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Sar Kheng orders strict registration of foreigners in Cambodia


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Interior minister Sar Kheng has instructed all residence owners around the country of the need to report foreigners who come to stay in their residences to strengthen  immigration law enforcement.



According to the statement of  the interior minister, it said that since the interior ministry issued a statement since 2010, the ministry has concluded that a majority of residence owners have respected the law but some residence owners still did not understand  their obligation and also did not respect the law. “To strengthen immigration law enforcement and to improve the registration of  foreigners residing in the country is necessary to ensure  security, public order and social safety,” the statement said.


The interior ministry provided a memorandum which contained  seven points including such as the requirement for all  residence owners to report foreigners residing in their property to the commune police officials in their location within 24 hours and in case, residence owners are foreigners, they must provide additional information of the people residing in the properties within 24 hours.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50625776/sar-kheng-orders-strict-registration-of-foreigners-in-cambodia/

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The Cambodian elite really do have an over-inflated sense of their countries' appeal. They seem to be following Thailand's example yet don't seem to realise that the two countries simply don't compare. Thailand is still a desirable place to live whereas Cambodia is a filthy, third-world dump.

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6 hours ago, geovalin said:

Interior minister Sar Kheng has instructed all residence owners around the country of the need to report foreigners who come to stay in their residences to strengthen  immigration law enforcement.

I see Cambodia is now taking pages out of the Thai Immigration play book.  Just another country building their own caskets for tourism, capital investments, and the foreign funds that they inject directly into the economy.  Hear that sound?  That's the sound of nails closing the lid.

All the comes to mind at the moment:
"Good Morning Vietnam!!!"



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