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65000 Baht Wire Transfer for Thai Retirement Visa (Failure and Scam)

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All foreign banks have an agent bank in Thailand. All monies are sent to that bank and is then distributed.

I used to bank with Standard Chartered Bank here in Phuket, but, it shut it's doors in 1996.

I asked my UK bank which was their agent bank in Thailand. They said Bangkok Bank, so, I opened an account with them. I did this to avoid potential extra charges.

You either need to open an account with Kasikorn, or change your US bank that uses Bangkok Bank as their agent.

Edited by Joe Mcseismic
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57 minutes ago, ThaiBob said:

Sorry, TW no longer an option, on July 1st my TW transfer was coded SMT, so I must send money a guaranteed FTT way. Beware of TW!  

That's a bummer. The monthly SWIFT transfers are too expensive. Guess i will just have to go the 800k bank deposit route.

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Following on from my early rant on page 7.


I went the Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai (Changklan Road branch) on Friday to ask if I could obtain a letter next month to show the international transfers. I presented my bank book and the counter clerk went out back and came back with 2 print outs from their system saying, her are your international transfers. So then I said can I get a letter next month for immigration and was flatly told no because the transaction codes were not FTT but BNT. I said why, you have just confirmed they were international transfers and given me the paperwork which show that the funds came from Nationwide bank in UK (sent via HKBK - hence BAHTNET code). She flatly refused. SO I said can I speak to a supervisor please. She then told me to take a seat and then proceeded to get on the phone and when she finished the call she said the same thing and I was unable to get to speak to a supervisor or anyone else at the bank.


I proceeded to visit immigration who were helpful in explaining that they need the letter from the bank and they said that many people were having this problem with bank codes. Why aren't Thai immigration accepting BNT codes if the ordering institution where the funds originated is on record with the bank? It's barmy! Are Thai IMM aware of this problem and the fact that not all banks in home countries send funds direct to banks in Thailand thus the code issue!


So from what I have discovered, many have made transfers but if their Thai bank are not willing to give a letter they have been unable to renew their extension, thus being persecuted without any just cause whatsoever. There genuine transfers being negated!


Thai IMM needs to be informed of this and they need to inform the banks that if they have information that the funds originated in home countries that letters should be supplied whether they have a BNT or FTT code.


I and many people will now have to send additional transfers to cover the negated ones which is not going to be so easy for so many.


Its an absolute disgrace the way that Thai IMM are treating people and lon stayers who have been genuinely renewing their extensions for 15 to 20 years.


I am a previous business owner in Thailand and employed many Thai people and always paid my taxes etc etc and one then gets treated like sh.t!


Xenophobia +++++


Hope it all back fires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rant over














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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 8:20 PM, Maestro said:

Give immigration the letter from your bank staying that the remittances came from abroad, then immigration does not have to bother with trying to decipher the codes in your bank book.

My Bangkok Bank Changklan Road Chiang Mai just refused to give me a letter because I had BNT codes for my transfers!!!! They said I needed FTT. See my previous post

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I have Bangkok Bank and transfer my Brit Army Pension direct, however BB has a clearing bank which is not unusual in the Banking world it is then domestic transfer as you say, however i had no issues with Visa at Buriram Immigration only interested in monthly and meeting the amount requirement.  I think you may be overthinking it mate.  Good luck anyhoo.


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1 hour ago, TobyIssan said:

I have Bangkok Bank and transfer my Brit Army Pension direct, however BB has a clearing bank which is not unusual in the Banking world it is then domestic transfer as you say, however i had no issues with Visa at Buriram Immigration only interested in monthly and meeting the amount requirement.  I think you may be overthinking it mate.  Good luck anyhoo.


How can I be overthinking it when I went to Chiang Mai IMO on Friday and they told me even though I had letter from my Pension provider, UK transfer receipts, UK bank statements, P60's and much more. Yet IMO said need letter from Bank! Which they refused to give.

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6 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

The problem seems to be with Bangkok Bank not immigration. I would ask BB to accurately show monthly deposits and the associated codes. The call the BB hotline and ask what each code actually means.  Others aren't having issues so why the big deal. Call the BB hotline. 

You can ask BB to say transfer were BNT and or FTT. 

No problem with Bangkok Bank. You cannot expect them to write a letter saying xxxx is international transfer when they received it as domestic. You would have to ask the intermediary bank to issue a letter - good luck with that.

Edited by pontious
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1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:

The problem seems to be with Bangkok Bank not immigration. I would ask BB to accurately show monthly deposits and the associated codes. The call the BB hotline and ask what each code actually means.  Others aren't having issues so why the big deal. Call the BB hotline. 

