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Giving birth in Thailand public hospital


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On 7/7/2019 at 1:13 AM, emptypockets said:


I very much doubt any airline would have allowed you travel at 7 months pregnant. 

But anyway giving birth is normal. You will be ok.


You can fly up to 8 months normally. 

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On 7/6/2019 at 12:59 PM, tonboy said:

Is giving birth by a black woman different to thai or "white" woman ? 
Did you ever encounter rasist behaviour from Thai towards you ?
Why so negative ? Come on, be happy and enjoy Chiang Mai and the coming event of giving birth to your baby.

I take it you haven't been in Thailand that long. 

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Many African sole traders do fly to other countries to do business, i used to see many returning when flying to Ghana years ago. There may be trolling or an underlying agenda here, but it COULD be genuine. If so, being nasty doesn't help .....  black people are humans as well.

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While it is true that Thais will make personal remarks abut appearance that would be offensive in other cultures without meaning to offend, it is also true that a high proportion of Thais are very prejudiced against people of darker skin tones and do not hesitate to express it.


Indeed, it is not considered at all wrong by many Thais to dislike people for having dark skin, it is considered natural and they will not hesitate to state that they dislike someone because their skin is dark, or that they don't like dark skinned people.


Medical staff will not fail to deliver appropriate care but it is entirely possible OP will be at the receiving end of derogatory remarks about her skin color while a patient. From both staff and other patients and their families.


That together with the language barrier -- and for labor it is essential to be able to communicate with the nurses -- will make for a very unpleasant experience indeed if she delivers here. I do not recommend it. A woman in labor is very vulnerable, emotionally and physically.



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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Indeed, it is not considered at all wrong by many Thais to dislike people for having dark skin, it is considered natural and they will not hesitate to state that they dislike someone because their skin is dark, or that they don't like dark skinned people.

That is true. Thai children are taught to be prejudice as soon as they start school.


Image result for this man is ugly image thailand  

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On 7/8/2019 at 12:15 AM, scorecard said:

There must be some representation from your country either here or offered by another embassy as a contact point or perhaps a regional embassy.


I suggest you need to find the website of the home office in your country which issues passports (it exists - you have a passport) and e-mail to them for advice on the procedure, it must exist.


Perhaps you should decide which hospital you will use here in Thailand for the birth and ask them for a copy of the document they will issue to you when your baby is born so that you have something to copy into an e-mail to your home office. Suggest you do it now so your well prepared. 


I don't know much about this subject but here's one thought; in some circumstances you can get a temporary travel document (a letter) to replace a lost passport. This is normally issued by the embassy in Bkk of the home country.


Perhaps this letter can be issued by the Thai police or Thai Immigration in special circumstances. I'm not saying this is fact, just a wild guess.


Or perhaps go to the hospital you have selected, get a blank copy of the birth document they will issue and ask the hospital staff if they know what you can do to get some type of travel document for the baby. 


I recall 3 or 4 years back a male university student from Nigeria, studying here in Bangkok lost his passport. The only way he could get a replacement was to return to Nigeria. To be able to travel out of Thailand he must have received a temporary travel document letter from somewhere - perhaps it was issued from the passport office in Nigeria and sent to him here in Bangkok (i'm guessing).


Perhaps you should e-mail home to the passport issuing office, and attach a copy of the birth document the Thai hospital will issue and ask them if they can provide you with an urgent temporary travel document for your baby.


I get your point now, thank you so much

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On 7/9/2019 at 5:22 PM, Sheryl said:

While it is true that Thais will make personal remarks abut appearance that would be offensive in other cultures without meaning to offend, it is also true that a high proportion of Thais are very prejudiced against people of darker skin tones and do not hesitate to express it.


Indeed, it is not considered at all wrong by many Thais to dislike people for having dark skin, it is considered natural and they will not hesitate to state that they dislike someone because their skin is dark, or that they don't like dark skinned people.


Medical staff will not fail to deliver appropriate care but it is entirely possible OP will be at the receiving end of derogatory remarks about her skin color while a patient. From both staff and other patients and their families.


That together with the language barrier -- and for labor it is essential to be able to communicate with the nurses -- will make for a very unpleasant experience indeed if she delivers here. I do not recommend it. A woman in labor is very vulnerable, emotionally and physically.



I am aware of this and im not happy at all ,it just happened that no airline would let me travel now, and if i had a choice i would go back home even tomorrow as there is lots of love and care there from my people...i just dont have a choice...just like me being black wasn't my choice either... Though i love my skin color lol...

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On 7/8/2019 at 6:35 PM, Letseng said:

If you feel unhappy in Thailand and you consider Thai ppl rascist , why do business with them?

Buy from China like most African dealers do. Much cheaper.

Don't overstay your visa.

