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Would you consider employing someone with visible tattoos

Inked In Asia

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Tattoos are without doubt mainstream now today. Many people have them and many don't. With such high numbers choosing to get ink on the skin would you be doing your company a disservice by not considering a potential employee who has visible tattoos? you could be missing out on a gem, would you be prepared to overlook a visibly tattooed person?

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Personally find tattoos detract from natural beauty...


At work...if attending to the public...then most,  if not all should be covered...


Unless you are ashamed of your body, why go through the expense and pain of placing permanent ink?

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Surely you employ someone on their qualifications for the job, their ability to "fit" with existing staff members, expertise and knowledge they bring to the role.

Tattoos are secondary to that.


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2 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

All very commendable, but, for someone that is recruiting, they could think that having tattoos showed poor judgement in the first place. 

Been on a few selection panels, and seen  applicants with tattoos all well qualified, as they got past the first two cullings, before being panel interviewed

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1 hour ago, androokery said:

Would you employ someone with a visible birthmark? There are idiots and bigots born every day and no shortage of people pandering to them. 

Birthmarks are an accident, tattoos are a choice. 

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For sure ....on condition the job consist of intimidating or scaring people away ….,:cheesy: but must be overwhelming tattoos of course.. not just a tiny anchor or so ... :cheesy:

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A driver yes. Having not too many and in a respectable place with a respectable tattoo then I would even hire one as waiter, but has to wear nice clothes. For girls, on the bicep of the arm no unless it was in a bar, and I vowed to never own a bar.

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