You can ask BB to say transfer were BNT and or FTT. 

My BB branch flatly refused me a letter because the transaction codes were BNT and not FTT. They will not give a letter that says the transactions are international transfer because they are not coded FTT. 

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1 hour ago, tracy3eyes said:

Thai IMM needs to be informed of this

As should IMHO the 4 embassies who have shafted their nationals by withdrawing their income confirmation services.

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52 minutes ago, tracy3eyes said:

Is anyone sending from the UK to the Bangkok Bank and getting a FTT code? If so how? Which currency transfer outfit in UK send direct to the Bangkok bank? 

I have been sending money to my Bangkok Bank via Transferwise and getting the FTT code. But #123 says this has now stopped from 1.7.19.

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53 minutes ago, tracy3eyes said:

Is anyone sending from the UK to the Bangkok Bank and getting a FTT code? If so how? Which currency transfer outfit in UK send direct to the Bangkok bank?

Yes, I am, using their London branch facility with the GBP-to-THB conversion performed post-transfer in Bangkok, rather than pre-transfer in London. But the major downside for those who haven't used this service before is that registering for it these days is a right PITA:-



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1 hour ago, pontious said:

No problem with Bangkok Bank. You cannot expect them to write a letter saying xxxx is international transfer when they received it as domestic. You would have to ask the intermediary bank to issue a letter - good luck with that.

They have it on their system that states the funds came from the Nationwide bank UK and they gave me the print outs as well as verbally confirming that they were international transfers, which state that they were such, so why would the bank not verify their own information they are holding?  Of course its Bangkok bank.

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1 hour ago, tracy3eyes said:

I went the Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai (Changklan Road branch) on Friday to ask if I could obtain a letter next month to show the international transfers. I presented my bank book and the counter clerk went out back and came back with 2 print outs from their system saying, her are your international transfers. So then I said can I get a letter next month for immigration and was flatly told no because the transaction codes were not FTT but BNT. I said why, you have just confirmed they were international transfers and given me the paperwork which show that the funds came from Nationwide bank in UK (sent via HKBK - hence BAHTNET code). She flatly refused. SO I said can I speak to a supervisor please. She then told me to take a seat and then proceeded to get on the phone and when she finished the call she said the same thing and I was unable to get to speak to a supervisor or anyone else at the bank.


Just now, FredGallaher said:

Call BB headquarters. They speak English and should help. They have a hotline (might be 1333 not sure). My local branch at Kasikorn is always helpful and I've never had to call there headquarters.


I asked the same question late last week at the Bangkok Bank Head Office which is in the HQ Bangkok Bank building on Silom Rd in Bangkok.  I had went to get a Credit Advice for an international transfer that ended up being coded as BNT/Bahtnet.  Got the Credit Advice no problem...showed it came from the U.S. 


However, when I asked "if" I was here to request the letter for immigration which lists the monthly international transfers would that Bahtnet coded transfer also be listed on the letter.  The answer was No.   This answer was from the Remittance Section of the Bangkok Bank head office.   


Yeap...although the Credit Advice clearly shows it was an international transfer since the final leg of the transfer was via Bahtnet they would not include it on the letter for immigration "if" I had been there to get such a letter.  The rep said I would have to get a letter from the intermediary bank for that particular Bahtnet coded transfer which would have been Citibank Thailand in this case.


I expect that since Bahtnet coded transfers can originate domestically (I expect the great majority do) or internationally since Bahtnet interfaces with the SWIFT system that when Bangkok Bank prepares a letter to show internationally transfers that they first do a retrieval probably looking for "FTT" coded transfers.  Whatever comes back from that retrieval is used to prepare the letter.   They probably do not pull individual Credit Advices to manually/visually looked at each Credit Advice as that would be too time intensive....they are probably just doing a simple database retrieval keying on certain codes like FTT which stand for Foreign Telegraphic Transfer.


If they also did the retrieval against "BTN" coded transfers then what comes back could really be domestic and/or international transfers whereas they only wanted international transfers.







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1 minute ago, FredGallaher said:

So you might need additional documentation for immigration. Either credit advances and or a letter from CitiBank to go with you BB letter that show FTT only. Best to check the monthly statements to see how they are coded. I've been transferring to Kasikorm monthly since March from BOA and they all show FTN (foreign transfer) I'll be switching to SS IDD in August and hope it continues.

Expect SS IDD payments will be coded BTN/Bahtnet...that's how they appeared for my family member's SS IDD payment...first one rec'd 3 July.   

