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Thailand VS Vietnam? Which one will be better in 5yrs?

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5 hours ago, drbeach said:

Indeed. Vietnam is an even more dangerous place to drive than Thailand, on average. I have done it and I know what I'm talking about. Lots more motorcycles there, slower traffic speeds, but almost as many deaths. They have fewer vehicles on the road there, about 8 times fewer cars although more motorcycles.

Unbelievable, where have you driven/ridden in the country? Or in fact Thailand?


I have ridden South to North (Chinese border) Far North East and West and back two times, on many different roads and most big cities, no way is it more dangerous there.


I have ridden maybe 100,000 km in Thailand too, so maybe i can make the comparison.


In Vietnamese cities, i understand it feels more intimidating, but not more dangerous. 

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5 hours ago, drbeach said:

I agree with your first paragraph in general, although I disagree with the conspiracy theory floating around in expat circles that the government here is trying to get rid of all foreigners, especially westerners. They are instead trying to get rid of what the British call "riff-raff" by removing long-staying foreigners on the wrong visas (such as tourist visas) and upping the anti for retirement visas to ensure only relatively high-net worth individuals can remain. So they are "cleaning up" the country not to get rid of foreigners per se, but less desirable foreigners. There's a difference. They may not be going about it in the right way, but in their mind they think they are doing the right thing though I doubt it's based on xenophobia as such, otherwise I would have felt it by now, but I don't.

In all my dealings with Thai immigration it has actually been relatively pleasant for the most part. Exceptions always exist but on average, Thai immigration is far more pleasant than Cambodian immigration and don't get me started on Vietnamese customs officials. Horrible, aggressive and completely uncompromising people. Throwing passports back at tourists, including first time visitors is a common occurrence, especially at land borders. Forget about bringing in a car for tourism purposes. They hate that.


The people in all three countries are pretty friendly towards foreigners on the whole, though the Vietnamese have this weird habit of staring at foreigners as soon as you get outside of the tourist/expat areas. It's bizarre...I mean, haven't these people ever seen even any foreigners, who are often located just a short distance away? I once went to a rural area just outside of Nha Trang and was completely surprised by the weird response I received. Smiles and hellos from the kids, everyone crowding around to touch my hair and uncomfortable stares from the older generation. Yet just 30km away, thousands of foreigners, including Russians, Chinese and westerners from other countries were all over the place. It's like these rural folk came from the back of the moon, completely bizarre.


Yet when I travel to some isolated place or one which doesn't see many westerners anywhere in Thailand, nobody stares or acts weird. Even the kids rarely say hello and definitely no crowds form.


I think it's the mentality. Thais are often on the receiving end of criticism by jaded expats and foreigners, especially on this forum, but as you have correctly pointed out, there is a reason why Thailand hosts more westerners than any other Asian country other than Singapore. Even more than the Philippines I think, although numbers in that country may come close. It's because Thailand is, despite it's faults still far more welcoming than Japan, Korea, China and yes, ultimately, to some extent even Vietnam. Vietnam is fine if you stick to the tourist/expat areas, but it's not a very comfortable place to live if you choose to live out in the sticks. In fact, the government may not allow it and doesn't like foreigners hanging around border areas, except near official crossings.

Forget about bringing in a car for tourism purposes. They hate that.


It's not allowed, so why think it's personal? It's a pity, because riding from here through to the north of Laos, Vietnam, then south and back through Cambodia would be great. But governments have stopped it, not individual customs/immigration officers. 

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4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

5 years?

Thailand hands down.

The estimates I am reading are saying 2050 may be the turning point.

For the near future Vietnam is a big big down grade in life style and quality of life.

If a person is ok with that, then go enjoy and please.. report back.




i'm on quest for Vietnam information and curious about its future development. Can you please give me the source of the info you're referring to? I want to know what criteria it's based on. That would help with decisions about committing myself to a long stay there.


After all, each of us has different wants and needs. For example, living in Bkk would not appeal to me at all, and if someone needs or really likes the shopping, dining, etc. a place like that offers, then maybe we're not after the same thing. I'm a man of very basic needs and have little quest for luxury. 


To give me some scale to work with, what are the top three things for you that cause a big downgrade in lifestyle and quality of living in Vietnam?


All info is appreciated. 

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57 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Unbelievable, where have you driven/ridden in the country? Or in fact Thailand?


I have ridden South to North (Chinese border) Far North East and West and back two times, on many different roads and most big cities, no way is it more dangerous there.


I have ridden maybe 100,000 km in Thailand too, so maybe i can make the comparison.


In Vietnamese cities, i understand it feels more intimidating, but not more dangerous. 

