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Thai visitors to Sweden warned over heightened robbery risk


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3 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

I don't hate our Swedish culture, but I hate how politicians and the Swedish establishment have turned everything 1,000% PC...

* Sweden banned animal cruelty, for example slaughter practices... but now we allow halal slaughter as it's a part of the Muslims culture and religion?!
* There are schools that ban the students from singing the Swedish national anthem... because it can be seen as racist?!
* Traditionally we have eaten a lot of pork in Sweden, the ever resurrecting pig (Sæhrímnir) is even a part of the Nordic mythology... but now schools stop serving pork because that there are Muslim kids in the school?!
* The Swedish government support companies with tax cuts if they hire migrants, so now people like my niece can't get a job in her field even thou she has studied for 5 years in trade school... because hiring a migrant is 15-25% cheaper than hiring an ethnic Swede?!

and people wonder why the Swedish nationalist party has grown to get 17% of the votes in last years election and then 14.5% of the votes in Sundays EU election...

That's why the far-right is gaining power in Sweden, and will continue to do so.


At the point when all these immigrants were imported, soon after the crime figures went up.


Swedenstan is the canary in the mine, and a result of bad governance. A strong reminder as to why the likes of Thailand and indeed Asia (who lead the way) in preventing such things from happening.


Thailand is for Thais (and for good reason!)



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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Many thieves give the impression that they are lost and ask for directions in order to catch a target off guard,

They are lost ? And ask a Thai person for directions ? Haha, that alone would be highly un logical, and suspicious. 

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4 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

I don't hate our Swedish culture, but I hate how politicians and the Swedish establishment have turned everything 1,000% PC...

* Sweden banned animal cruelty, for example slaughter practices... but now we allow halal slaughter as it's a part of the Muslims culture and religion?!
* There are schools that ban the students from singing the Swedish national anthem... because it can be seen as racist?!
* Traditionally we have eaten a lot of pork in Sweden, the ever resurrecting pig (Sæhrímnir) is even a part of the Nordic mythology... but now schools stop serving pork because that there are Muslim kids in the school?!
* The Swedish government support companies with tax cuts if they hire migrants, so now people like my niece can't get a job in her field even thou she has studied for 5 years in trade school... because hiring a migrant is 15-25% cheaper than hiring an ethnic Swede?!

and people wonder why the Swedish nationalist party has grown to get 17% of the votes in last years election and then 14.5% of the votes in Sundays EU election...

Sounds a bit like the other wimpy PC nationals without any balls to stand up and say, this is xxxxxx, you chose to live here - either accept what we have done / do here or bugger off. 

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4 hours ago, Morty T said:

I think commonsense plays a large part in this. After taking my SIL to the USA for a short trip my wife had to constantly reprimand her for doing stupid stuff. Like not leaving your cell phone on the table at a Food Court to reserve the seat, pulling out a wad of cash at Wally-mart and counting it in the middle of the store, wearing so much gold that she looked like a jewelry shop in motion, leaving her pocket book on the front dashboard of the car and then leaving the doors unlocked, and the list went on. After a while, it was more like babysitting. If she wasn't with us, I could just see how this would have ended.

She does these things normally in Thailand???

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2 hours ago, Nielsen said:

It's not just robbery. Sweden is said to now be the rape capital of Europe ! Well done Sweden with your failed liberal immigration policy.

I believe that is mostly due to a change in the "definition" of rape, although i suspect that no matter the definition used there is an increase visible and it is related to the inflow of immigrants.

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33 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I see a link, but no reason to click it.
Maybe you can try to convince people why they should follow this link, or even give a short summary of the information one can find with this link?

Thats more helpful than just posting a link with no further text.

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2 hours ago, Nielsen said:

It's not just robbery. Sweden is said to now be the rape capital of Europe ! Well done Sweden with your failed liberal immigration policy.

Oh <deleted>, look at the background... the definition of what constitutes rape in Swedish law has broadened significantly. Well done you with your ill-informed ignorant post.

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2 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

I believe that is mostly due to a change in the "definition" of rape, although i suspect that no matter the definition used there is an increase visible and it is related to the inflow of immigrants.

It's very difficult to fight willful ignorance

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Interesting to note, in that video, that the rate of rape in Sweden is more than twice that of Australia.

Fair enough - I'd rate Swedish women as more than twice as attractive as Australian women.


Edited by donnacha
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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

I see a link, but no reason to click it.
Maybe you can try to convince people why they should follow this link, or even give a short summary of the information one can find with this link?

Thats more helpful than just posting a link with no further text.

You right. Just ignore the facts.

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10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

They do not keep records of which race/religion is committing the rising rates of theft and rape etc, but it's not down to ethnic Swedes, or they would be. Swedes appear to hate their own culture and cannot wait to have it replaced, national suicide, although what they have to feel guilty about having had no colonies is hard to understand.

Sweden has had four colonies. in different regions. The longest time was Saint-Barthélemy, that belonged to Sweden for 94 years. That particular colony was during several years used for shipment of slaves. 

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7 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work this out. The PC mob will never admit it though. Pretty much free IMMIGRATION. 

No, and neither to check up that there is NO free immigration in Sweden.

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7 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

people like my niece can't get a job in her field even thou she has studied for 5 years in trade school... because hiring a migrant is 15-25% cheaper than hiring an ethnic Swede?!

She could get a job if she wasn’t asking for an inflated salary and knew what she’s worth. 

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6 hours ago, INV said:

I am Swedish and I agree with all in your post. Last time I was there was 7 years ago and it was crap then and now it's much much worse. Never going back

- The only difference, in Sweden, between halal-slaughtering and "Swedish" slaughtering, is that in the first mentioned, the slaughtering is done of a butcher that also is an imam, and that the animal has the head pointing to Mecca and get a pray before it is slaughtered.

- This thing about the national anthem has its ground in fake news and refer to what songs children sing on the last day before the summer holiday. The fact is that it has never been a tradition to sing the national anthem. Until the middle of the 1990s, the school year ended in the church. And was held by priests in the churches and priests not being allowed to pick any song that not is in the hymn book. Another fact is that Sweden does not have any official national anthem and that the one that is referred to is written by the son of immigrants and not mention Sweden with a word.

- This with the pork food is true, but only for "free schools" driven by Muslim communities and it is the same with Israeli schools but in that case, never talked about.

- This about employing a migrant is true except that the number is wrong. The government could pay up to 80 % of the salary. This is because migrants have very hard to find work. But at the same time, it is that you as an employer not being allowed to discriminate anyone, not Swedish people, not immigrants. Sorry, but that means that the employer thought and could prove that your daughter had not as good qualifications as the immigrant(s) had.

- About the Swedish Nationalist Party and that they are growing, I would once again say that you are wrong. The main reason is that they go out with fake news and those lazy people like you not bother to control facts. Already old psychologists as Sigmund Freud said that.  

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15 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

You right. Just ignore the facts.

You wanna know the facts?

Google for "crime statistics" and read the first 250 links you see on google front to back.

Once you have done that I will tell you why you just spend hundreds of hours reading random articles and research without first having clarified what you might be able to find or what you should be looking for.


See you next month again when you are done.

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