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Has anyone had a problem text message to UK using 1-2-call to o2 in the UK as i can recieve calls but for some reason not txt's.



Can you initiate an SMS to them? Can they reply? Can they initiate an SMS to you? Can you reply?

All SMSes I receive, initiated outside the 1-2-Call network come in with the international caller ID as: +CC nn nnn nnnn. Even SMSes from DTAC within Thailand come in as +66 8n nnn nnnn. I can reply using the international number or can initiate an SMS to 08n nnn nnnn

Check your message centre settings, +66 81 831 0808

Make sure you are addressing the SMSes correctly.

Clearly something is up with 1-2-Call SMSes as you are not the first person to comment on this issue here. There have been several posts like this recently.

Can you initiate an SMS to them? Can they reply? Can they initiate an SMS to you? Can you reply?

All SMSes I receive, initiated outside the 1-2-Call network (even from within Thailand on DTAC) come in with a caller ID as: +66 8n nnn nnnn.

Check your message centre settings, +66 81 831 0808

Make sure you are addressing the SMSes correctly.

i can send from uk,She can recieve SMS,I Can call,she can call.

The problem is she cannot send sms to me.I have spoken to O2 and they say its a problem at the other end if she can get sms but not send


Can she reply to an SMS that you send to her? Can she initiate a new SMS to you? Can she call you?

Have her check her message center settings on the phone, and/or have her call 1175 to speak with a service rep. They are extremely helpful and competent in my experience.


Remember that the cheap international prefixes (009, 008 etc) do not carry texts although they often result in a 'sent' response.

Only the 001 (or +) international prefix is guaranteed to send texts :o

Is it possible that O2 are blocking texts from Asia, some UK providers do to prevent use of the free internet texting services (payment issues I believe).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Im on 1-2-Call and I cannot text anyone back in the Uk on 02, when i send messages back to the family everyone gets them apart from my dad and my bro who i am sure are on O2. Although when i was in the Uk i had an O2 phone and my gf back in Thailand could txt me fine but she was on detac network.

Im on 1-2-Call and I cannot text anyone back in the Uk on 02, when i send messages back to the family everyone gets them apart from my dad and my bro who i am sure are on O2. Although when i was in the Uk i had an O2 phone and my gf back in Thailand could txt me fine but she was on detac network.

I am glad that i am not the only person who is not getting txt's sounds if she will have to switch network

  • 2 weeks later...

There's definitely something gone wrong within the 12Call system in the last month or so. I'm now not receiving any SMS messages from the mates in Oz. No problems previous to that.

Trying to talk to the people at AIS about it is like banging your head against a brick wall! :o


my sms service from 1 2 call has been down for nearly 2 weeks, yesterday I got 35 text messages all at the same time from system messages to personal sms from friends, they definately have a problem, just think of the money they make from all those support 1175 calls from customers, and also those test sms messages people send to check if it is working, we are charged for it all, AIS make money on it all, perhaps another scam, support 1175 should be free.


I couldn't SMS internationally since I got a new SIM to replace the one I lost (same number, same plan). I went to the call center to get them to try, but they couldn't figure it out. They told me to add a "1" to the prefix, which worked... message was sent, but intended receiver never got it. Since it was sent to the US, not to the country I wanted. This was since around October last year.


FF you probably already know this but I'll post anyway, I text to the UK sometimes and it was a while before I could get it to work, the default UK number I had in my phone was 0044 ********** this did not work for sms, I had to use the format +44, I'm sure you already know this but just in case.


I use the + format. Again, I could do this before changing my sim, but not after. The change might not have anything to do with it, of course. Maybe just bad AIS (not a surprise). I tried again the other day (while the phone I was sending to was roaming in Thailand, on DTAC) and it was successful. I tried again the next stay (phone still here) and it failed. So... I really have no idea what's happening.


Just get a PAYG sim on another UK network then get the Thailand based sender to send to that.

Alternatively, you could get a PAYG SIM in Thailand and then do international roaming - this would gibe you a thai number to sms to, but could come out quite expansive for the roaming - dont receive or make calls on this - wow real expensive !

Txts ro Thailand can be done very cheaply with voipdiscount.com and have which ever senders number you want - subject to validation of course - so you could get a malaysian sim with free roaming and send txts using your malaysian no and voipdiscount, and receive txts in the UK on your malaysian payg no. Most networks do not charge to receive txtss.

One final possibility is to send the thailand person a virgin payg sim - then you can send txts to a uk number and receive in thailand free - lower cost than sending to a thai number - use your inclusive txts ! Then if wanted can send back on virgin sim but 35p a pop - expensive. Just need to use a combination of sim cards and you get a solution...

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