So you really get used to needles that’s why I have no problem donating blood at least every 6 months at the local mall, I even watch them do it and it doesn’t bother me at all. Some people will pass out when they see that bag filling up with a pint of blood. I always sit there and laugh and joke with them while doing it.

If I tell them on the questionnaire that I’ve been all over multiple countries in Africa and that I’m a cancer survivor sometimes they won’t let me donate blood. But my cancer was back in 2005 and I’ve been all good ever since I finished the surgeries and the chemotherapy. By 2006 I was back to running marathons again and fully healthy. My doctor in the military about 7 years ago before I retired told me that it’s okay for me to donate blood because it’s been several years since I survived cancer and several years since I’ve ever been anywhere in Africa.

But yeah I guess those fluids are good for hangovers I assume you’re ex-Military and Combat Life Saver qualified because that was always the joke when we would practice sticking each other with IVs that it’s “good for hangovers” I remember hearing that one all the time in the military.

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9 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

so in 2016 the Japanese report problems, and in 2018 the Brits report none.


OK so whats the real scoop


What are you talking about? All reports are from 2018/2019. It's very well known and people refusing to pay even get deported for doing it: https://www.thephuketnews.com/frenchwoman-deported-for-vaping-70535.php



 am in fact one of the people who happened to get caught smoking an ecig in Pattaya (i was on my way to the hilton hotel and it happened approximately 100meters away from that). The policeman on the street told me immediately i had a problem and was not willing to let me get away with an on the spot fine, i had to go with him to the police station ( not handcuffed but i was taken to an office within the police station) and a scary ordeal of 20 minutes began because we had to wait for his boss. Bottom line, the wanted to put me in jail, already started to take pictures of me like i was some price they had been waiting for that dat, however i was lucky for the following reasons:


Tons of these stories in the links provided.

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