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Thai marriage affecting pension


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I have checked this out with Oz MS and is the same as you say, as long as you can provide your marriage certificate that has been notified, the spouse is entitled to the 67%, but must be married for three years or more to qualify.

The main thing that annoys me is that MS will accept my spouse, however DVA, will not recognize my wife as a dependent on my death or as a spouse for pension because she is not a Australian Citizen, however they do recognize her as spouse to reduce your pension. I think in this case I'll take a gamble and plead ignorance.

2 hours ago, orchidfan said:

I receive a pension through Australian CSS (now renamed CSC...."Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation "),  BUT only paid into an Australian bank account in my name.


My Thai wife, as my legal spouse, IS entitled to receive 67% of this pension when I die. So long as she is co.firmed as my legal spouse.



However we MUST open an Aust bank account in her name and get her a Tax File Number. Also notarized copies of our Thai marriage  certificate, her Thai passport and ID.etc


Once the css governors review these she will receive her full entitlement,  albeit into her Australian bank.


I understand that CSC has taken over admin of military pensions as well. Ie."MilitarySuper".


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19 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

It’s because I think if wife is not of retirement age she  could be expected to work.

Apart from the reason of course of trying to reduce costs and payments.

At least in the UK as seems to apply in most Western countries including the US, if you have worked most or all of your life you are entitled to receive a pension.

That is not the case in Australia where the pension is means tested and the assets level continues to be lowered excluding people who have worked and paid taxes all their life.

I think you will find the assets test for the aged pension in Oz has remained the same for some time.



Payment allowances and Parenting Payment

From 1 July 2019, your payments cancel if your assets are more than the amounts below.

If you're Homeowner Non-homeowner




A couple, combined



A couple, 1 partner eligible, combined









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25 minutes ago, Deerculler said:

You wife can keep her maiden name and you keep your mouth closed and they will never know.

I think the best way to go, as she has kept her maiden name, Not the correct way to go, however, I can't understand why sometimes they pursue these matters. I look at it that I am not claiming money for medical expenses, not getting free rego or licence as some states do, free travel, etc. Basically I am costing the government very little living here, as if I was home I would be claiming for everything. The government is always whining about the cost of pensioners, so one would think they would give incentives to live overseas and not burden the tax payers!!!!!

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3 hours ago, Emdog said:

Puts you ahead of USA. My Thai wife will get nothing from my Social Security when I die. If we lived in USA for 9 yrs (I think) she could be eligible, Not worth the grief IMO of living there

You might want to check on that with the SSA.  Me and my Thai wife were physically in a Social Security office in the USA in January of this year as I was getting my Medicare Card.  My wife will get my Social Security payment when I die.  Now granted, my wife has lived in the US, but I don't remember that being a requirement--that said, it wouldn't hurt to follow up...I will take another look-see myself.

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1 minute ago, DUNROAMIN said:

I think the best way to go, as she has kept her maiden name, Not the correct way to go, however, I can't understand why sometimes they pursue these matters. I look at it that I am not claiming money for medical expenses, not getting free rego or licence as some states do, free travel, etc. Basically I am costing the government very little living here, as if I was home I would be claiming for everything. The government is always whining about the cost pensioner, so one would think they would give incentives to live overseas and not burden the tax payers!!!!!

The pension as you are aware if from the Commonwealth Government, the other benefits such as travel, registration, are state subsidised.

Be aware that if somehow Centrelink somehow find you have not informed of the marital state, they will demand the repayment of any amount they have overpaid you, and withhold the pension, until the debt is repaid.



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3 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

The pension as you are aware if from the Commonwealth Government, the other benefits such as travel, registration, are state subsidised.

Be aware that if somehow Centrelink somehow find you have not informed of the marital state, they will demand the repayment of any amount they have overpaid you, and withhold the pension, until the debt is repaid.



My pension is a combination from DVA as a war/age pension and Military Super, so hopefully Centrelink are not involved.


