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Britain calls ship seizure 'hostile act' as Iran releases video of capture


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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Are you stating that it was the Iranian Navy that switched off the trackers ?

If not, who are these "pirates" that you speak of ?

Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iranian Navy...

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3 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Well that last part is only alleged. No proof only spoof videos put out by ? yes youv'e guessed it, the Americans. The same ones that just killed a large sea bird claiming it was an Iranian drone.

Thanks for knowing everything and saying nothing, aside from what you have read or imagined.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

What a load of hogwash, the EU issued sanctions againgst Syria, and acting on intelligence that oil was being shipped by Iran to Syria. Fabian Picardo who is Gibralters Chief Minister asked the UK to uphold the EU sanctions and The Royal Marines acting on instructions seized the tanker.

"Despite this, there was no statement from the office of the European External Action Service, the EU body responsible for conducting the bloc’s foreign and security policy. Not a word of gratitude. Not even a nod. This was a deliberate and strategic use of silence."



neither iran nor syria are subject to EU sanctions.  i'm not aware of un sanctions prohibiting iran from selling oil to syria.

strait of gibralter falls under un law of the sea, where vessels are afforded not just "innocent passage" but "transit passage" rights.  the british seizure was not lawful, and unless iran can provide some evidence of illegality, that applies to them as well.

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

It just seems such a coincidence that a UK registered oil tanker  , with "LONDON" written on the back of it , (not the usual Panama registered tanker) , sails in the gulf of Iran and takes action (switching off its tracker, not responding to Iranian radio contact and sails erratically ) that will cause Iran to take responsive measures .

  You could believe that the Uk deliberately wanted Iran to seize the tanker 

I'm sure all the above happened after it was seized.

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

I cannot see how Iran is pushing anything .

It legitimately shot down the USA drone and legitimately seized the UK ship 

Legitimately, Are you high? not that there's anything wrong with that..

Edited by EVENKEEL
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48 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

neither iran nor syria are subject to EU sanctions.  i'm not aware of un sanctions prohibiting iran from selling oil to syria.

strait of gibralter falls under un law of the sea, where vessels are afforded not just "innocent passage" but "transit passage" rights.  the british seizure was not lawful, and unless iran can provide some evidence of illegality, that applies to them as well.

Why was the tanker seized?

"A team of about 30 British Royal Marines were flown from the UK to Gibraltar to help detain the super tanker and its cargo, at the request of the Gibraltar government, the BBC was told.

Authorities said there was reason to believe the Iranian tanker Grace 1 was carrying crude oil to the Baniyas Refinery in Syria.

The refinery is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria."



Edited by vogie
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17 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

I'm sure all the above happened after it was seized.

Could you explain as to why you are so sure that all that happened AFTER the tanker was seized , as I would like to be sure as well

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Oh well..... did not realise I was addressing 2 year olds who needed more words 

Just the one sentence this time 

Does your internet service provider charge you by how many  letters you write  ?

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

The USA drone entered Iranian airspace  , giving the Iranians a legitimate reason to destroy it 

The UK tanker acted erratically , thus giving the Iranians a legitimate reason the apprehend .


I believe the UK tanker seizure was illegal...... agree about the drone.


What's in the recording?

In the radio recording the Iranian vessel can be heard telling a ship - thought to be the Stena Impero - to change its course, saying: "If you obey you will be safe."

HMS Montrose identifies itself in the recording, obtained by British maritime security firm Dryad Global.

It tells the Stena Impero: "As you are conducting transit passage in a recognised international strait, under international law your passage must not be impaired, impeded, obstructed or hampered."

The frigate then asks the Iranian vessel to confirm it is not "intending to violate international law" by attempting to board the tanker.

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3 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


I believe the UK tanker seizure was illegal...... agree about the drone.


What's in the recording?

In the radio recording the Iranian vessel can be heard telling a ship - thought to be the Stena Impero - to change its course, saying: "If you obey you will be safe."

HMS Montrose identifies itself in the recording, obtained by British maritime security firm Dryad Global.

It tells the Stena Impero: "As you are conducting transit passage in a recognised international strait, under international law your passage must not be impaired, impeded, obstructed or hampered."

The frigate then asks the Iranian vessel to confirm it is not "intending to violate international law" by attempting to board the tanker.

Which Frigate was that ?

