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Ideas in place to reverse decline in Thai education


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Do away with the NOI FAIL POLICY , kids do not learn have to redo the year, soon engage their brains . 

Plus teachers will have to teach , but we are talking purely semantics as nothing will change !! 

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5 hours ago, Reigntax said:

The Thai education system is nothing but a farce to pretend it gives students an education. They have no knowledge of the world, history nor ability to think and analyse.


The average university graduate wouldnt pass a year 10 exam in a western high school.


nor at a singapore, japan, korea or hong kong school.

Edited by atyclb
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I have discussed the local education with thai friends extensively and have some first hand experience too (IT engineering master at Chula). 

- I was told for about half of my classes "it's almost impossible to fail if you intend every classes". I aced all my exams but the exam material was in no way easy.

- The teaching material is of high quality while the method greatly depends on the professor. I've had small projects, textbook readings and some self-study.

- Some classes are really difficult and have a very low success rate

- People can actually fail at a class, I've seen many bachelor/master students doing extra year/classes to validate a semester.

- Most professor had spent some time in a foreign university and my professor all spoke a very acceptable english.

- English is really lacking among students, the good ones didn't learn from school


My experience may be biased since I only had professors that accepted to teach in English. My overall impression is that quality education is available but it requires students to be really involved in their class.

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Has anyone actually diagnosed what the problems in education are? Is there any data and evidence to back up what the supposed problems are?

I am old enough to remember when the marvellous leader, Gen Prayut remediated education when he came to power  a few years ago. If our education is still in decline, then surely it means that Prayut's remediations were ineffective, otherwise known as useless, probably because the last re-org was political not educational.

Thailand's governments have along, long history of launching into programs without diagnosing the issues first. Remember last year when the powers that be in education put out an edict that henceforth teachers would only receive 4 years training instead of 5, however the quality of training would go up. But there were no recommendations of how the training would change to improve the quality.....ie wishful thinking.

Thailand, if ir is ever to compete in the global market and not become a remote backwater, needs to change its education system. I don't know how, but I do know that unless you take a hard look at what the problems are with the current system, you have no chance of improving it. 

I know that one of the problems is that the teachers are often incompetent...I know a number of them. But no one in Thailand can actually say this...they would have the teachers up in arms.....but you have to if you ever want to improve the quality of the education.

The next issue is the objective of education....the current objective of teaching respect for the hierarchy, does not produce smart people....if you're whole education system is spent stopping people from questioning authority....but it is the questioning rebellious types that drive societies forward. Sheep never do.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The quality of education has shown little improvement despite more resources and bigger budgets been allocated

To provide quality education you must have quality teachers.  Today's teachers are the product of a deteriorated education system so it is a real dilemma.  Until the government realizes they need to invest mega-bahts to hire top quality education professionals not someone who has gone through their system where no failures are permitted.  Students must be made to realize that to get ahead in this world you have to earn that right - not be pushed into the next level - they must earn the right to advance!

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I don't think they want the people educated, because if they educate them properly, it won't be long before they lose their position of power.

history confirms (no link, just google it and you will find out)... any and all dictatorship/junta&military/communist type governments are against education to avoid being overthrown/questioned

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6 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

history confirms (no link, just google it and you will find out)... any and all dictatorship/junta&military/communist type governments are against education to avoid being overthrown/questioned

...you forgot Monarchs.

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4 hours ago, SoilSpoil said:

No matter how much money invested, defeating corruption, improving teaching and learning standards, as long as students are not required to learn from mistakes, aka No Fail policy, its all fruitless.

no fail policy it's all based on who knows whom, how thick the envelope, last name and so forth... students here get a diploma based on the above not of their knowledge/studies merits. Vacation time it's too long and too many.... teachers are like politicians, assigned by their connections and not by the teaching merits, many things will have to change but it will take (long) time

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Ideas to reverse the decline !!

First thing is stop all this stupid nonsense of teachers going to useless seminars, when they should be teaching.

Teachers scouring the internet, looking for something to go to so they get a few days away, all expenses paid.... Crazy nonsense.

Stop the corruption of filling teaching posts by who gives the most money under the table.