Both countries are very dangerous for 2-wheelers. I have also ridden (exclusively bicycles) all over Vietnam and all over Thailand(probably a total of over 300000 km), and still can't make up my mind about where it is/feels more dangerous. Very few roads in Vietnam are 4 lanes with a paved shoulder like in Siam, something that makes you feel safer as a cyclist. On the other hand, Thais on average at least, drive much faster. If I had to guess I would say you probably have a somewhat higher risk of getting hit in Vietnam, but a good chance of surviving that collision, while the risk of dying in a crash is much higher in Thailand. 

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43 minutes ago, madmen said:
7 hours ago, Moo 2 said:

You better Google human rights abuse Vietnam it's a thousand times worse.. Standard communists

C-C-C-c-c-coumnists? ????  Nobody told me about that.  The Humpers told me it was all coconut trees and gogo girls. ????  Geeeeeez, maybe the grass is not always greener.

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46 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

Both countries are very dangerous for 2-wheelers. I have also ridden (exclusively bicycles) all over Vietnam and all over Thailand(probably a total of over 300000 km), and still can't make up my mind about where it is/feels more dangerous. Very few roads in Vietnam are 4 lanes with a paved shoulder like in Siam, something that makes you feel safer as a cyclist. On the other hand, Thais on average at least, drive much faster. If I had to guess I would say you probably have a somewhat higher risk of getting hit in Vietnam, but a good chance of surviving that collision, while the risk of dying in a crash is much higher in Thailand. 

Wait a couple of years till the Vietnamese have so many cars as the Thais and still ignore red traffic lights and all sign. I was two times nearly killed from a motorcycle driver when I crossed a street (had green) and the driver thought he will fit in the gap between me and the sidewalk. They also never give a sh... if they would hurt or kill you. They drive straight and when you don´t run or stop they hit you by looking in your eyes. And these always beep beep annoyed me so much, I was happy when I arrived back in Thailand.

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5 minutes ago, 3421abc said:

Easier to get a girl in Thailand for sure.

Depends where you are in Thailand. Not so easy to get one in northern Thailand if you don´t want one of the rare (compared with Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya) hookers. They are very proud and conservative.


8 minutes ago, 3421abc said:

Vietnamese men specially like to talk to foreigners on a friends level, they are interested in knowing your background and your culture.

Thai men are absolutely not interested in knowing foreigners or being friends w us.

That´s very true. You also can book city tours for free with students, they are happy to improve their English and are curious about all of the country where you come from. 

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1 hour ago, jessebkk1 said:

Hey  Thanks @Cadbury for fact checking the shiny facts from that @ThomasThBKK with his nice play of words he almost got away with his falsified half truths.


  I believe this forum is supposed to be informative for those trying to choose between TH and VN. For those who no longer qualify for visas because of lack of funds to meet new requirements, or a lack of will to commit a huge amount of funds in th, or being under 50:  comparing Thailand to Vietnam is like comparing living on Earth to Living on Mars. I'm pretty sure the locals in planet Mars are great, the food is probably fantastic, the women are out of this world, but then why compare if you cant get to mars and live there?


  Comparing costs of living in Thailand to Vietnam? Oh it's so cheap in Thailand!...But you had to pay 500k Baht for a 5 year tourist visa or you had to import 800k Baht and keep it in thailand just to make the cut for Retirement visa, without any extra gratuities...How about we factor in the visa costs into how much it really cost to be in Thailand? Switzerland Might be Cheaper!


  You have to do the TM30 in Vietnam. Yep, just once, and no one would be complaining if thats the same in TH. To put this in clearer picture, a farang Married to a Vietnamese after their first issued visa only gets to deal with immigration once in every 10years. Whilst their counterparts in TH have to meetbe in immigration offices every 90 days.


  There are Huge Human rights abuses in TH and VN, both are almost on the same level, but thailand persecute foreigners more.


  The thing about worldwide taxable income is taken out of context, be honest, VN doesnt do that.


    To those who say they enjoy doing the 90 day, TM30, Paying 500k for a 5yr tourist Visa, Despise Pattaya and Phuket because they're married, Never really go out so no risk of accident. I want to be clear my input here is for those who are alive and thriving. To put it In a more perspective sense, some us prefer to sleep with our wives, while others prefer to watch someone else sleep with their wives, I can't judge you!




What facts? My facts are correct. Worldwide taxes in Vietnam, just read their law.


The visa costs here are a joke for someone who still works offshore/earns money outside compared to having it fully taxed in that communist hole.

If you are under 50 and you have no money for the elite visa, how on earth are you paying for your life? illegal work in a bar here? 

Having a job here with work permit cost absolutely nothing except a few k baht visa fees.


You make fun of the retirement visa, elite visa costs, investment visas here while that hole doesn't even have ANY visa like that.


Like i said, might be good for poor people there, you included. Not for the rest of us.

Don't be an expat if you have zero savings, go back home and work.


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2 minutes ago, phkauf said:

Vietnamese women are more conservative, but they are also open to relationships with foreigners if it's based on love.

