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Video: Porsche driver slaps waitress and waiter - gets away with 10,000 baht compensation


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4 hours ago, geisha said:

While I agree that this man should have a heavier payback, court/ bigger compensation, the idea of different price buffets where a family can’t share the same table is ridiculous ! Have never heard anything like it. How unprofessional to do this, did they never think that a couple, for example, might choose different menus ? Some restaurants do children’s menus, which is very fair considering the child’s appetite.Some small kids eat free. Some people  do have stupid ideas.

That's standard practice in any buffet restaurant in Thailand which offers different menus. Usually children up to a certain age / height are free, if a bit older they pay half the price, and at some point they pay the full price.

Even Pizza Hut Thailand, originating from the US, is following this practice.

Imho that's a fair system. If they would allow people who order different priced menus to sit together, do you really think people would not cheat?


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Yearr Real a-Hole, ... I have never really liked Rich Asians, ... some must be OK of course, ... but well, they all ... Have to stay RICH, Right .... (Some How) Right. .... (Eg with Chronieism, Nepotism, Exploiting the poor, ... and basically breaking the rules. ... Like Some forigen men end up with their woman right ? ... )


...  5,000 B ... about half a months basic wages ? Mot much ? ... not much damage either, ... though he gets the poor woman pretty well ! ... (As-hole) ...  it was just the total arrogance of the bastard.  ...


5,000 B = half a months basic wage, = about $1800 AUD on he Australian basic wage scale ? (About Fellows) ... So with a supportive boss, going in to bat for you, ... and justifiably reporting him to the cops ... not to bad, as many people around here, get screwed ... and for no compensation at all, and a lot more in losses. ...


Porch man has been Made ! ....Great ! .. Like all of his family and friends will find out, and well, ... I think their laughter may be hard to suppress ! Har Har. Still, whether he takes any notice of that would just be another thing. ...


... I wonder if the Boss would have reported him, if it was only the man that got hit ? ??? ... Possibly not ! ? ... I think that the Thais DO look after their woman pretty well in the Public space ! ...


Like I just touched one of them selling stuff on the solder lightly in jest once ! As I thought she was trying to rip me off  ... .... and she just about chased me down the street ! .... And when my wife found out about it she was angry, ... With ME ! ... as said that I had been lucky that she did not call the cops on me ! ...  as my Friend also backer her up on ,,,


SO "Do not touch woman in the street" ..."AT ALL" !!! ... (And probably not Thai men either. ?) ... And dress Cleanly, (Then you can get away with any thing ? TIT ? ... or if they are in a bad mood, ... they might just make it up and set them on to you any way if you look dirty, ... and you stand to near them, e.g. on a bus ! ... 

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2 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Yearr Real a-Hole, ... I have never really liked Rich Asians, ... some must be OK of course, ... but well, they all ... Have to stay RICH, Right .... (Some How) Right. .... (Eg with Chronieism, Nepotism, Exploiting the poor, ... and basically breaking the rules. ... Like Some forigen men end up with their woman right ? ... )


...  5,000 B ... about half a months basic wages ? Mot much ? ... not much damage either, ... though he gets the poor woman pretty well ! ... (As-hole) ...  it was just the total arrogance of the bastard.  ...


5,000 B = half a months basic wage, = about $1800 AUD on he Australian basic wage scale ? (About Fellows) ... So with a supportive boss, going in to bat for you, ... and justifiably reporting him to the cops ... not to bad, as many people around here, get screwed ... and for no compensation at all, and a lot more in losses. ...


Porch man has been Made ! ....Great ! .. Like all of his family and friends will find out, and well, ... I think their laughter may be hard to suppress ! Har Har. Still, whether he takes any notice of that would just be another thing. ...


... I wonder if the Boss would have reported him, if it was only the man that got hit ? ??? ... Possibly not ! ? ... I think that the Thais DO look after their woman pretty well in the Public space ! ...


