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One Day Overstay

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I have had successive multiple entry non - imm 'O' visa over the past 6 years. Presently I am scheduled to fly out for a new job one day after my current 90 days expires. Under these circumstances what can I expect other than a fine for the one day overstay? Can I be blacklisted? There doesn't appear to be any consistency to what the immigration people do so I'm a bit worried. I could pop down to Poi Pet for another 30 days but it would be a huge hassle as I have preparations to make before traveling and very little time.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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I have had successive multiple entry non - imm 'O' visa over the past 6 years. Presently I am scheduled to fly out for a new job one day after my current 90 days expires. Under these circumstances what can I expect other than a fine for the one day overstay? Can I be blacklisted? There doesn't appear to be any consistency to what the immigration people do so I'm a bit worried. I could pop down to Poi Pet for another 30 days but it would be a huge hassle as I have preparations to make before traveling and very little time.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

They won't blacklist you Tutsi. Just keep your head down on the way to the airport. The sometimes do charge 500 Bt for one day overstay, but usually they do not. You will get the overstay stamp in your passport.

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I have had successive multiple entry non - imm 'O' visa over the past 6 years. Presently I am scheduled to fly out for a new job one day after my current 90 days expires. Under these circumstances what can I expect other than a fine for the one day overstay? Can I be blacklisted? There doesn't appear to be any consistency to what the immigration people do so I'm a bit worried. I could pop down to Poi Pet for another 30 days but it would be a huge hassle as I have preparations to make before traveling and very little time.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

They won't blacklist you Tutsi. Just keep your head down on the way to the airport. The sometimes do charge 500 Bt for one day overstay, but usually they do not. You will get the overstay stamp in your passport.

yeah, but...will the overstay stamp affect my application for another one year non - imm 'O'?...can't afford to jeapordise my status as I ain't got nowhere's else ta go... :o

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There is just no way we can judge what may happen in the future - we do know that it can make entry into other countries more difficult so is not something most travelers should want to have in there passport. That said do not see any circumstance where they would prevent you from visiting your wife so do not believe you are in much danger.

You most likely could obtain a 7 day extension with your story and air ticket if you can get to an immigration office.

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First trip to Thailand, a long while back though, I overstayed one day. Arrived at passport control with wallet ready. The man says "You overstay visa". I explain to him the business took longer than expected and I was advised that a fine might be due. He says "You go see visa overstay man down there". A ways down the end of the immigration area the was a guy sat at an impressive desk with "Visa Overstays" sign. He looked at my passport "Passport not stamped". No, I explained my one day overstay blah blah blah. "You go office down there, get passport stamp". So I walks all the way right back down the other end of immigration to the office pointed out which was full of guys lounging about smoking and generally chatting. "What your problem?". I explained again my overstay and he grabbed the passport, stamped it and handed it back "No problem". No fine and no subsequent problem entering or leaving LoS.

BTW all that took place airside of passport control, there was nothing to stop me just sauntering through to the departure area :D except that I was coming back so wanted to get the all important stamp.

Bearing in mind that your overstay day will be largely spent getting to the airport I wouldn't expect any trouble and it certainly aint worth all the hassle of a visa run, Aranyaprathet - Poipet :o .

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I have an overstay stamp in my passport(1 day). Since I overstayed I have had 3 X 1 month tourist visas followed by two(1 year) Non Imm B Type visas. Not once have I been questioned about my overstay. I hope this puts your mind at rest.

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You most likely could obtain a 7 day extension with your story and air ticket if you can get to an immigration office.

Your nearest would be from Suphan Buri:-

Kanchanaburi Immigration

Maenam MaeKlong Road

(034) 564279

email: [email protected]

Better safe than sorry.

Hope this helps you.

Sawadee :o

Kan Win

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sincere thanks folks fer all yer help and advice...I've got an itinerary for a ticket to be collected PTA at the airport on the day of travel (one day overstay); can't get an air ticket without a visit visa from the Saudi embassy which is proving to be difficult so, sounds like I'm buggered if a ticket is required for a 7 day extension. I was originally gonna get a new 1 year non - imm 'O' from Savannakhet before the present 90 days expires so maybe I'll do that and delay the saudi trip fer a week. However if it is single entry then what's the point?

sigh...I got saudis and thais runnin' my ass ragged...maybe I'll haveta return to CA an' sleep on de streets ob LA... :o

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I have about 7 overstay stamps from the last 6 years. I have been doing the 30 day border runs for a while now untill all the changes. I just applyed for a business visa and no questions asked about the overstay stamps just pay your money and have your papers together and no problems. wouldnt wory about a overstay stamp just have to worry about getting cought by police on last day which is overstay.

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Why don't you leave a day early and stay overnight in a UAE country that has VOA before going on to Saudi?


'cause ye can't go onward to saudi without a visa and if staying temporarily in the UAE and applying for the visa there it would open up a raft of problems...also my employer is providing the air ticket in a PTA arrangement and that can't be completed without a saudi visit visa.

my 90 days runs out on Tuesday and I still don't have a saudi visit visa AFTER THREE ATTEMPTS...they took my money and passport and said to come back on Monday...I'm bein' squeezed right left and center, don't know who is worse the thais or the saudis...mebbe bein' homeless on the streets of LA without visa problems is a better option... :o

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