I've never been to any city in the world like Saigon where I was hit on so often by hookers while just out and about.

Edited by BritManToo
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10 hours ago, 3421abc said:

I read every response on my post and it is great to hear everyone's opinion.


Both countries are great, as someone said if you have 800k baht in the bank and is a retiree and does not want to do any entrepreneurial work I truly think Thailand is better than Vietnam.


For business Vietnam has made some very big changes and currently they are more open than Thailand. You can own 100% of the share in your company and don't need to employ any Vietnamese. So for a small business Vietnam is probably the better choice.


Talk about ladies...... the Thai ladies are more interested in foreigners than the Vietnamese counterpart. Vietnamese women are more conservative in my opinion and not so interested in foreigners.

Easier to get a girl in Thailand for sure.


The people of Vietnam seem to be more happy and genuine than the Thais.

Vietnamese men specially like to talk to foreigners on a friends level, they are interested in knowing your background and your culture.

Thai men are absolutely not interested in knowing foreigners or being friends w us.


Bangkok is the safer city. Ho Chi Minh specially has a huge petty theft problem and the honking is just a nuisance to say the least.


Vietnam has been opening itself more and more to foreigners, Thailand has not but they will very soon when they see all the business Vietnam will take away from them. This will put some pressure on Thailand for sure.


The free trade agreement they signed w Europe is a game changer and I have read some articles on Nikkei that Thailand is now worried because it will take serious business from here, the article mentioned specially the auto industry.


Getting married to a Vietnamese lady gives a foreigner more benefits than marring a Thai. One of then is being allowed to purchase a house under your name.

Agree mostly what is said here except for the comment about Thai men being absolutely not interested in knowing us, I find that comment to be a fairly ignorant general representation although it might be true in the area you reside.

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23 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:


I got to call this one out, sorry. I have many expat friends in Bangkok, been here for decades. They

are in business, international technical support, publishing, oil and gas, teaching at university. Their Thai language ranges from basic understanding and speech to beyond intermediate. I don't think I'm exaggerating much in saying not one of them can count a Thai male as anyone more than an occasional acquaintance at a bar. The exceptions are the Indian Thais, a pretty friendly bunch and very rich. 


Yeah sure man, no foreigner here has thai friends.

What an extremely stupid generalisation.

Not sure what thai language would have to do with this, everyone speaks english in my age. I can't even count to ten in thai.


Sounds like an old people problem, maybe get a hobby and find like minded people?

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One of the most distinctive differences between Thailand and Vietnam is that the Thais share and highly value lots of Chinese heritage whereas the Vietnamese generally do not.


It's one of the things I love about Vietnam as I'm not too keen on many of the cultural customs of China. Very refreshing to visit an Asian country that is as different from China as can be. 

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On 7/31/2019 at 10:41 PM, Genmai said:

Jeez what the heck is this? Old white men are a cancer? As opposed to old black men or old white women? Nothing truthful about your disgusting comment, I think you've gone a bit wonky from the heat.

When a 1000+ posts member writes something like this I really wonder if we have a problem in this community...

I think what he has written is ok as it reflects what most of the community is feeling, even if the cancer metaphor is unsavoury.

So it's ok.

My response is to ask why the writer feels this and very importantly, why is this happening?


In the defense of these cancerous old white men, it's worth pointing out that


- the 65,000 baht minimum spend into the economy a month represents the income of half-a-dozen Thai people.

- It's worth saying that the little woman with her two children that the old man is looking after would be working in a very disagreeable job without him and her children would be growing up fatherless.

- It's also worth asking, why so much fuss over such a small population, there are probably no more than 200,000 expat residents in Thailand, this is absolutely nothing compared to say 1 in 5 in Australia.

- And finally, the contribution made by these expats goes well beyond the simple financial, since most of them bring a know how and a set of attitudes that help propel Thailand on its way to the Future.


Instead of defending ourselves, as Ive admittedly done here, you could spin the question around the other way and asked why the people are so shall we say xenophobic. Is the any reason for expats to feel under pressure? Is this institutionalized in any way?


A test question might be to ask why 90 day reporting is not either abolished or applied to the entire population.

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On July 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM, GeKoSc said:

How they manage to stay long term when the maximal period is 3 months? The cost for 3-4 border runs a year (if flights are used) may add considerably to the cost of living. Any other option available? 


A business visa is good for 1 year, then do another border run, simple, no 800 k in the bank , no 90 day reporting, no tm 30 reporting. And no business needed, just intention to do business. 