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4 hours ago, oscarsmum said:

Pls ring DVA or Centrelink (whichever pays your pension) and ask them what outcomes to expect. My information is that marriage is no reason to reduce your pension unless your partner produces income (rental or any other income) or her assets exceed Australia's asset ceiling  for your pension category or they are presently receiving a single pension from Australia or their home country. Don't worry please. Speak to the source. 

Thanks for the advice,


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9 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Be aware that if somehow Centrelink somehow find you have not informed of the marital state, they will demand the repayment of any amount they have overpaid you, and withhold the pension, until the debt is repaid.


If it is income derived totally from Centrelink, you will have to advise. If from DVA, I would not have a clue but for me, if it comes at all from Centrelink, you will have a problem.

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Fortunately I e is a Village Marriage or Prison sentence which ever works.... 


Hopefully it works out for you folks from OZ. I’m American 


The strangest think and I didn’t believe it when my sister told me.

My Dads 2nd Wife didn’t remarry and gets US Social Security benefits based on my fathers work. Ex2 has been getting benefits 

for 20+ years... and his current wife can claim as well.


My Mom never had a wage earning job (she raised 5 children)until they divorced. She started working Assembly line type of work until

she was 76. She didn’t want to stop working and was able to but they worried it was to much standing all day 5 days a week.


sorry off track... people talk SS running out well duh somethings should be re acessed... #2 wife never worked except for a couple years after school...


Any good luck..

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The amazing thing about this matter is this. If you are a single aged pensioner, you get the single pension. If you are a couple of aged pensioners, you get the couples pension. All fine so far. But as a single pensioner, if you hook up with lady who has nothing and doesn't work, Centrelink will reduce your pension to half the couples rate. A substantial drop. Why? If you were deemed eligible to get the singles pension in the first place and the lady makes no financial contribution, then why are you being penalised?


Typical Australian government. Anyhow, this snippett froma Centrelink employee. If people don't tell us about overseas relationships then we're not going to know, unless, they slip up with another department (eg Immigration) travelling into Australia together etc


I wouldn't be basing my decisions on what I read here.

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3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Perhaps the rate should be reduced to match the cost of living wherever the retiree chooses to reside? Wouldn't that be a fair system?

Only if you are a dyed-in-the wool Liberal supporter intent on preserving franking credits and negative gearing.

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If you want to "appear" married in your Thai wife and her family's eyes, then just go for a village wedding but DON'T register it at the amphur to make it official.. 


Once it is official your name, nationality, PP no and details, date of marriage etc become public, go into a data base and the Oz government WILL find out without a doubt.. But only if registered.. Stay under the radar.. 


If in this situation I'd suggest a divorce, explain why to the wifey, and her family don't need to know.. 


Otherwise WHEN you get caught, no compassion from the Oz govt, and a substantial $$$ owing in over payments, penalties, fines etc.. Because it will be seen as fraud.. 

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Interesting subject in Canada my Thai wife will be eligible to receive 3 pensions even if she never work;


1-My retirement job when i die she will receive 70%

2-Provincial pension when she hit 60 y.o plus 50% of mine when i die

3-Canada pension plan when she 65 y.o


Because i'm married in Canada it's the opposite i receive more money for my pension....

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8 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

UK the same i get £69 a week marriage allowance which will end next April 2020 for everyone in the UK or abroad as far as i know, and no reasons given that i'm aware of!

Thanks for the info sir, where did you hear this ? I have a friend up North of Korat currently receiving his state pension and a top up as he is married (to a Thai, but I think that is irrelevant).


I do know that the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) stopped the allowance many years back but was still paid to those in receipt at the time, are you saying that they will stop the extra allowance for married people ? if so can you direct me to a site where I can get more info so I can inform him, thanks in advance ????

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Au aged pension and service pension are operated by two different departments with exactly the same rules, except that the service pension is available 5 years earlier than the aged pension

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15 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

As far as the old age pension is concerned, you will receive less if you declare your marriage.


