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Australia announces record 1.8 TON seizure of crystal meth shipped from Thailand


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2 hours ago, faraday said:

The drug policy in Portugal certainly seems to be effective.


Just can't understand why decriminalisation has reduced the number of addicts. The won't have all suddenly wanted to get clean, as with all addictions, you use one's d.o.c. for a reason.




Any ideas?

People who want drugs get drugs.

The penalties:

1) Destroy lives more than the drugs do.

2) Make fortunes for the sellers as it inflates the price.

3) Make fortunes for the LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) industry.

4) Do nothing to prevent people from getting drugs.


Read about drug availability in prison.

If it's widely available there, it's available everywhere.

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On 6/8/2019 at 12:02 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

That's a lot of lost cash. Knowing what a friendly bunch of people drug runners are, you have to hope some are unable to pay what they owe and are rewarded with a new and deserved career, pushing up daisies.

A lot of people lives would get messed up with that amount of ice, and every bit the cops and customs get, the better.

Yep, and as fast as they are dealt with by their fellow criminals or locked up by the authorities more arrive to fill the gap, more and more.

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4 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

People who want drugs get drugs.

The penalties:

1) Destroy lives more than the drugs do.

2) Make fortunes for the sellers as it inflates the price.

3) Make fortunes for the LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) industry.

4) Do nothing to prevent people from getting drugs.


Read about drug availability in prison.

If it's widely available there, it's available everywhere.

Doesn't answer my question though.


Why does it appear that Portugal has suddenly stopped addiction?



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14 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Oh deer, Now i'm a drug user because i don't think like you. :cheesy:


Oh my god, it's 04:00, i better get me Smack Crack and Pot ready for breakfast then or should i wait until i finish the hour on the cross trainer and 20 minutes weight training. :giggle:

Like i said we don't all think like you,  

So enlighten us then why you are advocating to legalize all drugs?

As a Dutch guy I'm actually very liberal and open minded and so is the Dutch government, but tell me why does the Netherlands not follow Portugal to just make possession of all drugs (to a certain amount) legal?

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13 hours ago, JimmyJ said:



Here's one of numerous articles on the subject:


"What's gotten better? In terms of usage rate and health, the data show that Portugal has by no means plunged into a drug crisis.

As this chart from Transform Drug Policy Foundation shows, the proportion of the population that reports having used drugs at some point saw an initial increase after decriminalization, but then a decline..."




Also few deaths by overdose, unlike countries like the US where there are harsh penalties and high rate of overdoses.

Why do other countries not follow Portugal to just make possession of all drugs (to a certain amount) legal?


If you read to whole story, you will know that about 4 decades ago there was a huge sudden inflow of drugs into Portugal, which created huge problems. The government didn't know what to do anymore and decided 2 decades ago to more or less legalize all drugs. Sure, if you read the stories, the number of addicts and deaths declined. BUT remember that Portugal experienced a huge increase in addicts and deaths before that, so it's not really a big surprise of the outcome after legalize it.


I guess this is one of the reasons why other countries do not follow this 'succes' story.


Is the drug abuse really declined in Portugal. Well, check for yourself:

drug-use-disorders Portugal

The Netherlands shows a decline, but hard drugs are illegal, so is the policy in Portugal really better?

Compared to the US, Thailand and the Netherlands:

rug-use-disorders Portugal Thailand US NLD

Edited by Cheops
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12 hours ago, Cheops said:

So enlighten us then why you are advocating to legalize all drugs?

As a Dutch guy I'm actually very liberal and open minded and so is the Dutch government, but tell me why does the Netherlands not follow Portugal to just make possession of all drugs (to a certain amount) legal?


Are you out of your f..ing mind? 

You talk to me like the above, then think you get to interrogate me. lol.

But hey, 


First question, was answered at the start of the thread, you should learn to read instead of going on the attack.


Second question, i have no idea what your government do or why they do it.

i have always considered the Dutch,  as Mostly Harmless,


Question for you. ( you being dutch and all that ) :coffee1:

Are you happy that people in Holland, can get drugs on the street, of very bad quality and go up some back street,  jack up some brown liquid and die of an OD. or some girl buys some pills,  that are going to kill her,  because the guys that make the pills and powders,  only care about money.

Is that ok with you,  as i think that's what the dutch government are ok with.

maybe in your book, they deserve to die.


It's not ok with me. kids should have access to the correct drugs, correct dosage. and so on.

But hey,  I think a bit different to other people.

Good day. :jap:


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10 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

You talk to me like the above, then think you get to interrogate me. lol.

But hey, 


First question, was answered at the start of the thread, you should learn to read instead of going on the attack.


Second question, i have no idea what your government do or why they do it.

i have always considered the Dutch,  as Mostly Harmless,


Question for you. ( you being dutch and all that ) :coffee1:

Are you happy that people in Holland, can get drugs on the street, of very bad quality and go up some back street,  jack up some brown liquid and die of an OD. or some girl buys some pills,  that are going to kill her,  because the guys that make the pills and powders,  only care about money.

Is that ok with you,  as i think that's what the dutch government are ok with.

maybe in your book, they deserve to die.


It's not ok with me. kids should have access to the correct drugs, correct dosage. and so on.

But hey,  I think a bit different to other people.

Good day. :jap:

The statistics that I shared in my post above shows a different picture. There are not so many people od-ing or dying in Holland as you try to tell. If you look to the stats of the US it's very shocking. The number of narcotic related deaths is going through the roof the last couple of years. In Holland and Portugal there is no difference, even though Holland does not follow the policy of Portugal. 


Deaths from drug use US-PRT-NLD


Anyway, after you wrote "kids should have access to the correct drugs", I'm done discussing with you. You probably don't have kids and please keep it that way. 


Good day to you as well. 

Edited by Cheops
Added death stats
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34 minutes ago, Cheops said:

The statistics that I shared in my post above shows a different picture. There are not so many people od-ing or dying in Holland as you try to tell. If you look to the stats of the US it's very shocking. The number of narcotic related deaths is going through the roof the last couple of years. In Holland and Portugal there is no difference, even though Holland does not follow the policy of Portugal. 


Deaths from drug use US-PRT-NLD


Anyway, after you wrote "kids should have access to the correct drugs", I'm done discussing with you. You probably don't have kids and please keep it that way. 


Good day to you as well. 


Feel free to block me as well. the tools are in front of you.

It's the little one in the middle. :thumbsup:


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On 6/8/2019 at 11:12 AM, Cadbury said:

$835 million, that should be a boost for the declining export figures.

Well it might put a huge dent in the sale of Lambo's, Ferrari's, and other exotic car sales in the LOS.

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