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4 minutes ago, redbull707 said:

Do you support the status quo? You seem to be a champion for carcinogenic pollution, a failed waste-management system and laziness. Pollution is an enemy of every human in every country. It's nothing something that goes away like a mosquito. Historically, the greatest threat to human civilization has been disease. Where does diseases come from? T R A S H. There are somethings that we cannot our culture about when public health and environment are at urgent risk.



If there was a tax base then the local government would probably be happy to buy some trucks and do pick up. In certain parts of Bangkok the pickup is daily. In rural areas there simply isn't the money available to do that. 


If anything I am a champion of common sense . The burden of common sense is that one has to coexist with people who don't have it.


Sadly you lost me when you claim to be an educator, which I translate as cultural imperialist.

10 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:



You need some up-to-date info here. Almost no one makes that any more. Chlorine Free is the Key and all that.....

You are wrong. The next time you say something like this , give me your sources, not your opinions. Do you seriously think that paper pulp comes "white color" straight from the tree?? haha. No. Many toxic chemicals are used to make paper and make it white. Check out this quick google search and please back up your claims. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_chemicals

Finally, even if you were right (which your not), Thais are still burning PVC which is known as the Poison Plastic. They also burn single-use plastics (plastic #1) which can contain BPA (those destroy your reproductive sytems) and plastic #6 which have carcinogenic chemicals. I used to be a researcher on toxic issues with an organization in Bangkok. Please don't argue opinions with me on this. We can argue about certain materials. Maybe I'm wrong a few materials. It doesn't matter because burning trash creates very toxic chemicals that are a direct and immediate threat to public health. Can we stay productive and solution based instead of bickering about details? I'm here to help ????


Like speeding, it's only against the law if you get caught and then given a fine. Until then it is only a recommendation. :tongue:

On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 5:18 PM, haymanpl said:

There's a lot of development of villas in my area and they burn off waste on a regular basis, normally on weekends creating toxic smoke.

What is it in the smoke that you know makes it "toxic smoke"?

9 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:



If there was a tax base then the local government would probably be happy to buy some trucks and do pick up. In certain parts of Bangkok the pickup is daily. In rural areas there simply isn't the money available to do that. 


If anything I am a champion of common sense . The burden of common sense is that one has to coexist with people who don't have it.


Sadly you lost me when you claim to be an educator, which I translate as cultural imperialist.

Thank you for your idea. Tax money is a good idea but maybe without transparency, the money would be squandered?

Your man of common sense? You sound like the kid in my university classes who plays pubG in the back row and only attends college so this parents don't kick him out of the house. Living in a society where people operate on "common sense" would be chaos. For example, very few people in thailand are educated about how to drive a car.  They use "common sense" which has resulted in Thailand being the second most dangerous country to drive a car. The problem with common sense is that its only common to you! haha. Think about that. There's no such thing as a collective knowledge that everyone should know automatically. When you come into a conversation about something, you should have a toolbox of information that's filled with more than your opinions.

6 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

What is it in the smoke that you know makes it "toxic smoke"?

Dixoins and Furans. They are created when various plastics and metals are burned.


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Is it illegal to ride a motorbike without a helmet in Thailand?  Or drive a vehicle at night without lights?


Start a petition to fix it...


The world would be so beautiful if the solution were as simple as education and awareness, but it isn't. You can't use education and awareness to get a person to stop smoking. A billion smokers and more light up all the time. Never mind all the education and grotesque images on the packs. Same situation with the burning. People simply don't care that they are ruining their own lives and people around them. If you were to tell them they'd just get angry at you for barging into their lives and complaining. Money is not a solution either. I remember an older expat who had neighbors making such bad smoke his health was failing and as he had just poured his life savings into his house he felt trapped. He pleaded with the neighbors for his health to no avail. He offered to pay for garbage dumpsters to serve them and they refused. He was just a nice old man. You have to know these people simply enjoy their pollution, noise, littering, driving habits, everything. Their minds work differently than yours.  Their position is they do as they please and nobody has the right to tell them what to do. There is no reasoning with them. Just like you needed laws to make people considerate and not smoke next to others in restaurants you need that same thing here. Enforcement is the key.


19 hours ago, redbull707 said:

Dixoins and Furans. They are created when various plastics and metals are burned.


Thanks for making my point!  Are you one of her neighbours?  If not, how do you know that they were generating "toxic smoke" by burning "plastics and metals"?

  • Sad 3
On 6/30/2019 at 6:49 AM, canopy said:

There have been reports of good things happening when calling the 1111 hot line which is for english speakers in precisely such conditions. People who do nothing in the face of having their rights trampled on are cowards. Why don't you give them a call and tell what happens.


May I conjecture on a possible outcome?

you call, authority comes, chastises local, then leaves. You car is the next thing that burns. No witnesses.

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