As an example, let's say your single pension is $500 per week. You then get married and the married pension is $750 per week (two can live cheaper than one). However, your Thai wife, not being an Australian resident, does not qualify for an Australian pension. Nevertheless, Centrelink assumes that she is bringing some benefit to the marriage.


You new married pension is therefore half of $750, or $375.

You don't lose half. I'm married to a  Thai and on a pension and I receive A$827.30 a fortnight which includes rent assistance the full single pension is A$926.20 plus rental assistance. Would I tell Centrelink I was married? NO. Is there any reason to tell Centrelink? NO. Will they find out? Probably not. If they did you would tell them you are separated and no longer in a relationship.

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3 minutes ago, reargunnerph3 said:

You don't lose half. I'm married to a  Thai and on a pension and I receive A$827.30 a fortnight which includes rent assistance the full single pension is A$926.20 plus rental assistance. Would I tell Centrelink I was married? NO. Is there any reason to tell Centrelink? NO. Will they find out? Probably not. If they did you would tell them you are separated and no longer in a relationship.

How do you get rent assistance living in Thailand?

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4 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

How do you get rent assistance living in Thailand?

Return to Australia every 6 months for a short holiday and have a friend with a house where you "rent" a room, you don't need a lease you fill out a stat dec. 

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3 hours ago, reargunnerph3 said:

You don't lose half. I'm married to a  Thai and on a pension and I receive A$827.30 a fortnight which includes rent assistance the full single pension is A$926.20 plus rental assistance. Would I tell Centrelink I was married? NO. Is there any reason to tell Centrelink? NO. Will they find out? Probably not. If they did you would tell them you are separated and no longer in a relationship.

Hi, you say that you don't loose half of your pension if married to a Thai wife, however, you also say that you would not tell Centrelink of your marital status. Does this mean you have not told Centrelink that you are married and you are receiving a single rate pension.???


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27 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Claiming rent assistance when not living in Australia is fraud.

Centrelink computers are synced with Borderforce now and Centrelink know when you leave the country, as a tourist you can continue to get rent assistance for 6/52 only, then it ceases. Restarts when information supplied on return Australia.


Completing a false stat dec can be prosecuted in the courts.


Not informing of change in married situation is also a fraudulent matter


Plus the "friend" who is charging him rent must declare it as income in his tax return and pay income tax on it. Sounds like fraud on multiple levels. Well done that man

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2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Claiming rent assistance when not living in Australia is fraud.

Centrelink computers are synced with Borderforce now and Centrelink know when you leave the country, as a tourist you can continue to get rent assistance for 6/52 only, then it ceases. Restarts when information supplied on return Australia.


Completing a false stat dec can be prosecuted in the courts.


Not informing of change in married situation is also a fraudulent matter


This is correct.  My rent assistance stops six weeks after coming back into Thailand. The Immigration computer is now linked to Centre link. Automatically updates. 


I was told as well if you defraud them, they will chase the money owed even after death. It is no laughing matter. I would have been paid $12,000 more in three years if I did not advise them. That is tax payers money. I sleep very easy at night. 


Really if you want to marry and are not chasing PR or visas for your wife/girl friend to come to Australia, a village wedding is all you need. I was advised by my Ampher the marriage is registered and now out in the public domain. My passport number is linked to my address and if you use a marriage extension, that is stamped into your passport and Australia Immigration if asked, can find out pretty easy if you are married. 

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14 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

I was told as well if you defraud them, they will chase the money owed even after death. It is no laughing matter. I would have been paid $12,000 more in three years if I did not advise them. That is tax payers money. I sleep very easy at night. 

If you think they're joking, read this - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-29/centrelink-robodebt-raised-against-dead-disability-pensioner/11342994

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9 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

Yes,  and look at the size of debt they are reporting - only $2-4000. I would have amassed a debit of $12,000 over three years. That is fraud on a large scale. 

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