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Foreign tourists in Pai vandalise Thai flags, anger locals


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Locals had earlier called for the foreigners to be deported.


AHAHHAHAH!!!  Foreigners/expats will be deported anyway, as if this is some real threat, rather an idle threat..However, separately, I do not support destruction of the flags. 

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17 minutes ago, Enoon said:


Q: Why do the Thais condemn it so quickly and forcefully?


A: Because the last one to do so is a traitor.


In the Soviet Union of the 1930's everyone "loved" Stalin........it was suicide not to.




Just the same here.

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2 hours ago, Catoni said:

“A flag is just a symbol.”  

    Yes indeed, a very, very important symbol. 

I couldn't agree with you more! Lives have been given to protect the flags of nations. image.jpeg.d9dcecbc4225accbf4ca4a284a110b0f.jpeg

Desecrating any flag IMHO is a dangerous act. 

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4 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

Very fortunate indeed that they had enough cash on them to be able to achieve such a conclusion.

That would be the only reason they could have avoided serious punishment. An education on the Thai system. On the other hand disrespecting a national flag (as well as a flag representing a monarchy when appropriate) is almost always legally prohibited in any country.

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OMG, it's just a piece of fabric. Why is it that people are so overly sensitive. What they should be concerned with is the lack of hygiene, prostitution and abhorrent alcoholism. Truly this is much more important. No one goes to jail in American for "desecrating" the flag.  It's called freedom of speech not freedom from being offended at every turn. I'm sure a moderator will restrict this post as it doesn't follow the narrative of foreigners bad, Thai good!

Edited by pyrate
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5 minutes ago, pyrate said:

OMG, it's just a piece of fabric. Why is it that people are so overly sensitive. What they should be concerned with is the lack of hygiene, prostitution and abhorrent alcoholism. Truly this is much more important. No one goes to jail in American for "desecrating" the flag.  It's called freedom of speech not freedom from being offended at every turn. I'm sure a moderator will restrict this post as it doesn't follow the narrative of foreigners bad, Thai good!

While I don't think there is any need to jail these dumb idiots, they need to respect other people and their country. No one should be burning flags. It is a bit like walking into a bar and turning your glass upside down. Just disrespectful and liable to get you put in hospital. Younger people from the "West" think they can do what they like, they do not realise just how offensive disrespecting some countries flags can be. Some people still have some pride for their country, not all of them are right wing Nazi scum nationalists as the western media would have you believe. Sadly the younger generation have never had to go to war and fight for anything so they see nothing at all wrong with destroying and ridiculing something like a flag. If those soldiers who went off from all over the world to fight and die for what they thought was freedom in the past wars could come back and see Europe today, they wouldn't get off those landing craft to defend the scum on our streets that are destroying our freedom in ways much more obnoxious than any foreign power, they are like a fifth column, a race of parasites, destroying their host from within. Luckily, not every country or people share their twisted ideas.

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4 hours ago, Emdog said:

Take a chill pill. A flag is just a symbol. Stupid or ignorant? Sure.

You really condone the foreigners act? That's a cool attitude.

How do you use your national flag?

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Its just some immature, silly kids messing around...


..oh and the foreigners aren't so smart either.


Seriously though, of course the kids are in the wrong and they should be taught to show some respect but lets not get carried away here, its not as if they were attempting to invade the country.



Edited by NightSky
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1 minute ago, Burma Bill said:

Like days of old (1980's) - Pai was "bandit" territory in the Golden Triangle and became a "hippies" paradise. It would be interesting for Immigration to look for "over-stayers" in the region.

Yes hundreds of the Neo Hippy Dips hiding there now.

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1 hour ago, pyrate said:

OMG, it's just a piece of fabric. Why is it that people are so overly sensitive. What they should be concerned with is the lack of hygiene, prostitution and abhorrent alcoholism. Truly this is much more important. No one goes to jail in American for "desecrating" the flag.  It's called freedom of speech not freedom from being offended at every turn. I'm sure a moderator will restrict this post as it doesn't follow the narrative of foreigners bad, Thai good!

A few years ago the right wing wanted to make desecrating the flag in the US a jail offence but cooler heads prevailed

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I couldn't agree with you more! Lives have been given to protect the flags of nations. image.jpeg.d9dcecbc4225accbf4ca4a284a110b0f.jpeg&key=a21601d7e13c65134402375b7d47514a838d9a3f17f87c4963f063065cd1ef8c Desecrating any flag IMHO is a dangerous act.      


 It’s just disrespectful. When I was in SERE school in the military (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape school part of my SF training) during the last 3 days of the course after evasion phase we were all in what’s called the “Resistance Training Lab” (RTL). The RTL is a mock foreign prison and they make it so realistic that some of the toughest people will quit even on the last day it’s probably the only school in the Army that allows them to beat you, starve you, and abuse you in other ways including verbally in the RTL during the last 60 to 72 hours of the course. There are other phases of Special Forces Training where you also experience extreme sleep deprivation and lack of food as well it’s tough training. Well anyway there was one training exercise in the RTL where they made our Commanding Officer burn the American flag, and he was doing his best to resist that but then they threatened to shoot one of our fellow students (mock prisoners) not literally shoot him it was just training but it was a test to see what he’d do. So eventually the Officer very reluctantly burned the American flag but he WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!     

At the end of the school they told us a piece of clothe is not worth someone’s life and they also taught us that it’s ok to burn our flag IF it’s in enemy hands, sort of like if an American flag that has been damaged or torn it’s customary to burn it and bury it or something to that effect. Even I was shocked when they burned the American flag in front of us in SERE school on Camp MacKall, North Carolina near Fort Bragg. And that was United States Army Special Forces Training! It was just part of the extremely rigorous and mentally tough training. In SF training they teach you that not everything is black and white long story short. That’s just an interesting story I have among many other interesting stories.


Your post just reminds me of that story but regardless it’s extremely disrespectful to burn anyone’s flag and I don’t like flag burning I don’t care if it’s a form of protest or not.







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6 hours ago, Emdog said:

Take a chill pill. A flag is just a symbol. Stupid or ignorant? Sure.

This is not America. Unlike America it is not politically correct here to disparage your leaders and your country. If you think you can be a disrespectful punk here, you'll rightfully face the consequences. 

Edited by Uptooyoo
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