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Trump tells Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from

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7 hours ago, daoyai said:

He did not say countries he said "places" meaning AOC should be working to improve conditions in the Bronx N.Y., her congressional district.  The Somali lady should be working to improve the dire employment situation in her district in Minnesota etc.  This is a great example how the media lies and distorts everything to further their hatred and division.

So, if I understand your reasoning, The Donald is criticizing the USA?

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7 hours ago, daoyai said:

He did not say countries he said "places" meaning AOC should be working to improve conditions in the Bronx N.Y., her congressional district.  The Somali lady should be working to improve the dire employment situation in her district in Minnesota etc.  This is a great example how the media lies and distorts everything to further their hatred and division.

"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe ....”
11 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Not defending Trump, he was a scumbag to cheat on his wife. What that has to do with Omar's shady past, I have no idea. 

Except nothing is proven. And as the snopes article notes, there's no record of her having a brother with that name. All listed members of her family came over together.


Trump derangement syndrome is rife everywhere.  Extreme leftists who have convinced themselves that they are centrist, because their friends think the same.  Trump plays on the fact that most of the population is jack of having opinions rammed down their throats (evidence by your President winning the unwinnable election).  

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2 hours ago, meand said:

RIght. Crime is rife in the US by the rich banker types. But trump does not mind this type of crime. Just the "ugly" kind that he himself cannot profit from. 

Trumps rich banker friends really lets look at that. The financial crisis of 2008 was caused because Bill Clinton a democrat repealed glass steagall. (google it if you don't know what that was) The 2008 crisis happened under Obama a democrat how many bankers did he sent to jail. Zero. Plus Hillary Clinton: Barack Obama set new Wall Street fundraising record when he first ran for president. But its all Trump fault.

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35 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

Trump derangement syndrome is rife everywhere.  Extreme leftists who have convinced themselves that they are centrist, because their friends think the same.  Trump plays on the fact that most of the population is jack of having opinions rammed down their throats (evidence by your President winning the unwinnable election).  

Apparently most of the voters are extreme leftists. Democrats had an 8 point edge on Republicans in the midterms. You think maybe that comments like this won't encourage the opposition to come out and vote?

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40 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

Trump derangement syndrome is rife everywhere.  Extreme leftists who have convinced themselves that they are centrist, because their friends think the same.  Trump plays on the fact that most of the population is jack of having opinions rammed down their throats (evidence by your President winning the unwinnable election).  

The epicenter of TDS now resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

(Two sentence headline and first two (long) sentences only included.)



Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real. Donald Trump Has It.

This is the go-to insult hurled by current supporters of this President; a catch-all bit of gaslighting designed to malign the emotional state and mental faculties of decent, rational human beings who push back against his legislative assaults on marginalized people, who are sickened by his boundless cruelty, who bear witness to his complete lack of accountability under the law, who accurately note the naked hypocrisy of his professed Christian supporters.

Accusing someone of TDS is now a MAGA Nation standby; a quick and convenient slur allowing them to sidestep factual information, mask their refusal to have meaningful debate, and to avoid culpability in defending a man whose very Twitter feed testifies that he is not at all well.




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15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Do you understand that he got less votes than his main opponent?

Another TDS victim.

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7 hours ago, luckyluke said:

Mr.Trump will eventually be POTUS for another 4 years.


For those who are supporters, just enjoy it.

For those who aren't please with him, just be patient.


The fact is,

he will be history soon or later.


There is an upside.

Trump has opened up the presidency to non-politicians.

It may not appear to be the best thing for America (and the world) for Trump to win the 2020 election against an establishment Democratic candidate, but it will be.

Republicans and Fox News have destroyed the US political system and the only way to find a saviour is to get a non-establishment candidate on the ticket in 2024.

Hillary and Biden getting handed their asses by this idiot is the shortest path to real and lasting victory.


As silly as it sounds, someone like Oprah or The Rock will be a real chance in 2024.


BTW - Personally, my sympathy lies with Melanina, she may not stick around for another 4 years of embarrassment.

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4 hours ago, Redline said:

I'm sure his friends will soon open private immigrant prisons that will be nice investments.  The non profits are paying their people tens of millions to run them now

There are already huge, profitable, private contracts at the border in the "children in cages" scandal. 

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Finally, a president that has no filter and is trying to be as effective and tough on immigration as Thailand.  




7 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Whether the repealing if some provisions of Glass Steagall was the cause of the financial crisis is still a matter of debate among economists, though the repeal undoubtedly didn’t help matters. Yes, Bill Clinton, as president, signed it. He had no choice as it was passed by veto proof majorities in both houses, both of which were under GOP control.


The last financial crisis began in 2007 under Republican President Bush. Look it up. By the time Obama was sworn in, the Great Recession was already underway.


Get your facts straight, then make your “argument.” Don’t twist the facts to fit your argument.

It's true that Glass-Steagall wouldn't have been adequate to regulate the banking world as it existed in the first decade of the 21st century.  Shadow banking, particularly, was not regulated by Glass Steagall. That said it certainly would have reduced the damage. And Bill Clinton openly admits that it was an error. I don't know of any prominent Republicans who have said the same. And as I noted above, under Trump, the Republicans are doing their damnedest to deregulate the financial industry. Maybe not entirely a coincidence that Trump has the backing of some huge hedge fund managers?

12 hours ago, webfact said:

"go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came," a comment that was condemned by Democrats as racist.


Does Trump kiss his hired porn stars with that filth-spewing mouth? You know he does. And the ladies are paid to say they love it.

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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Another right winger who takes Thailand as a model of good governance.

Can't deny it, BJ and Thailand have been & are as effective as a WALL at removing foreigners and instilling fear and panic when attempting to enter Thailand.  

Just now, Guitarzan said:

"Democrats are tripping on identity politics, like a bad acid".  

Right, It was a Democrat who told American citizens to go back where they came from. 3 of them having been born here. 

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