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Australian voters tipped to elect Labor government


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4 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

Well done Australia,the silent Majority spoke. The true characters came out in shop steward Bill and Tanya still blaming others after the event.

Frankly I was in two minds about the result I preferred - watch the Coalition hubris fade as the world economy slows down and Australia's unemployment rises, or watch the antics in the Senate as the ALP attempted and failed to get their "death to tax bludgers" legislation through.  Either way it will be another episode in the never-ending Vanity Fair-style real-life soapie we all inhabit

Edited by ThaiBunny
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Google Watergate and Barnaby Joyce for more info on just how lacking governance this current government is.  Ironic that that most of this bunch of spivs, thugs and troglodytes laid low while their front man did all the talking during the campaign. But now this mob (who in the words of my brother-in-law couldn't organise a p***up in a brewery), have to agree on something. I have a feeling what they agree on will be what their corporate donors and the Murdoch press want and for most Australians, that won't be all that great. We get the government we deserve ...

Edited by dundas
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48 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

Well done Australia,the silent Majority spoke.

The true characters came out in shop steward Bill and Tanya still blaming others after the event.



I seem to remember Malcolm Turnbull blaming everyone else but himself for a so-so result after the previous election, so it's not a trait confined to shop stewards. I doubt that there are too many Australian politicians on either side of politics who will admit their own failings. 

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2 minutes ago, dundas said:

I doubt that there are too many Australian politicians on either side of politics who will admit their own failings. 

Given the huge ego required to believe that you can make a difference I doubt you can restrict this characteristic to Australian politicians

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


I'm more wondering how you export renewable energy, big long cables ?

Your right. Tasmania exports renewable hydro generated electricity to other Australian states via undersea cable.

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