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8 hours ago, pegman said:

"Iran's Revolutionary Guards posted a video online showing speedboats pulling alongside the Stena Impero tanker, its name clearly visible. Troops wearing ski masks and carrying machine guns rappelled to its deck from a helicopter, the same tactics used by British Royal Marines to seize an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar two weeks ago."


The poetic justice in this action is just the best. That Tory Twit Foreign Minister is "disappointed" is he? Oh my! But no fear, Boris will soon be in charge. What could possibly go wrong, 555!


And they also lied, claiming that this was accomplished in the face of a British warship - which wasn't there. 


So you believe these proven lying sponsors of terrorism?



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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


And they also lied, claiming that this was accomplished in the face of a British warship - which wasn't there. 


So you believe these proven lying sponsors of terrorism?



Where did they state that ?

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

The USA drone entered Iranian airspace  , giving the Iranians a legitimate reason to destroy it 

The UK tanker acted erratically , thus giving the Iranians a legitimate reason the apprehend .

The tanker acted erratically.......total Iranian bullshit.......they have put out a number of different stories, none of which make any real sense. This is a pure tit for tat over their tanker being seized.

Hunt made a big mistake saying military action isn't on the table. With that statement he just lost being PM.....very wimpy statement. To me he sounded just like Neville Chamberlain.....pathetic.

How about saying, "You have 24 hours to release the tanker. After that the Ayatollah Cockamamie will be targeted with cruise missiles. No ifs buts or maybe's. Up to you."

if it was an Israeli or Russian ship they wouldn't be be pussyfooting around.....they would take clear and decisive action. End of story.

Remember when a Russian KGB guy was kidnapped in Beruit. The kidnappers brother was picked up by the KGB and they sent the kidnapper the brother's balls with a message, "Release our man, or the rest of your brother will arrive over the next few days." The KGB guy was released immediately.

When you are dealing with these kind of barbaric people who have no regard for societal or international norms, you have to descend to their level to get their attention. Otherwise you look like a weakling in their eyes.

Do the SAS pussyfoot around? No, they are trained to do a job and do it as swiftly and efficiently as possible. End of story. 

I was in the military, and it is kill or be killed......very simple. Now I know this attitude will be upsetting to some on here, but those ex-military know what I'm talking about.

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2 minutes ago, Mansell said:

The tanker acted erratically.......total Iranian bullshit.......they have put out a number of different stories, none of which make any real sense. This is a pure tit for tat over their tanker being seized.

Hunt made a big mistake saying military action isn't on the table. With that statement he just lost being PM.....very wimpy statement. To me he sounded just like Neville Chamberlain.....pathetic.

How about saying, "You have 24 hours to release the tanker. After that the Ayatollah Cockamamie will be targeted with cruise missiles. No ifs buts or maybe's. Up to you."

if it was an Israeli or Russian ship they wouldn't be be pussyfooting around.....they would take clear and decisive action. End of story.

Remember when a Russian KGB guy was kidnapped in Beruit. The kidnappers brother was picked up by the KGB and they sent the kidnapper the brother's balls with a message, "Release our man, or the rest of your brother will arrive over the next few days." The KGB guy was released immediately.

When you are dealing with these kind of barbaric people who have no regard for societal or international norms, you have to descend to their level to get their attention. Otherwise you look like a weakling in their eyes.

Do the SAS pussyfoot around? No, they are trained to do a job and do it as swiftly and efficiently as possible. End of story. 

I was in the military, and it is kill or be killed......very simple. Now I know this attitude will be upsetting to some on here, but those ex-military know what I'm talking about.

Lucky that the Iranians dont think like that , otherwise they would have already have killed Teresa May/ Boris Johnson and Hunt 

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Lucky that the Iranians dont think like that , otherwise they would have already have killed Teresa May/ Boris Johnson and Hunt 

Yeah, like Sadaam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and would attack the USA. Sorry, don't buy it.

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1 minute ago, Mansell said:

Yeah, like Sadaam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and would attack the USA. Sorry, don't buy it.

Point being  , if the Iranians had the sane attitude that you suggested the UK has , they would have already began firing missiles at the UK

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27 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Lucky that the Iranians dont think like that , otherwise they would have already have killed Teresa May/ Boris Johnson and Hunt 

Was that a typo, did you mean unlucky?

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