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Police chief transferred for allowing prostitution in Pattaya, foreign bar owners deported and blacklisted

Jonathan Fairfield

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17 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

The bar was owned by a consortium of taiwanese, chinese and thai. So the first two are to be deported and blacklisted. What about the thai partners ?

Simple, they rent the building out to the next lot of mugs!

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5 hours ago, toenail said:

A very liberal thought, but why not legalize prostitution in certain soil like they do in certain European cities. The government would get some income , more safe for the “escorts”, & gets rid of the scumbags.

You are far too smart for this country !

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

will they face charges of underage sex trafficking back home?


you do if you are from the USA. In the slammer you go.

If they are indeed guilty of this, IMO they should be charged with the offence in Thailand (where the crime was committed) and only then be deported and banned.


In this day and age, especially in a tourist location there should be no need for underage girls in this trade.

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2 hours ago, petemoss said:

Not familiar enough to know approximately how many bars there are there. Where did you live on the 6?

Queen Vic for a while then one of the bars that will remain nameless.  Go count them.  I really don't think you will find 50 open bars with ladies on Soi Six.  If there is it is close to 50 but not more.

Edited by marcusarelus
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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Where to even begin with this. Probably the most pathetic part is that trusty "damaged Pattaya and Thailand's reputation" line.


Unless they're shutting down the 1000 plus other bars and gogos in Pattaya I am not buying whatever reasoning they give.


What a complete $#it show as usual ????

The other bars and gogos are not stupid enough to allow sex to take place on the premises.  As long as they operate within the terms of their licence, under the Entertainment Places Act, they are not breaking the law.

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"And the Bang Lamung district chief has ordered the bar shut for five years for damaging the image of tourism in Pattaya and Thailand."


The floods, washed away beaches, awefull seawater, open sewers, walkways,  the general smell coming from the sewers, overpriced watering holes in walking street,
scamming taxi mafia......there are far more things damaging pattaya tourism then what the foreign journalists like to write about. 

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51 minutes ago, kamahele said:

So only one bar in Pattaya had prostitutes?

No.  Just this bar was discovered to have acts of prostitution taking place on the premises.  The others had either been forewarned, or they don't have rooms on site.

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5 hours ago, SammyT said:

Poisoned chalice being the chief of police there if they're gonna get transferred every time prostitution is found...

Every police chief in Thailand must be tidying their desks ready for their move “;0)

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8 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The other bars and gogos are not stupid enough to allow sex to take place on the premises.  As long as they operate within the terms of their licence, under the Entertainment Places Act, they are not breaking the law.

What law does Lolita's operate under?  I only went in there to look at the big lizard/crocodile thing.   And does that bar with the yellow line train street painters?  

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56 minutes ago, johnarth said:

you do not understand Thailand does not have prostitution so they can not legalize it

Be careful what you wish for!  The current situation where paying for sex itself is not illegal, and girls/boys can be barfined from bars for whatever purpose you desire, is probably preferable to the government controlling the girls!  Prostitution in various forms is part of Thai culture (concubines anyone?) but it's "discreet".  The law refers to "promiscuous" acts of prostitution, i.e. in your face prostitution such as soliciting in public and brothels, and obviously underage or trafficked prostitutes are something to be clamped down on.  Gogos, bars and massage places that stay within the rules should be fine.

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Be careful what you wish for!  The current situation where paying for sex itself is not illegal, and girls/boys can be barfined from bars for whatever purpose you desire, is probably preferable to the government controlling the girls!  Prostitution in various forms is part of Thai culture (concubines anyone?) but it's "discreet".  The law refers to "promiscuous" acts of prostitution, i.e. in your face prostitution such as soliciting in public and brothels, and obviously underage or trafficked prostitutes are something to be clamped down on.  Gogos, bars and massage places that stay within the rules should be fine.

The bar where my x worked the mamma san sold the girls hard drugs and took the payment out of their wages.  It's a nasty business however you look at it.  

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5 hours ago, BestB said:

Can not help but feel sorry for the owners who invested a lot of money and now lost it all overnight

I don´t feel sorry for an owner who allows underage prostitutes in his bar.

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"Channel 7 reported yesterday that the Chonburi police chief Pol Maj-Gen Nanthachart Suphamongkhon had axed the acting head of the Pattaya police Pol Col Pongphan Wongmaneethet and four of his deputies.

The media did not say what was their immediate fate but they said that the transfer was for allowing prostitution to go on in Pattaya."


To me "axed" and "transfer" are not at all the same!


Far too often these rogue policemen are "transferred to inactive posts".


Why don't they just have their contracts terminated or, as we say in the UK, "sacked" (after due and diligent investigation of course!) 


However, good to see that one of the Big Wigs has been removed as well - from what I read he was totally inept at his job, and "spoiled the image of Pattaya"! 

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7 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

I don´t feel sorry for an owner who allows underage prostitutes in his bar.

How would you check?  How would you identify her big sisters ID card?  Serious question.  Not kidding.  You made a statement - lets see if you could identify an lady who was 17 and 364 days as opposed to one who was 18.  

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the Bang Lamung district chief has ordered the bar shut for five years for damaging the image of tourism in Pattaya and Thailand.



Ha ha    get real    that is the tourism industry in pattaya 

Google sex cspital of the world and pattaya is at the top of the list followed by thailand in general

who does the government think it is kidding with this ?   Any suggestions ?

Edited by travelling wilbury
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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There's never a dull moment here is there? Still, the cops shouldn't have been so dumb as to parade through Walking street and say there was no evidence of prostitution, when everyone knows it is going on everywhere. Closing a bar for 5 years for " damaging the image of tourism in Pattaya and Thailand ", is a laugh too. Rest of the soi and most of town are doing exactly the same. Problem is of course, if they did really stamp it out, there would be even less people in town and Soi 6 would be renamed Soi Ghost Town.

..they were walking 4 abreast..how could you not trip over one.

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3 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

people who traffic underage girls don't invoke my sympathy at all and I don't care if the world is doing it...

A good chance the owner did not know about it. The girls often use false or another's ID. 

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12 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

So we can expect another 1,000bars to be shut down and the owners deported in the next month the Pattaya economy will be zero .

They had an underage girl on the premises. That is enough to close the bar indefinitely. The owners only got deported, even though they claim to have evidence of prostitution in the bar, they were lucky it didn't end up in jail. 


The rules are simple, no short time rooms on premises, bars can not encourage girls to go with customers (yes we know why the girls work there) and what goes on in the "room" is between a tourist and a girl. 


They follow these rules, no bars will be shutdown unless they screw up themselves.



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