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Repatriating back to Australia single dad

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8 minutes ago, Nemises said:

•Am currently paying over $AU7.00 a schooner in the “lucky country”.
•Copped a $AU 112.00 fine for failing to display a parking permit in an EMPTY beach side council carpark.
•Overnight temperatures 7 degrees here in Sydney....and winter hasn’t started yet.
Can’t wait to get out of this sh**hole and get back to warm, more affordable Thailand.



Oh dear! Things are really grim Down Under!

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, totally thaied up said:

Where as one sickness (like is happening to a friend right now) over a period of a month can wipe your entire life time savings in Thailand.

That's very true but sorry to hear that of your friend .... what was it .... did he contract a virus or bug ??

12 hours ago, madmen said:

A lot of that would be tied up in house loans ,car loans, school fees, etc etc in fact most ozzies are in debt to their eyeballs.

Sounds the same as the US.  Most Americans carry several thousand dollars of high interest debt and set aside less than $500 for true emergencies.  This in a country where there is very little in the way of a social safety net, where even rudimentary legal and medical bills can cost a small fortune, and where extreme corrective measures like consumer bankruptcy no longer shed all debt.  Blind faith is a hell of a drug.


1 hour ago, totally thaied up said:

Where as one sickness (like is happening to a friend right now) over a period of a month can wipe your entire life time savings in Thailand.

Pehaps this is why Thailand is requiring everyone to buy insurance in the future.

6 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Oh dear! Things are really grim Down Under!


6 hours ago, Nemises said:

•Am currently paying over $AU7.00 a schooner in the “lucky country”.

•Copped a $AU 112.00 fine for failing to display a parking permit in an EMPTY beach side council carpark.

•Overnight temperatures 7 degrees here in Sydney....and winter hasn’t started yet.

Can’t wait to get out of this ridiculously overpriced sh**hole and get back to warm, more affordable Thailand.






Well if you will park your Benz at Palm Beach, so be the fine ????



  • Like 1
On 5/26/2019 at 11:11 PM, 4MyEgo said:

Where do you get off, Steve100 is as true blue as you can get em from what I have read from his posts, yes that's right, you must be one of those TVF who are only interested in having a go without substantiating anything, that and must be a Pom ?.


If you have ever read one of the original posters many posts in other forums as well as this one, you would become familiar with who he is, what his assets are and what family support he has in place, but no, you know nothing and I am wasting my time with another one of those TVF members who knows nothing, suffice to say I am off to provide advice to those who ask for it, substantiated of course, as opposed to giving advice that is straight out of one's mouth unsubstantiated.


Next ! 

It's hilarious.


Someone without the slightest knowledge of Australia-except via the internet-giving advice to Australians..


The tale of ThaiVisa all over one expects.


Steven 100?


Don't come the raw prawn with me.????

  • Haha 2
3 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

It's hilarious.


Someone without the slightest knowledge of Australia-except via the internet-giving advice to Australians..


The tale of ThaiVisa all over one expects.


Steven 100?


Don't come the raw prawn with me.????


If you don't get it, read below ????


  • Like 1
On 5/27/2019 at 10:47 AM, Nemises said:

•Am currently paying over $AU7.00 a schooner in the “lucky country”.

•Copped a $AU 112.00 fine for failing to display a parking permit in an EMPTY beach side council carpark.

•Overnight temperatures 7 degrees here in Sydney....and winter hasn’t started yet.

Can’t wait to get out of this ridiculously overpriced sh**hole and get back to warm, more affordable Thailand.

Coming up to 4 years here now, accepted Thailand warts and all when I first came here back in 2006.


Just this morning when I was filling up my coffee cup reminiscing about how I retired 4 years ago and how I broke the chains and left the slave trade, the Mrs says, "darling" we should move back to Australia...................  Related image


She commenced by telling me how she enjoyed the 9 years she spent their with me, and that how corrupt Thailand has become of late, I had to think what the fark she was referring too, then it hit me, I reached into my pocket and said sorry Tiruk, here is the 100 baht that I owe you for the fine the other day, i.e. I forgot to reimburse here, you see the other day I turned right from the middle lane in Udon Thani and the cops flagged me down, the lane next to us on the right was for a right hand turn only, this was near the bus depot for those that know the road, the left lane is for left, and the middle lane is for straight ahead to Robinson so to speak, even when the lights turn green it's on our side of the lights only, i.e. the opposite traffic stays there as they have the red light.


She gets out of the car, huffing and puffing and serving it to the cop, he says your not from here are you, she says correct, he says ok ok, I will cut the fine in half for you, pay 100 baht, she looked at me and noticed that I was nodding as I was also yawning, there was no paperwork and off we went, problem solved I thought.