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17 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

So you might need additional documentation for immigration. Either credit advances and or a letter from CitiBank to go with you BB letter that show FTT only. Best to check the monthly statements to see how they are coded. I've been transferring to Kasikorm monthly since March from BOA and they all show FTN (foreign transfer) I'll be switching to SS IDD in August and hope it continues.

Someone posted a few days ago that they spent 5 hours between his bank and the intermediary bank and got absolutely nowhere.

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been having my u.s. ssa payment directly sent to bb nyc and then sent to my direct dep. account bb this year, always coded ftt.  bb has the form used to set this up, it is then submitted to bb hq and the ssa.  don't know if other thai banks have a branch in usa to participate.  less expensive than a wire trans. from my usa bank.

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been having my u.s. ssa payment directly sent to bb nyc and then sent to my direct dep. account bb this year, always coded ftt.  bb has the form used to set this up, it is then submitted to bb hq and the ssa.  don't know if other thai banks have a branch in usa to participate.  less expensive than a wire trans. from my usa bank.
Your SS payment is being sent via the ACH method. Bangkok Bank is the only Thai bank with ACH receiving capability via their NY branch.
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5 hours ago, tracy3eyes said:

My Bangkok Bank Changklan Road Chiang Mai just refused to give me a letter because I had BNT codes for my transfers!!!! They said I needed FTT. See my previous post

You dodge their 500 baht receiving/ converting charge it appears they penalize you!

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On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 5:49 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

a couple things here...


1. It's not uncommon for U.S. banks to use what's called corresponding banks to serve as the middlemen in international funds transfers for whatever reason. That could be why Wells went thru Kasikorn, though Wells ought to be able to tell you if they do or don't use a corresponding bank for wire transfers to Thailand.


2. Yes, you did get a lousy exchange rate. In doing any kind of international xfer for Immigration purposes, you gotta build in a margin of cushion to cover fees and exchange rate fluctuations (or bank ripoffs as the case may be).


3. It's possible, if you get the transaction details from BKKB, you might be able to go to Kasikorn Bank's HQ and get them to issue you something called a credit advice letter that documents the transfer of your funds into Thailand. That MIGHT help with Immigration, but no guarantees.


This summarized well what I was going to say.  Going forward:


Option A: TallGuy's #3. Get the paper trail. The Credit Advice showing anything with your name on it or a trail to your BB account should work.


Option B: Open a Kbank account for next time. Seems like WF is using them as their intermediary bank. If your Extension expires in October, you have plenty of time to send the money home and do it again through Kbank.

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I've just returned from Korat IO where wifey and i spoke to the Chief IO to inform her that i could'nt evidence that my transfers had come from the UK by way of TW due to the fact they were not coded when credited to my SCB account as FRC (from abroad)

I took all my SCB bank statements (all printed off by me) from Jan this year to July together with the TW PDF's (all printed off by me) she had a good look and said "don't worry" all we want to see is that you are transferring money each month into your SCB account from abroad and she said that i can see from the evidence you have supplied.

I did inform her that in future (August onwards) i will do a swift transfer from my HSBC UK account direct into my SCB account here and that will show as a foreign transaction, she was happy and once again said "don't worry". I'll have to just put up with the higher charges and bad exchange rate from SCB.


I think wifey had a good chat to her and said we've been married 13 years and living together here in Thailand and always transferred the money monthly from the UK and she did'nt want to lose her husband lol   


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On 7/8/2019 at 10:47 AM, Pib said:

Expect SS IDD payments will be coded BTN/Bahtnet...that's how they appeared for my family member's SS IDD payment...first one rec'd 3 July.   


That sucks for Immigration monthly foreign transfer purposes... Especially if other/more banks start pulling the stunt as described below:




 On 7/8/2019 at 8:48 AM, tracy3eyes said:

My Bangkok Bank Changklan Road Chiang Mai just refused to give me a letter because I had BNT codes for my transfers!!!! They said I needed FTT. See my previous post



And then there was your own inquiry to BKKB HQ above in the same vein:



However, when I asked "if" I was here to request the letter for immigration which lists the monthly international transfers would that Bahtnet coded transfer also be listed on the letter.  The answer was No.   This answer was from the Remittance Section of the Bangkok Bank head office.   


It's simply flabbergasting that the Thai banks apparently won't be willing to issue Immigration monthly foreign transfer letters for payments that clearly are coming from the U.S. Social Security system.


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Here is an update on my endeavours. following my initial post on page 7 and a few since.


I visited another BBK branch in Chiang mai I have used many times before for transfer etc on Charon Ruan Road (the road out to Macro and train station).