When you have teachers who know absolutely nothing about anything outside of Thailand, what chance is there for children to learn.

ever heard of a programme called GOOGLE CLASSROOM??

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Just now, MaxYakov said:

I would guess home schooling is out of the question.

home schooling by whom? the parents? parents are uneducated how can they teach the kids something

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6 hours ago, missoura said:

There is a local school about two kilometers down the road from from my place. I use to help out but no more. Here is just one reason.


A few years back a library/study hall was built by funds raised by an international school in Bangkok. Some of these high school students even traveled to the upcountry school to help with painting as part of a community project. The building turned out great with a hand painted mural covering one wall and long tables for studying. Even had air conditioning. This original concept only last a few months. Then the local school's administration team decided that they needed a new office.


Students are no longer allowed inside the building...





Seems you don't understand who is the most important at school, I'll give you a clue - it's not the students ????

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I'm guessing they can't fail middle school.   Test:  blank.   Oral exam:  Silence.   IF passing is 70 or 80, this is a PASS.  Great job.  Next!!!  Talk to parents, if possible, "oh, your kid did great!!"   Then the teacher quits.   Next!!!   Then the next teacher sleeps and is drunk and texts hookers all day.   But is white.  

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2 hours ago, Khun Paul said:

Do away with the NOI FAIL POLICY , kids do not learn have to redo the year, soon engage their brains . 

Plus teachers will have to teach , but we are talking purely semantics as nothing will change !! 

Trust you don't teach.... 

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For those teachers plus ex-teachers, you will all no doubt be aware as to what really goes on at most Thai schools. This report, yet again, comes as no surprise...


Corruption. Lack or disipline and respect. Racism. Extortion.  Contracts not being fulfilled by both the agent and school alike. Usually no health insurance offered. Usually no assistance with the cost of a B visa or work permit. Late, incorrect or no salary payment. Poor working conditions. Far too higher expectations placed on a foreign  teacher to work illigally, in poor working conditions or falsify exam marks. Lack of teaching materials, where do I stop! 


I've taught, in the past, at many schools within Thailand and believe me, it is neither an exciting or rewarding job. Foreign teachers are simplly puppets on show, treated with contempt by most Thai students and Thai teachers, in most cases. Thai students, not all but mostly, dislike foreign teachers and show very little respect as do Thai teachers, with most Thai teachers, usually, being very laxical about there own methods of disipline and teaching, preferring to eat, be late or not show up for class or mess with there phone whilst in class so leaving students unsupervised, or have an excuse to go shopping, buy propery or run a business and so on.


Not all teachers, agents and schools are bad, but the majority are failing to deliver. Money, greed, extortion, corruption plus the 'high so' mind set of Thai teachers, not forgetting the upper and higher management, all comprise students education, teaching materials plus the working environment, and with most Employment Contracts not usually being honoured so whereby a foreign teacher suffers.  Schools and agents normally do not follow the rules plus regulations as set out by: Thai immigration law, Labour law, and not forgetting Thai Educational Government policies.


It is no wonder levels have dropped. Look in your own back yard to find the answers to the  poor levels of  education.


Students in other countries within South East Asia attain far higher,  UNFALSIFIED / UNTAMPERED,  exam pass marks.. Why is that!


Paridise.  T.I.T

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12 hours ago, gamb00ler said:

I have heard that argument several times (not just on TV) and it may very well be true.


I have also heard about how the administration of the education departments spend too much of the budget on things that really contribute nothing or very little to the students education.  Thailand isn't a rich country and they shouldn't be sending their classes on expensive trips to USA with several adults along for "supervision".  One of my in-laws was a teacher and her class went to Los Angeles including trips to Disneyland, Magic Mountain and Universal Studios.  I can't say for certain how that was funded, but I'm certainly suspicious.


One of the largest factors in a child's education is how much the parents are involved in ensuring that the material is learned.  I've seen parents insist that their children spend adequate time at their studies but the parents are not able/willing to be hands on to ensure understanding is achieved.


I heard the exact same words from a former Dean at a university. 


When I talked to her about a possible education reform she laughed and said it was only words. The elite are not interested in Thai students gaining too much knowledge. 

On the other hand with the Internet, how can they stop the more intelligent students? 

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