Like I just touched one of them selling stuff on the solder lightly in jest once ! As I thought she was trying to rip me off  ... .... and she just about chased me down the street ! .... And when my wife found out about it she was angry, ... With ME ! ... as said that I had been lucky that she did not call the cops on me ! ...  as my Friend also backer her up on ,,,


SO "Do not touch woman in the street" ..."AT ALL" !!! ... (And probably not Thai men either. ?) ... And dress Cleanly, (Then you can get away with any thing ? TIT ? ... or if they are in a bad mood, ... they might just make it up and set them on to you any way if you look dirty, ... and you stand to near them, e.g. on a bus ! ... 

Re Thai's attitude to Violence on men ? ... or just touching woman, ... Like the slap of the Waitress probably REALLY did cook Porch Mans goose, so to speak. ... Like he might have just got away with giving the man a clip around the ears ! ? ... But slapping the waitress, who was not even any where near the trouble spot, as he walked out the door HARD in the face !!! That for sure would have done it for him !!! 


... One of my Thai friends had a Muslim Thai friend, a really quite good Guy ! They both went to the Catholic High school here together, and he works in legal advocacy for the poor now, ... like a very good man.


... But well they all, do not drink, my friend is just a bit Chinese, (100 %) and he is allergic to it, ... but they did smoke dope, .., well when they were young any way .... But the Muslim Guys older brother, who was a Uni student, got really stoned, and was just trying to get home, out of the Uni grounds ... and the Police Picked him up, and well he was a Hippie, and well, a Muslim so looked Indian, ... Sort of Looking pretty dirty, like a Feral Mung Bean, Muslim Thai fashion ! ...  And well, he was just so undone on the grass !!! ... So the Thai cops thought that he was a Junkie, ... and took him back to the station, and started hitting him, asking him where the heroin was ... Yes it was that long ago ! .... And him just being so stoned, and not having any ... he Just could not answer !  .... And they ended up beating him to death !!! ... 


His father had to go down to the police station, and collect his body. And I do not know if they go any compensation at all .... Good Muslims Right ? ... and they probably did not have a lot of Help most likely Like. ... Like Buddhism is supposedly a compassionate Religion. ...  But well, they are also still Nationalistic about it also I think.

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This guy is my hero ! How many times i would have done the same since i live in Thailand...!
I’m tired to see idiotic, uneducated and stupid waiters everywhere i go.
Imagine : you pay 500 thb per person to eat and moreover the waiter comes to scatter your mind and want you to move the table all the family. He insisted and got what he deserved and the femalo too!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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And it might not be over yet ! ... The restaurant Banning him no doubt, ? even if he has the Gaul to show up there again ! ? ... And the Staff still up set, ... but him loosing face ! ... and eager to retaliate ! ? ... To get his ..."Face" back ! ? ...  Right ? ... ???

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Can't say I agree with his actions; but, telling someone where you can sit by the price you pay for your meal sounds more than a little ridiculous.  Really, I can't sit with my family when we go out to dinner?  I'm thinking Rich Porshe Man isn't the only one who would be getting more than a little upset if that happened to them.  

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What a miserable scrawny punk!  5000 baht is nothing for three counts of aggravated assault... Mr. rich tough guy can afford to pay a lot more money to both victims...   Pompous, arrogant punk needs to be publicly b!tched slapped a few times!


The look on the poor girls face says it all!   God, how I hate punks like this guy!!


Two people just doing their jobs, as they should do....

Edited by JMSIII
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7 minutes ago, kensisaket said:

Can't say I agree with his actions; but, telling someone where you can sit by the price you pay for your meal sounds more than a little ridiculous.  Really, I can't sit with my family when we go out to dinner?  I'm thinking Rich Porshe Man isn't the only one who would be getting more than a little upset if that happened to them.  

I agree the Thai Food Vendors SOMETIMES, but only some times ... like 5% of the time, Can get really Obtuse ! (Usually inn Night markets when they are having a feud with their own Neighbors) ... And well, this place was a Rich Place, ... For RICH People any way, .... But should then He attached them, and assaulted them ? 