I explained my dilemma to the chap there and my experience at the Changklan Rd Branch. Anyway he said that if I brought the international transfer printouts provided provided by my branch he would produced a letter stating my account balance to accompany them to immigration. Not sure if this is exactly what IMO want. Thought they wanted a letter with the list of the international transfer in the letter? Does anyone have an example of the required format of the Bank letter? I said I would then take what he gave me along with my pass book and a statement to the IMO to ask them if this was acceptable. So I will do this.


I have also done some test transfers from the Uk & Spain to my BBK and here are the transaction codes that they were allocated.

1. Transferwise from UK   - SMT

2. La Caixa Bank Spain - FTT

3. Halifax UK - FTT      - charged me £9.50 and about 500 at Thai end

4. Nationwide previously - BNT


Hope this info is useful to any Brits with the same problems.


Looks like I may now have a few options. But would like to see the format and an idea of the content of the required bank letter. Anyone have?












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9 hours ago, Pumpuynarak said:

I've just returned from Korat IO where wifey and i spoke to the Chief IO to inform her that i could'nt evidence that my transfers had come from the UK by way of TW due to the fact they were not coded when credited to my SCB account as FRC (from abroad)

I took all my SCB bank statements (all printed off by me) from Jan this year to July together with the TW PDF's (all printed off by me) she had a good look and said "don't worry" all we want to see is that you are transferring money each month into your SCB account from abroad and she said that i can see from the evidence you have supplied.

I did inform her that in future (August onwards) i will do a swift transfer from my HSBC UK account direct into my SCB account here and that will show as a foreign transaction, she was happy and once again said "don't worry". I'll have to just put up with the higher charges and bad exchange rate from SCB.


I think wifey had a good chat to her and said we've been married 13 years and living together here in Thailand and always transferred the money monthly from the UK and she did'nt want to lose her husband lol   


Are you sure that transferring through HSBC will show as foriegn because I transferred from my Nationwide and it was sent through HSBC as the intermediary bank and I got code BAHTNET which is my problem. But now I have discovered that sending from the Halifax gets you a FTT code.

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I recently setup a AUD acc with Krungsri to transfer funds from Aus in AUD. I asked Immigration and they had no problem what currency is used.


Straight forward to now transfer AUD directly however a central clearance bank is used. Read up on why if you really want to know about countries balance of payments. There's is a valid reason.


Over a set limit the Aus bank pays the transfer fee.


First time the central bank stuffed it up by converting it to THB. Thai bank rejected it as AUD account. Central bank as now put "a note" on the account not too.


When the stuff up happened I did get frustrated with Thai bank (politely) as I didn't understand the full processes. It is well out of scope for a teller, or receiving bank to track the detail. You do need to go back to original bank to track it.


I use AUD and THB accounts here. Tiny bit better exchange plus I exchange when good or better

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10 hours ago, tracy3eyes said:

Are you sure that transferring through HSBC will show as foriegn because I transferred from my Nationwide and it was sent through HSBC as the intermediary bank and I got code BAHTNET which is my problem. But now I have discovered that sending from the Halifax gets you a FTT code.

HSBC is my bank and i would be transferring direct from them to SCB Thailand using Swift, i can't see HSBC using an intermediary but ya never know. I'll be doing my next transfer using HSBC on 1st Aug so will find out then, here's hoping.

If HSBC using Swift does'nt produce the FTT or in SCB's case its FRC then i'm well and truly stuffed, what a nightmare this business is becoming, HTF are we supposed to comply with Thai Immigration requirements ? 

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Just now, Pumpuynarak said:

i can't see HSBC using an intermediary but ya never know.

Oh I can. Happened to me but not to Thailand and to a pal in Thailand, but I  don't remember his local bank. 

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On 7/3/2019 at 7:49 PM, NCC1701A said:

as an American you must have a cellphone that roams in Thailand with your US cellphone provider for all bank transfers and many other internet sites if you need to authenticate. I use T-mobile prepay, $3 a month for 30 SMS messages. 


Wells Fargo charges $45 for a SWIFT transfer to Bangkok Bank, and you request the money be sent in US dollars. There is a 5000 dollar per month limit. 


Not sure how this appears on your BB bank account. 


If you can put 800k baht in a Thai bank all this aggravation goes away.  


Navy Fed CU i just phone them and they transfer the money to Kasikorn, i don't need a US Cell phone number or anything like that.  When i used to use ACH with bangkok bank i simply did it online.  Now i just use kasikorn its very easy and takes usually 2 hours to complete.  Navy Fed and Kasikorn both use Wells fargo as the intermediary bank so SWIFTS are done very quickly.  I have never waited over 3 hours for one to arrive.  25 USD fee for one transfer a month of 3000 USD.

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