I think she has a point though, perhaps we should move back and lose 2 points and pay 5,750 baht, yup, no corruption in Australia, the cost of living shouldn't really be a problem either, and I am sure the rents in Sydney have dropped by 75% since the property market went south ????



  • Haha 1

Hmm..I paid 5.50 dollars for my schooner today..


However the postings of Thai claquers are really boring..so I will get back to my rather intense discussion of French Air Force camouflage colours May-June,1940.


Please don't post (yet again) about how cheap the Thai women are to rent or how you can exploit Thai workers on 350 Thai baht a day to your ineffable satisfaction..


Oh...here's a photo of a schooner of beer..and for dinkum Aussies..




  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Hmm..I paid 5.50 dollars for my schooner today

Dad paid $5.50 today for a schooner and $8 for a meal (choice of three counter lunch meals). Dad could have got a beer and meal deal for $15 at another local he goes to as well. Considering I spend on average 150 baht for just my meals at lunch, the pricing is not too bad.


It's not to bad here as long as you shop around. My wife and I had mullet and chips today for $6. Big lumps of fish. Great value. Chinese restaurant has lunch time specials for $7. Going to miss all this when I go back.





4 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

Dad paid $5.50 today for a schooner and $8 for a meal (choice of three counter lunch meals). Dad could have got a beer and meal deal for $15 at another local he goes to as well. Considering I spend on average 150 baht for just my meals at lunch, the pricing is not too bad.


It's not to bad here as long as you shop around. My wife and I had mullet and chips today for $6. Big lumps of fish. Great value. Chinese restaurant has lunch time specials for $7. Going to miss all this when I go back.





C'mon it ain't bad at all, my man!


You know this.Greetings from Australia.




  • Like 2

Been coming back to & from Auss since 2007

Am in the midst of job seeking

Problem is have not rented in maybe 20 odd yrs since I did FIFO work - alot of paper work & proof needed

Went for small cabin in van park (if i can get ) for $50 p/d & park kitchen only

Have small Mits Marage 2003 model A1 condition $2000 - Rego will be $600 odd + Inspection


Fuel about the same 

Food maybe same except meat (meat can range up to $35 for best cuts)

Smokes are $1 + for 1 cigerate

Power I would say for 2 $100 - 150 p/m

Tolls everywhere in Sydney

Repairs to anything will cost an arm & a leg & wait your turn

Dentist / doctors cost a fortune / maybe get half back from medicare for doctor (hope you are covered for dental), I got caught out & had to pay $350 for what would of cost me maybe 1500 bht here 


I will leave it at this for the moment but I'm sure there's more


PS: & it will come down to your skills/ profession as to what you can get in employment - Mostly labour hire Casual rates (pretty bad )




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On 5/22/2019 at 8:14 AM, Kenny202 said:

I liked living here and still do to a point but I must say the shine is starting to wear off. The heat has been unbearable this year. Everything seems to be just that little bit harder to do, dollar is falling continuously and baht amazingly seems to retain its strength in spite of every reason not too. The cost of living seems to be creeping up slowly but surely and Immigration seem to be slowly dragging the welcome mat back.

Baht is creeping up because of demand and supply. With 38 million tourists coming with their foreign currency to exchange baht, it surely going to creep up. THai foreign currency reserve is enormous and keep going up. Here it is



...I will leave it at this for the moment but I'm sure there's more..

Yep... there’s more. The climate. Sydney’s forecast, just prior to winter’s arrival [emoji3]

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, farmerjo said:

After 15 years in Thailand i would be another number with mental health issues in Aus.

They tell me you need a permit to have a crap on a worksite these days or close to it.

I totally agree ..... I have a sister working at a school near toowoomba, she tells me she can't even change a light bulb, not allowed to, you have to get an electrician.

If you want a job cleaning someone's window, not allowed to, you have to have a cert ll cleaning licence.


They really have lost the plot. Everyone wants a piece of your pie, and the government keeps creating these authorities, regulators etc whenever someone gets hurt on the job.



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Well not an Aussie, so I can't talk about the specifics of moving to Australia.


What I can say however, is no matter how tough it is, the best gift you will ever give your child is the benefit of a Western education. Letting them suffer through a Thai education relegates them to mediocrity and servitude 


At the end of the day, isn't that what all us parents do, sacrifice whatever it takes to make our children's lives better than ours.


Good Luck man, hope it all works out



My only comment is to evaluate your potential medical and long term care costs carefully. Because you had your kid late in life, child rearing costs may begin to compete with out-of-pocket medical costs for yourself down the road. You don't really give any specifics about amount of savings or anticipated pensions, but it looks to me, based on your age and number of dependants, like trying to find work would be advisable. My worry would be that even as housing prices in Australia start to come down (making housing more affordable), the global economy appears to be slowing as well so finding employment for a middle aged guy might be difficult. There is an unusual amount of uncertainty in the global economy right now which makes repatriation an unusually tricky decision. I still plan to repatriate but the timing is a little bit up in the air. I am hedging my bets by conserving cash with low cost of living in Thailand, and delaying enrolling in social security to boost monthly benefits. I am keeping a very close eye on the global economy. If it rolls over, which I expect, housing costs in the West will likely drop substantially, but at the same time employment opportunities (which isn't a factor for me) and entitlement program dependability (which is) will likely drop as well. Like I said, this is a tricky decision. Good luck to you and your family.





