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Thais rip into "5,000 baht for a tourist's life" check presentation

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I'd say thank you but no.  How about buy some helmets for less well off families or something.  No 'amount' of money will make a jot of difference to the grieving family.

15 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Probably both at fault as the car looks illegally parked, better not to give anything than that amount.

On your clear ignorance and premature judgement, probably best not to make a post/comment like that. Or are you being ignored by people so much in your real world, that your only outlet is to post hateful thoughts on others via this forum?


Have some respect for a families loss.




5000 baht?  This place never ceases to amaze me and what's with the family, posing for that photograph? Wow. I'd have told them where to shove it.



This town needs a complete cleaning, from top to bottom. Then clear out the non-human rubbish.

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10 hours ago, nkg said:


So what was the purpose of the publicity photograph with the oversized cheque being given to the grieving relatives?


If they had privately given her 5000 baht that would have been fine.

They seem to 'need' these dog an pony shows where contributions are concerned. A charitable gift must be seen and lauded. Happened to me when I gave a relatively small donation to a rural school, and I just couldn't get out of it. It was every bit as cringe-worthy as the OP pic, except in front of the whole damned school and I felt humiliated.

It shows how far apart our cultures are. 

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20 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

What were they thinking. total Muppet's.


Muppets have better sense. These morons are beyond belief.

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17 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

Pity they did not give him a cheque as opposed to a check, but they seem to teach 'Americanish' here and not English anyway!! 555

Check or cheque. Spanner or wrench. Humor or Humour. Your post lends no value to the topic. This is not a spelling contest between UK and American English, except perhaps to you.

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22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Whoever came up with the idea that 5,000 Baht would help the family cope should be sacked. That is just an insult.

Have to agree, no matter which country (Including Thailand) - if a "Government entity" offered such a small amount, for the life of a fellow human being - it can ONLY be construed as an insult, to that persons life and that persons family. 


I love Thailand and it's people. This is NOT representative of the people here - it is shameful.

  • Thanks 1
On 6/24/2019 at 8:09 AM, Orton Rd said:

Probably both at fault as the car looks illegally parked, better not to give anything than that amount.

how illegally parked ?   

and yes this check is very insulting 

12 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Yinn, the police did not give anything to help in this case either.

Yes you are correct. I read/understand it wrong. The tourist people give it.


14 hours ago, BestB said:

Trolling is your never ending habit, police is in the photo, no?


Limited? unable whatever the excuse you like to come up, there was zero need to publicize it with a photo op, even more so when as you like to claim they have "limited" ability

Accurate reading of a situation and commenting on it is not trolling!  You and the others who can't be bothered to get things right are the ones doing the trolling!


So what if a police officer is in the photo, perhaps he was involved in the investigation, that doesn't mean that he was representing a police donation. 


The TAF is a charitable foundation, there is every need to promote it's existence and the reason that it's there.  By doing that they can attract donors and connections to other charities and perhaps be in a position to offer more assistance in the future, is that such a bad thing?  Jesus...


What I said was not "what I like to claim", it was fact, if you read the link you'd know that.

11 hours ago, nkg said:


There are ways of getting publicity that don't involve parading grieving relatives in front of the media.

The recipients did not have to be there!  And they weren't "parading grieving relatives".

On 6/24/2019 at 9:59 AM, smedly said:

and the Arab rider ?


what happened to him ?


why is he not paying up ?

He probably paid the 5k and another 495k to the police to make it go away

On 6/24/2019 at 3:00 PM, Yinn said:

Real question. I try google but can not find it.


If a foreigner tourist kills another foreigner tourist in US or Europe, how much do the police give to help?

And how much the foreigner have to give the dead foreigner family? 

I don't know exactly how this works in countries without a proper social safety net like the US, but in countries as for example Germany, and probably other European countries as well:

The police don't have to pay anything, it's paid for by the compulsary vehicle insurance. In case the vehicle is not insured there is some fund from which the money is taken, who will then try to recoup the money from the person who caused the accident.

They will get money for the pain of losing a close person (in Germany not much, i assume in the US this would be way more), as well as any damages caused. So let's say the mother took care of the child and household, but was killed. Then this is considered a damage, and the person who caused the accident has to pay for this, which means paying to employ somebody who does these chores.

So if the deceased person had young children, we are talking about many million THB.

  • Thanks 1
16 minutes ago, jackdd said:

I don't know exactly how this works in countries without a proper social safety net like the US, but in countries as for example Germany, and probably other European countries as well:

The police don't have to pay anything, it's paid for by the compulsary vehicle insurance. In case the vehicle is not insured there is some fund from which the money is taken, who will then try to recoup the money from the person who caused the accident.

They will get money for the pain of losing a close person (in Germany not much, i assume in the US this would be way more), as well as any damages caused. So let's say the mother took care of the child and household, but was killed. Then this is considered a damage, and the person who caused the accident has to pay for this, which means paying to employ somebody who does these chores.

So if the deceased person had young children, we are talking about many million THB.

Similar in Thailand.

Pay insurance at ตรอ (dtor ror or) when check the car/give the sticker.

That one pay it for somebody hurt or kill if you crash them. The Arab bike insurance must pay it for her. 


Also the police make the killer pay the family also. If he refuse, he go in jail.

(if redbull he will escape it to England)


2 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Similar in Thailand.

Pay insurance at ตรอ (dtor ror or) when check the car/give the sticker.

That one pay it for somebody hurt or kill if you crash them. The Arab bike insurance must pay it for her. 


Also the police make the killer pay the family also. If he refuse, he go in jail.

(if redbull he will escape it to England)


Not really the same, because the 300k THB which the compulsary Thai insurance pays is not even enough for Thai people, and for western countries this is just a joke.

And if the vehicle didn't have the compulsary insurance it might happen that the victim doesn't get any money.

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On 6/24/2019 at 8:49 AM, Bipolar said:

The key thing is that why would anybody with any self-respect wanna accept Bt 5,000 baht after a relative has died and worst even pose for such pictures??????


and that moron smiles, he is sacked now

  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/24/2019 at 2:09 AM, Orton Rd said:

Probably both at fault as the car looks illegally parked, better not to give anything than that amount.

How can a parked car ever be responsible, Stationary vehicles should be avoided,


its only 5000 baht and stupid and tacky tomake a photo op.. the Russian family will receive more money along with the 'facilitators' that is the police & the prosecutor from the arab offender who was in the hospital serious condition after the acident.. highly unlikly that he would be able to leave the country before the case sttled.. that's probably why the Russian family was willng to do the photo-op

On 6/24/2019 at 7:55 AM, webfact said:

the police should be concentrating on getting justice for the victim in the case. 

It'll take more than 5000 baht to stir Pattaya Plod into action.  They are good for nothing but road banditry/and extortion.  They make noises about road safety; noisy bikes; polluting vehicles; but can't/won't stop red-light runners and meterless taxis (despite Prayuth banging on about the law of the land in BKK).

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