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Fine for not doing 90 days (90 day report lunacy)

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What is the fine for failing to do 90 day report?


Did the 90 day report online as I've done may times and this time it was rejected 'please fill in your full name'.


Why on earth is it not required to fill in your full name on the damn form????


I fill in every field with a red star - done this for a long time.


Now out of time to do online and I'm not going to immigration to do this - what is the fine and can I just pay the fine when do next extension, had enough of this nonsense.


To anyone doing 90 day report online, beware that non-mandatory fields may actually be mandatory, do they make it like this just to bugger people over and send you a response of rejection only when there is no time to re-do online??????


Edit - To make it clear I fill in the least amount of info possible as the system is so temperamental and often need to try multiple times before it works, I found originally that the least information the more likely it is to work, so stuck to that for the last at least 10 90 day reports. 

Edited by bkk23234
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Your nic suggests BKK. Just go to bumrungrad hospital business center. Did mine there with 3 days to go before expiry , just pay 650 baht and they do all the work 

Edited by madmen
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2 hours ago, bkk23234 said:

What is the fine for failing to do 90 day report?

Up to 5,000 baht, but the usual fine is 2,000 baht. It’s 4,000 if late and you’re arrested. Plus they can charge 200 baht for everyday from when a fine is issued until paid.

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Now that you mention, I recently did a tm-30 report online, also in that form the first name is a required field with a red star, but the family name is not. As I am stupid, I provided it anyway and it worked but hey now I see I should have done like you, call it nonsense and pay the fine.

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Not sure what your problem was. Just went on the site and only completed my last name and the other required fields and got the usual message to contact my local office due to my old entry and new passport.

Tried leaving surname blank and putting only the first name and go the message to enter it.

When did you get the message to enter your full name?

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

Not sure what your problem was. Just went on the site and only completed my last name and the other required fields and got the usual message to contact my local office due to my old entry and new passport.

Tried leaving surname blank and putting only the first name and go the message to enter it.

When did you get the message to enter your full name?

I successfully filled in the form using all the required fields, this was submitted OK and I heard back 4 days later that it was not approved and the comment from the officer was 'please provide full name'.

As it is not required on the form this is absurd. I've done it this way for ages.

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Mine got rejected three times last week, no reason given, no response to email asking why the reject. On going in they said I had entered a wrong date but it was right looking at the form logically According to immigration my 13 year old non im O visa has not actually run out yet!

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I used to never do my 90 day reports. I just paid 2000 THB and it was fine. However, as of late it seems they are more serious about this. I myself figured just to pay 2000, instead of making the trip down there.. ha lazy I guess. I wont be doing it anymore though as 5k isnt as convenient as 2k.

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If a middle name was a required field, but you didn't have a middle name, the system wouldn't allow you to move to the next step.

You should enter your name in full as shown in your passport, which is what they record on the system.

Edited by Tanoshi
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Why doesn't the OP contact the 'Help Line 1178' and get their view on the matter. Any advice on here isn't gonna help you, other than mine. Get proper advice now if you think you've been badly done by. Don't forget to ask for the name of the person on the 'Help Line 1178' who advised you. 



 Customer Service
Phone: 1178
Phone: 0-2287-3101 to 10
Email: [email protected] (Police Clearance Certificate)



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23 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

If a middle name was a required field, but you didn't have a middle name, the system wouldn't allow you to move to the next step.

You should enter your name in full as shown in your passport, which is what they record on the system.

For the first page nothing but your surname is required. When you click submit it confirms the info in the required fields by checking a database that has a record of you last entry to the country.

After that page the full name in the database should be shown.

I never been able to get past the first page so I cannot say what the rest of the page have other that what I have seen in instruction and report by people that have done one.

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8 hours ago, madmen said:

Your nic suggests BKK. Just go to bumrungrad hospital business center. Did mine there with 3 days to go before expiry , just pay 650 baht and they do all the work 

what work?  There's nothing much to do. 

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13 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

2000thb for every day over. Ouch.

It's not 2,000BHT for every day over.

It can be up to 5,000, but the standard fine imposed is max 2,000.


Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.

Edited by Tanoshi
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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

i have just done my yearly retirement permit like i did for the last 10 years at the same address, this time, when just about completing the process the eagle eye officer noticed that on her system, for some inexplicable reason, my apartment number shows 79 instead of 224 and was told to go to this counter and that counter to change something that it was correct for 10 years but not this year, so another 1 hour wasted, now let's see what surprises NEXT year will be like...

well if it was wrong it was wrong.  You have just been lucky for 10 years. Why complain if they were just insisting that you correct an error? 

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1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

It's not 2,000BHT for every day over.

It can be up to 5,000, but the standard fine imposed is max 2,000.


Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.


Section 76 is for the guidance of the judge when a case goes to court.


Immigration officials issue fines based on section 84 of the Immigration Act.


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9 minutes ago, Maestro said:

Section 76 is for the guidance of the judge when a case goes to court.

Where does it state that.


9 minutes ago, Maestro said:

Immigration officials issue fines based on section 84 of the Immigration Act.

That allows the competent official to set a settlement fee.

The fines are often inconstant.

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1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

what work?  There's nothing much to do. 

The donkey work. No way Im spending a day at immigration so 650 baht is great value and not much cheaper if you go  yourself.

I usually just mail it in but I missed the deadline last time around and the hospital was the back up

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

The donkey work. No way Im spending a day at immigration so 650 baht is great value and not much cheaper if you go  yourself.

I usually just mail it in but I missed the deadline last time around and the hospital was the back up

took me 15 minutes last time I did a 90 report at Immigration.  Definitely not worth me paying someone else.  

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Look, it's really unformatte that IT software business applications in general in Thailand IMHO and experience suck on many fronts, not just immigration............. my suggestion, use the old immigration paperwork manual submission system and you are going to mitigate most issues you encounter with online IM verification and validation systems. Many of their application routines are written with mainline code and mutual exclusive exit points of "go or nogo".


Better formed code routines endeavour to invoke some self analysis and offer the user some suggestive prompts of examples existing in the referenced database. eg. like your input field should implicitly be structured in this syntax style...................John (first name) Smith (last name) as an oversimplified sampled example I know........... it's just lazy or dumb programmers that leave you hanging out there to dry because they did not handle or phrase the user's input string effectively.  


A friend of mine had the ultimate experience of actually getting a 90 day report online submitted and acknowledged, he went to do his annual visa renewal a few weeks later and got fined for failing to do his last 90 day report, no record in the immigration database. Did not matter what he said or showed the IMO, she said please pay your fine. Thailand 4.0 is a far stretch for Thailand's technology sector, they still struggle with 1.0. 

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4 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

Where does it state that.


That's a very good question. Allow me to rephrase it, to make it applicable to sentencing for infractions of laws in general:
Where does it say that, unless otherwise stipulated in a law, sentencing for a contravention of that law is done by a judge, respectively by a court of law?


I'm afraid I don't have the answer, but if any Tom, Dick or Harry walked up to me and told me that he is giving me a fine for whatever, I would just walk away from him.


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3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

That allows the competent official to set a settlement fee.

The fines are often inconstant.


This does not change the legal fact that immigration officials are bound by section 84 of the Immigration Act when they give a fine.

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4 hours ago, essox essox said:

hard if one does not know ones name....and i could be one as long as many Thai surnames are so people might foget their surname/s

Someone doing a 90 day report has a passport.  Looking at might give a clue as to what immigration wants.

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