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Housing prices in Oz look like they're on the turn - given change in sentiment Oz-wide following the election result 10 days ago. Estate market starting to burst with activity.


Some possibility that the RBA will NOT reduce the already close-to-zero interest rates next Tuesday, or at any rate not as much or as often as some have hitherto predicted. So probably now is the best time to buy in Oz. Unlikely to get cheaper offer or better interest rates, perhaps for a generation.

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  • Confused 1
25 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

Housing prices in Oz look like they're on the turn - given change in sentiment Oz-wide following the election result 10 days ago. Estate market starting to burst with activity.


Some possibility that the RBA will NOT reduce the already close-to-zero interest rates next Tuesday, or at any rate not as much or as often as some have hitherto predicted. So probably now is the best time to buy in Oz. Unlikely to get cheaper offer or better interest rates, perhaps for a generation.

I will agree with this. Housing will not get much cheaper. Our property has increased value by $75K in two years. A Condo we have bought off a plan has increased by 60K (we had offers to sell just recently). Interest rates are very low. New Government that got a tick of approval by the market. We will see a uptick over the next 18 months.

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 1
On 5/29/2019 at 12:28 AM, onera1961 said:

Baht is creeping up because of demand and supply. With 38 million tourists coming with their foreign currency to exchange baht, it surely going to creep up. THai foreign currency reserve is enormous and keep going up. Here it is


What goes up, must come down, wait for it, it will fall like no tomorrow, I hope ????


22 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

I will agree with this. Housing will not get much cheaper. Our property has increased value by $75K in two years. A Condo we have bought off a plan has increased by 60K (we had offers to sell just recently). Interest rates are very low. New Government that got a tick of approval by the market. We will see a uptick over the next 18 months.

I disagree with your comments, i.e. having worked in the property industry for 25 years, in every facet of it and I can tell you this, it's a dead duck and those that think it's going to kick off again, just go back to the cyclical times as far back as 1980 and you will see that she fires up roughly every 7 years and goes for anywhere between 12-24 months maximum, the last run lasted 5 years, totally out of wack and totally overheated, outpricing a generation from the market.


She has fallen 20% as a minimum in Sydney, where I practised and am talking about, Sydney and Melbourne are generally the two that increase the most, the rest follow, and without wanting to "burst one's bubble" it ain't going nowhere except flatlining or declining for the next 2-3 years with moderest increases thereafter, otherwise I wouldn't have sold out in 2016.


All the hype is media driven by high profile developers, so beware, you have been warned. If you have property, sit on it, can't go wrong, if you need to get out, don't be waiting because it will be at least 5 years before anything starts happening IMO.

On 5/29/2019 at 10:50 AM, steven100 said:

I totally agree ..... I have a sister working at a school near toowoomba, she tells me she can't even change a light bulb, not allowed to, you have to get an electrician.

If you want a job cleaning someone's window, not allowed to, you have to have a cert ll cleaning licence.


They really have lost the plot. Everyone wants a piece of your pie, and the government keeps creating these authorities, regulators etc whenever someone gets hurt on the job.



Let's not forget insurances, I remember back in the early 1990's when I was a property manager managing 400 properties Balmain Sydney, all the contractors, i.e. electricians, plumbers, etc etc who I would engage to do repairs had to hand me copies of their insurances and licenses annually or no work for them, suffice to say if they didn't have insurances and I allowed them onto the landlords property and got injured, they could sue the landlord, who in turn would sue us, as for a tenant changing a light bulb, well that was their responsibility, some would ring us and ask for a handyman, we would pass on the number of one or two but wouldn't engage them to do it, had to be a sparky if we were changing them for the landlord.

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Some possibility that the RBA will NOT reduce the already close-to-zero interest rates next Tuesday,

sorry, disagree.  I believe the economy in Auss is stagnated somewhat. The mining boom has ceased and it's just normal production happening. Exports are down and job creation has slowed significantly. I bet last year that the economy is in bad shape and I told friends that everyone was talking about rates going up soon .... I said they will be going down before up, and that's exactly what is predicted.  You need to get out in the real world, on the streets in Brisbane and country towns to see what is the real evidence. Folks cannot find jobs because people are not hiring, and even when they do it's casual 5-10 hrs per week.

Give it a few months and rates will drop further imo.  Housing has slowed as no one can borrow.

Household debt is at a record high.

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