I do business with whoever i want to do business with, and in fact i know what i come here to buy and yes i also go to China when necessary,is that even bothering u?? May be u dont know that most Africans buy things from here too,also here we get very cheap things!!...we come here to look for things to buy and what happened to me is just an emergency ,a terrible one, something i never planned!! Over staying?for what?

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On 7/9/2019 at 5:09 PM, FredGallaher said:

Thanks. I have many black friends but if you come here you need to accept Thai for how they are. Years ago I had an American friend of Finnish decent who had very blond hair. The Thai were constantly asking to touch his hair. They sometimes refer to people as nice and fat and mean no offense. Of course Black people look different and Thais will comment. If you are coming here for business, you need to understand that no offense is meant. That's why I don't accept the post as true. A real business person would know this before coming.

I knew that before coming, and whatever u judge up to u, what happened to me now is just so unplanned and all i pray for is safety for me n my baby,i posted to ask about real costs for public hospitals and how it goes, if u accept or dont accept the post also up to u...that is not my concern

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On 7/9/2019 at 10:58 AM, rickudon said:

Many African sole traders do fly to other countries to do business, i used to see many returning when flying to Ghana years ago. There may be trolling or an underlying agenda here, but it COULD be genuine. If so, being nasty doesn't help .....  black people are humans as well.

Some think we are Gorillas ????

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On 7/9/2019 at 7:20 AM, FredGallaher said:

I don't buy her story at all. A single black pregnant female traveling to Thailand to do business. Complaining about racism. Presumably on a tourist visa. The whole thing smells. I give it five pinocchios.

Mr Fred hear me!! I didnt wright the post for you to buy my story, and i didnt come here to DO BUSINESS!! i came to BUY SOME THINGS i feel interesting as i am an entrepreneur, and YES I DID COMPLAIN ABOUT RACISM ,thats obviously there and its known!!! Whether im with a tourist visa or any kind of visa thats up to me,the important thing is im not here illegally!! Whatever the smell,give it 10 pinnochios i think 5 is not enough!! 

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On 7/8/2019 at 8:47 PM, rickudon said:

Grace, there are a number of issues you are facing.


First, do you a visa valid for at least a month after the due date for the baby? If not, you may face problems with immigration. Being detained when heavily pregnant or with a new-born baby would be a problem.


Second, do you have health insurance or sufficient money for the hospital/doctor bills? As a non-Thai, you will have to pay. If a cesarean is performed, this could easily come to over 50,000 baht. Hopefully you have sufficient money for this and a return ticket to Kenya.


Thirdly, The child will have no rights to Thai nationality (unless the father is a Thai). And you will need some travel document so it can leave the country. You have been given a link to the Kenyan embassy i think.


Fourth, Do you have anyone to help you during this time?  If not, another problem.


I wish you the best in deciding what to do.


Yes i have more time after due date,but i wish to leave as soon as i recover ..



if i will deliver at public hospital yes i will manage paying, and its a normal delivery unless something comes up last minute which i pray nothing bad happens...


Yes im lucky im surrounded by people who cares ,i believe they will be there for me in case of anything...


The baby will get temporary traveling docs to be able to get out of Thai

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On 7/8/2019 at 7:27 PM, Macthehat said:

Most government hospitals have whey they call V.I.P rooms for around 500b per night . 

They are by no means VIP rooms but are pleasant and private if you prefer a room of your own  . 

That will be the best option,but i think its more than 500baht,its okay too though,as long as i will be safe and my baby will be safe...

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That will be the best option,but i think its more than 500baht,its okay too though,as long as i will be safe and my baby will be safe...

It is more. Likely 1500 or 2000 baht a night but well worth it provided you have people who will stay with you the whole time.


As it sounds like you cannot avoid this make every effort to have Thai speaker with you throughout it will make a big difference.


You will be safe and if there are no complications cost at a givernment hospital will be very affordable...including private room maybe 20,000 baht. Do NOT go to a private hospital.


Select govt hospital in advance and go now for check up and prenatal care.



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On 7/9/2019 at 10:58 AM, rickudon said:

Many African sole traders do fly to other countries to do business, i used to see many returning when flying to Ghana years ago. There may be trolling or an underlying agenda here, but it COULD be genuine. If so, being nasty doesn't help .....  black people are humans as well.

Slightly off topic,

When I first came to Thailand I met a very nice white middle aged South African lady in Chiang Mai, she owned a 'hippy boutique' in SA and would travel on her own to Thailand and India for 2-3 months every year to buy stock. She invited me to travel on to India with her (and maybe SA after), but I was involved with a young Thai gold digger at the time. I always wonder what would have happened if only ............


I find the OPs story entirely believable.

Edited by BritManToo
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13 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

The hospital my require you have someone stay with you. This happened to my friend and I had to stay the first night until his step-daughter could come. 

Only required in private rooms, if you're in the public ward no need.

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