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Thailand to reduce use of plastic bags, sterofoam, and straws by 2022

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Thailand is a joke in this regard. Kenya, where I go fairly regularly placed a total ban between my last two visits in 2016 and 2018. In 2016 they were everywhere, like here, but in 2018 there was not a plastic bag to be seen, and if you happened to take one in by accident, or whatever, there was the threat of a jail sentence or heavy fine.


So thats it in Kenya. Job done in 2017. Thailand? You re a joke, a sad joke at that.

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6 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

What did they use  before  being  trained to  expect plastic  bags?

In Kenya, everyone takes their own re usable tupperwear type boxes to market. WHY NOT HERE?

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2022, is it?

The really crazy part of it, is that NOBODY believes such a thing, not the people claiming it, not the people reporting it, not the general public hearing it (2015 elections, anyone?)!

And that, that, alas, is one of the many pervert sides of dictatorship, of the negation of control by 'the people', the absence of ANY mean to take, ...and to 'enforce' ANY measure towards/against ANYONE!

Welcome to Thailand! Is it, only? Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, ...even Singapore, not dictatorships, is it, really? Welcome to ASEAN it rather, and alas, is IMO.

And when all swallowed and digested by the chinese new empire, who will even dare to raise a finger and speak out the word: 'democracy'...?

I vividly remember the news footage of a(nother stupid) british PM, a certain Chamberlain then, in 1939, stepping out of a plane in London returning from Berlin, weaving some papers in his hands, a bright smile on his face, shouting in the microphones: 'Mr Hitler does not want war!'... 

Why do I come up with such a thing? Because, IMO, that point is way behind us, like kids on a playground, focussed on frivolous silly games, while the chinese ogre is, gently but firmly, massaging us to swallow us easier.

Like the British, then as today lacking the vision of the menace upon them (and no, this time it's not Germany, more like Trumps deadly kiss, or Xi's vicious embrace) for insular pride and some mad pipers' tune... But that's a different, equally bad, story...

Wake up Thailand, wake up ASEAN, wake up free World! It might be your last day, and you need to really make something out of it, otherwise...

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Pitifully small baby steps ..... but you have to start somewhere. It took some 15 years to get from should we ban plastic bags to you have to pay for them in the UK - still no outright ban .... but at least plastic bag use has fallen dramatically. It is now spreading to other plastic products in the UK - paper straws are back (and better than the old ones from my youth), and plastic ones will be banned (with some exceptions) soon. Likewise cotton buds on plastic sticks will soon be banned. Some places make you pay for disposable plastic and paper cups.


Thailand is late to the game but i think will be shamed into trying to catch up - cannot afford loss of face. It will not be easy, but with some incentives it can work. I was pleased to find that twice in my last week in Thailand (currently in UK to see relatives) i was asked if i wanted a bag for my purchases - the message IS getting through - slowly.

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19 hours ago, Chazar said:

nothing  like  big  bruvva  eh!!

Nothing to do with "big brother" is it?  Its a sign that a Country is taking a serious issue seriously and doing something about it! OK? Understand now?

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8 hours ago, wobalt said:

Meanwhile in Kathmandu



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Yes, behavior like this might well be the major problem for sea pollution – according to a recent scientific study 90 % of plastic in the sea originates from rivers – a ban on plastic bags and straws is populisttic, and don't stop general plastic pollution, a change in peoples behavior is needed.


I wonder if those that are saying "no thanks" to a plastic bag in the malls and shops now, are the same as those that are disposing plastic bags and other stuff correctly in a garbage bin...????

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On 6/9/2019 at 3:04 AM, khunPer said:

More important would be to teach folks to stop throwing their used plastic and styrofoam – and other stuff too – the wrong places, but dispose of it in proper garbage bins.


So it can be taken to the incinerator that hasn't worked in decades?

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13 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

So it can be taken to the incinerator that hasn't worked in decades?

Who says "the incinerator" don't work, to my knowledge there are several – probably working – incinerator in Thailand and more to come...????
–And yet still a lot better in a garbage collection facility, than dumped in nature, or rivers...????

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