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1 hour ago, TITOLAS said:

This guy is my hero ! How many times i would have done the same since i live in Thailand...!
I’m tired to see idiotic, uneducated and stupid waiters everywhere i go.
Imagine : you pay 500 thb per person to eat and moreover the waiter comes to scatter your mind and want you to move the table all the family. He insisted and got what he deserved and the femalo too!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

But should he have attacked them ? Physically un-provoked, and then assaulted them ! ?


... As the fellow further down says they probably were only doing there job, and would have got in to trouble if they did not follow the rules. ... And the waiter was obviously trying to explain that. But porch man attacked him for his trouble, and then assaulted him, and then hit the woman, hard in the face, after she had even withdrawn and left the scene of the conflict, any way !!! ...


He should have been charged with Assault ! ... As you should be, if you do it ! ... Waiters and Waitresses that do not mark up to your expectations, .... or not.

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10 hours ago, kcpattaya said:

Ignorant piece of Thainess in its purest form.

It has nothing to do with Thainess. Rich or poor, there are scum bags everywhere.

Meanwhile in America we have this. https://youtu.be/2QKVrJHJM_g This Thai incident looks tame compared to what we see in the US every week.


Edited by Duck J Butters
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The man’s extreme reaction may be due to the poorly executed ‘damage control’ by the workers. Some workers are not trained to gauge the situation arising from the implementation of the restaurant’s rules and let the manager defuse the explosive altercation. Maybe it is not the money . The guy lost big face in front of his family. On the other hand, the guy should just paid up to upgrade the family to eat together.

I remembered once my missus and I went to an exclusive buffet restaurant . I wanted a wagyu beef buffet but my wife cannot eat beef so she opt for a seafood buffet. Finally we have to upgrade to a ‘seafood and beef’ buffet to suit us both. It is what it is... if you want to eat together, you got to be opened to their options or else eat elsewhere. 

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6 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

The man’s extreme reaction may be due to the poorly executed ‘damage control’ by the workers. Some workers are not trained to gauge the situation arising from the implementation of the restaurant’s rules and let the manager defuse the explosive altercation. Maybe it is not the money . The guy lost big face in front of his family. On the other hand, the guy should just paid up to upgrade the family to eat together.

I remembered once my missus and I went to an exclusive buffet restaurant . I wanted a wagyu beef buffet but my wife cannot eat beef so she opt for a seafood buffet. Finally we have to upgrade to a ‘seafood and beef’ buffet to suit us both. It is what it is... if you want to eat together, you got to be opened to their options or else eat elsewhere. 

Rubbish. An educated and cultured (and wealthy) Thai family would never do this. This is an uncultured thug who happens to be rich. Nothing to do with poor management and everything to do with appalling manners. I know plenty of wealthy Thais and they would never do this even if provoked which I am sure this guy wasn't . All to do with a lifetime of thuggish, unchecked behaviour.

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Like that is quite a hard hit that he gives the Girl, you can see by her Ponytail flying right up, as her head is turned around, and I think that you can see her cheek starting to swell up in the still photo at the start. - Defiantly not what you would do to a young girl, 1 foot shorter than you, and not much more than a young girl. ... Definitely a Chargeable offence. ... I hope that people around him, realize this, and just quietly pay him out, in their own ways. ... and well, I am sure that they will. ... TIT after all. ... and well Thais are actually not supposed to do this, as loosing your temper and showing it publicly is REALLY bad darts for them !!! 


Yearrr, looking at the still photo again, ... if she gets out of it with out getting a black eye out of it also, I think that she would be very lucky. ... Charge Him. .... The fellow above that just calls him a Thug, has Really got it. ... Not at all Thai Really. ... Like NOT at all. ... RICH, ... Or Poor.

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11 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Yes but the staff would have had to agree to accept the 5000. This scum bought his way out of trouble - try doing that in farangland.

In Europe he would get done for assault AND bribery to pervert the course of justice.

Not in my Europe.  She would have her face burnt with acid. In London.  And the police would do littje or nothing.

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Don't think I want to eat in any restaurant that has seating for the rich and separate seating for the poor.


As for our brave 'man' slapping a waitress.... Hiso think they can do what they like, and Thai society being what it is, they often get away with it. She probably gets paid 300 Bats / day so she is low class in Thai society.

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