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French minister warns of 'toxic' Nigel Farage poll win, urges speedy Brexit


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1 minute ago, Loiner said:

Well the voice was certainly correct about you. Pity it knows nothing about the EU. 

Ah but I bet I have a smile on my face more often then you miserable Brexiteers now that you  know full well it ain't going to happen ????

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Just now, geoffbezoz said:

Ah but I bet I have a smile on my face more often then you miserable Brexiteers now that you  know full well it ain't going to happen ????

Who told you that - your voices? They've got that one wrong again.
Are you sure that's why you're smiling, or you know.... the other thing.

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2 hours ago, blazes said:

I love it. 

Here comes, in effect, the Second Referendum all the Remainer dimwits have been calling for.  What will they do when the Brexit forces win (yet again) with an even more decisive percentage margin?

And what, if REMAIN wins ? Looking to the polls, around a 40% support Brexit .

The real fun starts, when the Brits have to line up for a Schengen visa...and see how prosperous their former factories are at Continental EU...

For ME... we had better listened to Charles de Gaulle. Only one solution: 

sometimes.. somebody else takes the decissions.jpg

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm missing something here.


So France did not agree to the extension?  How did it pass within the eu?  Presumably it was a majority vote?

As usual, a Brexziteer did not inform himself well enough: France did NOT use a VETO, but accepted the compromise. Result: we are still stuck with these Limeys, blocking the EU to go ahead. 

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2 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

We voted to leave the remainers hate the fact we are leaving.nigel did not want the vote either.the government is stalling and hoping to remain somehow

Sent from my SM-T580 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

"We voted" ? ? No, an overhwelming landslide mayority of.. 51,88 %. Only a close to nothing 48,11 % for Remain, with a LOT of persons regretting their votes, not for the last place caused by lying Brexiteer politicians. That's why all these Brexiteers panic when they hear the words: second referendum to accept or reject the present proposals

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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

"we are still stuck with these Limeys,"

You may also be stuck with your tulips. ????????????

And the many British companies switching to Tulipland.. Thanks for this marvelous gifts.

Bye-the-way: did they already started to tear down the German owned Mini factory to be built up in Borne - Tulipland ?  We do NOT need any parts from the UK, as easy exchange between EU member states and a LOT of car parts manufacturers in B, NL and D.

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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Worth every penny. If the beggars won't let us leave, we'll destroy the whole rotten edifice from within. 


No wonder those Brussels a++holes are twitching!

And YOU think, the British MEP's will have ANY influence in the EU ? 

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2 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

One thing is for sure. Nobody wants farage in the EU parliament. His insults are unforgotten. In the European Parliament, an attempt is being made to work constructively on win-win solutions. There is Farage as an only destroyer out of place. From farage never came a constructive suggestion. His interest is only to destroy the EU.


I'm sure there will be no extension after October. When it comes to Farage there will only be a separation in dispute.

The formally good relations between the UK and the EU will, thanks to this hater, be in the Trash bin. 


The UK is on the path of extreme nationalism. Let's see how long this will work, when the economic conditions deteriorate. The whole thing now has features of the end of Weimar time.


And if the UK no longer shares the EU's goals: Peace and common prosperity for all in europe, then the UK should leave as soon as possible.

Exactly as Charles de Gaulle forcasted.. in 1961 and onwards

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13 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

And what, if REMAIN wins ? Looking to the polls, around a 40% support Brexit .

The real fun starts, when the Brits have to line up for a Schengen visa...and see how prosperous their former factories are at Continental EU...

For ME... we had better listened to Charles de Gaulle. Only one solution: 

sometimes.. somebody else takes the decissions.jpg

We wont be leaving the Eu  whatever gave you that impression...if you still think so then get to a local govt office in the EU before halloween and fill in the necssary paperwork.

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12 minutes ago, baansgr said:

More to Brexit than weak Sterling which was in fact caused more by that <deleted> carnage carney than the result of the vote itself

Not from where I 'am its not its weak because no one believes Brexit is not going to be a diesater????

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Why replace it at all? We managed perfectly well as a trading nation before the EU subsumed us and will do so post-Brexit.


We have nothing to fear, as the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in a different context, but fear itself.

Please look back to the economic performanse of the UK, especially aroudn 1970. The UK would have sold Tower Bridge and Castle to enter the EU. see in Google with "economic performance UK after WW2". Oh.. wait… that's of cousse all fake news, no Brexiteer wants to read.

Edited by puipuitom
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30 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

And what, if REMAIN wins ? Looking to the polls, around a 40% support Brexit .

The real fun starts, when the Brits have to line up for a Schengen visa...and see how prosperous their former factories are at Continental EU...

For ME... we had better listened to Charles de Gaulle. Only one solution: 



I think we can assume that British passport holders would not need Schengen visas for short term visits to Schengen countries.  They are not required for other Western nations such as the US but they are required to be able show documents to prove the reason for their trip and sufficient funding. The real problem would be for Brits residing in Schengen countries, who would need to apply for residency and might lose reciprocal healthcare benefits. These rights will have to be negotiated on a reciprocal basis and since much of the rationale for Brexit was really about immigration, including from the perspective of Theresa May who voted to remain, British politicians are more likely to want to take a harder line than many EU member states would like, which would have the effect of throwing Brits living in Europe under the bus.

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10 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Not from where I 'am its not its weak because no one believes Brexit is not going to be a diesater????

Exactly, dribble by carney and BOE, UK will thrive as it is now but when the head of BOE says UK will be up a creek, the markets take note....that man needs shooting.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

If they got rid of all the foreign nationals, I may be able to afford to rent a place back in the UK.

Maybe even a part time job in a factory or warehouse.

I understand that when you're so on the ground. No work and no apartment. Think soon, a few jobs in fruit and vegetables picking free. This may not be the same with the apartments. The cause here is that the UK governments have failed to create affordable housing in the past.  Please do not blame the EU for that.

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43 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Its attitudes like yours that have disenfranchised people and why Brexit is wanted by the majority.

You mean: NOT willing to spend sweat and time to study. Better spent your time with football and hanging around in a pub.

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