Tourist visas are also much cheaper and easier in Vietnam. Everything is done online if u wish, no mailing away passport , look at the restrictions on the multi entry tourist visa in Thailand now.

if married in Vietnam, also way easier. I am currently checking on the business visa to see what nationalities it is available to.

americans get 1  year tourist visa, but must leave every 3 months.

multi entry tourist visa for Thailand now, $250 Canuck, plus mailing away my passport in secure envelope, and return envelope, bank statement showing 200 k baht single and 400 k baht family, copy of plane ticket and hotel reservation. 



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28 minutes ago, Ron jeremy said:

A business visa is good for 1 year, then do another border run, simple, no 800 k in the bank , no 90 day reporting, no tm 30 reporting. And no business needed, just intention to do business. 

All sooo easy and sooo cheap, and available to everyone,  NOT


Business visa requirements

  • Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the departure date (Temporary passports may not be accepted)
  • 02 blank pages for visa stamp
  • The stamping fee (for visa on arrival) for business visa is 25 USD for 1 month/3month single entry, 50 USD for 1 month/3month multiple entry and 95 USD for 6 month multiple entry visa.
  • Sponsorship letter from a licensed company in Vietnam is required if you apply through the local embassy in your country.



As of 01 January 2019, 6 month and 1 year multiple entry visas are still unavailable (For visa on arrival). We will update this page frequently if there are changes for 6 month and 1 year visas. We strongly advise that you contact the embassy of Vietnam in your country to apply for your business visa.

I am a Canadian passport holder, can I apply for a 1 year business visa?


Currently, 1 year business visa is available for US passports only. The only way to remain stay in Vietnam on a long term visa is to get a work permit with sponsor letter from your business partner or employer in Vietnam. That will allow you to stay for up to 1-2 years without leaving and returning the country.



TYPE OF VISA 1 year multi entry


Total 415 USD



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I’ve been visiting VN for many years to the north, south, mountains and central areas. I really enjoy my 2 or 3 visits a year but as much as I like it here I don’t want live here (I’m in Vietnam now). 
The country is progressing rapidly and I believe it will overtake Thailand in not too many years. The attitude towards foreigners both as expats and investors is much better than Thailand. The Vietnamese mind is much more open, they’re willing to listen and learn without feeling a loss of face.
To be honest I wish I felt I could live here but for now, even with the negativity towards us getting ever more prevalent, Thailand is still where I want to live
Why do you want to stay in Thailand?

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

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On 8/1/2019 at 2:09 PM, spidermike007 said:

I tend to think he is right, when it comes to Thailand. Old or young, they just do not seem to want white tourists, or white ex-pats. White means western. Their xenophobia, and racism has really ratcheted itself up a few notches lately. I am not referring to most Thai people. I think alot like us, or at the minimum, are indifferent to us. I am referring to the administration, and most government workers, who are getting indoctrinated by the hyperbolic and extremely ignorant nonsense coming from the top. 


I am not sure this relates to "most Asian nations". But, it is true here in Thailand, unfortunately. 

Good point though it would be a stretch to suggest that Thai government workers or the government in general likes Burmese or Cambodians, or even Chinese. The government knows that Burmese and Cambodian laborers don't complain and they are easy to control. Very different to westerners.

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On 8/1/2019 at 9:36 PM, chrissables said:

Unbelievable, where have you driven/ridden in the country? Or in fact Thailand?


I have ridden South to North (Chinese border) Far North East and West and back two times, on many different roads and most big cities, no way is it more dangerous there.


I have ridden maybe 100,000 km in Thailand too, so maybe i can make the comparison.


In Vietnamese cities, i understand it feels more intimidating, but not more dangerous. 

I have driven extensively in both countries and Vietnam definitely feels more dangerous (and like you, I have done north to south and east to west in Vietnam except for the mountainous areas to the west of Sapa). For the record, I drive cars and only rarely motorcycles. No doubt riding a motorcycle in Bangkok is scary, but a car, not so much.


The road infrastructure is far superior in Thailand to Vietnam and driving in Thailand just feels much safer, even if it's not all that "safe".

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On 8/5/2019 at 2:21 PM, Fex Bluse said:

I have to sadly agree. The Asians never wanted anyone else in their countries. They don't even like each other (other Asians). 


They have always been a fiercely proud people with lots of culture (like it or hate hate it). 


As they get richer, they look forward to kicking foreigners out in favor more homogenous societies. 


They are NOT egalitarian, progressive westerners. They are exactly the opposite. 


The only real outreach by any of the Asian countries is when they desperately need money or experience of foreigners.


No better example them Japan which is finding it extremely difficult to get westerners to emigrate.


Thailand with its demographic issues may also have to import lots of foreigners (maybe Chinese though as they share an affinity). I think the Thais will fiercely avoid any long-lived western communities in Thailand. 


The Viets hate the Chinese, so they will be more open to farangs long term. 

What western communities though? Nearly all long-term westerners in Thailand are in relationships with Thai women (or Thai men, if they're women). The few all-western families living here are short term company transfers or missionaries.

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