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New laws target people in Thailand who smoke at home


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Surely it would be easier to ban the manufacture, importation and sale of tobacco products. Of course there will be smugglers, but it's a lot more difficult to hide several hundred ciggies and keep them in useable condition, than a few hundred grams of white powder. And of course, no more "duty free" at the airport!

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1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

This law will not improve people's heath either because the whole second-hand smoke theory is spurious.

It's just fake news like global warming, relaxing gun control is dangerous, driving licenses only obtained after a strict test makes roads safer, men have walked on the moon, seat belts save lives, the earth is round and of course there is no god. Why are fools taken in by such things? Smoking is good for you, don't believe anyone who says it's not.

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It seems to me this is another link in the crackdown chain. Thailand seems to have caught crackdown fever where governments focus on arresting and punishing citizens in an effort to solve social problems. I think this crackdown mentality emanates from several sources - being in the sphere of polical hegemony where a nation is virtually coerced into adapting international laws and standards for fear of trade sanctions or interntional ridicule. Also, in this age of Trump, crackdown is a manifestation of state machismo, "You Gotta pound your fist and lock em up or you will be seen as weak." With this type of aproach to law enforcement we get media celebrities like Trump, Big Joke, Dueterte, or Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the USA. It provides great photo opps and high drama for TV. However, it serves to divide people as it obfuscates and stifles more civil remedies for solving social problems.

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22 minutes ago, Salerno said:

How did he know the person that had dumped the plastic bags, fast food containers, drink bottles, cans etc. was a smoker?

Because 90% of the litter was fag packets or bits of them like the foil or plastic wrappers.

That was about 15 years ago so not the same now.

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Right idea, wrong approach. Rather than trying to criminialise ignorant or badly-educated smokers they should start by raising the tax on a packet of fags so that they cost something similar to the UK or Australia, say 500 Baht a packet. There's no doubt that move would reduce smoking, as well as even possibly raising some handy extra revenue. The current money the government gets from the sale of cigarettes is small enough that its loss if everybody stopped puffing would not be a big problem.

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There are two kinds of smokers, Educated and Uneducated,


Educated are the ones who don't go smoking around other people, kids, shop fronts, eatery or anywhere their smoke will affect others, and dispose their butts correctly. 


Uneducated are the ones who don't give a shit where they smoke who they affect,flick their butts anywhere, don't follow "NO SMOKING" areas and have NO consideration of others and smoke with kids in the car. Then their coughing and spitting everywhere from the effects. disgusting.


I am not against people who smoke only the smokers that don't have common sense.

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What a JOKE!!!!


Our family had to flee from our home in Chiang Mai and stay away for nearly 2 months, because government could care less about the dangerous levels here. Some children at my sons school had nose bleeds and were coughing up blood.


It is okay for millions of people in the North to breath this shit every year, but now people can not do what they want in their own home?


How stupid can these people get? Complete Idiots!!


Edited by khunpa
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6 hours ago, webfact said:

If it can be proved that the health problems of family members stems from second- or third-hand smoke at home, it can lead to two court trials: one in Criminal Court for ‘domestic assault’ via smoke and the other at the Central Juvenile and Family Court. This could lead to a court injunction to protect the health of family members, with the smoker being sent to a rehabilitation centre to kick the habit.

The incidence of lung cancer is lower per capita than the US and Japan for example.  Although smoking is one of the primary causes, there are others.  Chemical and biological causes are also factored in the equation.


Albeit to say that proving the cause of lung cancer, for example, is impossible.  Therefore the law is meaningless.


They really should look at the research done in their own universities as well as international research.  Take note from experts rather than random statements from the so-called lawmakers.


Chang Mai is the hardest hit in Thailand.  Is it because there are more smokers there?  Of course not.  We all know the reason why!



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14 minutes ago, chang1 said:

Because 90% of the litter was fag packets or bits of them like the foil or plastic wrappers.

That was about 15 years ago so not the same now.

I'm sure it was; others might think it was just another stat on the Internet pulled out of a certain part of the anatomy.


The amount of butts etc. <deleted> throw out of car windows is bad enough without exaggerating.

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39 minutes ago, wombat said:

now lets see...govt and corporations making money from selling a drug of addiction yet the addict is to blame for all the problems associated with it.

The corporations sell the drug it's the addicts that cause the problems when using them or getting the resources to pay for them. If I sold you a gun which you then used to kill someone, should I be charged with murder?

I am all for banning tobacco products (and guns) entirely but many will defend their right to buy them, so why not make some money to pay for putting right some of the harm they cause?

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Great law! I was never so happy when they cracked down on smokers in the United States; particularly so on International and domestic flights. After all, too many smokers think they have a God-given right to pollute the air that others are compelled to breath.

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25 minutes ago, khunpa said:

What a JOKE!!!!


Our family had to flee from our home in Chiang Mai and stay away for nearly 2 months, because government could care less about the dangerous levels here. Some children at my sons school had nose bleeds and were coughing up blood.


It is okay for millions of people in the North to breath this shit every year, but now people can not do what they want in their own home?


How stupid can these people get? Complete Idiots!!


yes immigration and goverment have wery stupid, thre have only idiot at working. alltime build new law but all have super idiot make. and gocevments big boss have super super idiot if accept all idiot new law.

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While I agree with not exposing children to second hand smoke and bad air, I wonder what the thinking (or lack of) is behind the authorities allowing a baby to stay with an abusive mother who is addicted to yaba? How is physical abuse and drug addiction ok, but smoking not?

I know a family in this situation, and the farang father cannot get custody. Police have been called multiple times. Nothing. The father has been to court multiple times, and the mother still has the baby.

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17 minutes ago, khunpa said:

What a JOKE!!!!


Our family had to flee from our home in Chiang Mai and stay away for nearly 2 months, because government could care less about the dangerous levels here. Some children at my sons school had nose bleeds and were coughing up blood.


It is okay for millions of people in the North to breath this shit every year, but now people can not do what they want in their own home?


How stupid can these people get? Complete Idiots!!


If you smoke, you may want to do it in your home but your wife and children may not want to have their health put at risk. Even though this law appears to be unenforceable it will send a clear message to smokers which is a step in the right direction. 

When the UK brought in the no smoking in workplaces law the whole attitude to smokers changed. Suddenly non smokers became empowered to complain about smoke where before we were made to feel that smokers could do as they please and bullied us if we dared to complain.

Soon children will be able to ask their smoking parents to go outside and have this law backing them up where as now they will just be told I will do what I want in my house or go outside yourself if you want clean air (not much of an option in the north).

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On 6/22/2019 at 12:36 AM, Calach said:

The obsession for health and hygiene is totalitarian in essence. Anti-tobacco activists, as well as all others who work so hard to transform society into a clinic, are the enemies of mankind and of everything that makes living worthwhile.


They'll have us all die old and healthy, of boredom. 

All because they do not want to die. Humans should quit at 75 at most. After 75, everything in you begins to die. 

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