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Life is hard.

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49 minutes ago, BestB said:

Therapy is NOT a bad thing, it can and does help many people to understand themselves and why the feel certain things.


Saying therapy is bad just shows how little you know and understand, 


If guy is genuine, he has huge set of balls to come onto public forum and say what he said, despite what he thinks of himself or how his parents made him feel, saying out loud is worth something.


Some have taken cheap shots at him, some gave him tough  love advice, but in the end he needs to understand himself before he can make any changes in his life


Despite what some of you may thing, parent influence plays a massive role in child's life. If parents never encourage the kid, kid will have very low self esteem and most likely fail in everything he does, because no one ever believed in him, so he no longer believes in himself.


Its like the saying, shit attracts shit, but in no way does it mean he is one, just how he thinks of himself.


Anyhow, as i posted earlier, if he is genuine and wants help, i will be happy to hang out and help but if a troll, well then at least some have had a good laugh 

Go back in his posts - he's trotted all this out before. If someone refuses to take advice and continues to troll out the same garbage, its not a cry for help, its attention seeking !

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9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Your alcoholism is 9/10ths the problem.


Tackle that and the rest will gradually fall into place.


Only you can make the decision to do so. It is not up to luck, fate or someone else, and Thailand most certainly is not an answer.


AA has meetings everywhere. Find the nearest one and go. Then keep going back.

Totally agree on alcohol part . It can be a depressant and trigger paranoia as well. Not to mention fried brain .


by his nick , I am guessing he is in Pattaya , I know for a fact have AA here, have not gone myself but met a few guys and they seem to stick together 

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5 hours ago, BestB said:

Totally agree on alcohol part . It can be a depressant and trigger paranoia as well. Not to mention fried brain .


by his nick , I am guessing he is in Pattaya , I know for a fact have AA here, have not gone myself but met a few guys and they seem to stick together 

I left Pattaya for now.


i noticed its mostly lower class thais who battle substance abuse and also alcoholism, The middle class with whom i am now associating might have one beer at night but lead too busy life's, they cannot afford to fall victim to the bottle unlike many of the isaan folk in Pattaya who prefer a lay back lifestyle which opens doors for self medication / Abuse/ heavy alcoholism.

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I think you need a radical change in your life, and I would recommend learning about Buddhism, and if you like what you see, you can become a monk, at least for a while. This would take all of the pressure off you (you don't even have to worry about feeding yourself) and you will be around the right people.


Buddhism has saved many who had serious issues, think about it.

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2 hours ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:

I left Pattaya for now.


i noticed its mostly lower class thais who battle substance abuse and also alcoholism, The middle class with whom i am now associating might have one beer at night but lead too busy life's, they cannot afford to fall victim to the bottle unlike many of the isaan folk in Pattaya who prefer a lay back lifestyle which opens doors for self medication / Abuse/ heavy alcoholism.

Maybe the middle class have more money, so outwardly their addiction/dependence is not so noticeable.


Anyway, you can, if you really want to, stop drinking alcohol. You have to be 100% committed though.


Nam daeng, with soda, lime, & ice makes for a great drink.


Try a glass or two when you get the urge to drink alcohol.


Try starting a new thread in the "I drink too much" sub forum, perhaps. You'll get a lot of encouragement.

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3 hours ago, geronimo said:

He's not whinging, he's asking for help ..... and he's facing his problems ....

No he isn't, he has recognised them but blames life in general for them. One can only help oneself. My brother in England is an alcoholic, he went 3 times to a rehab clinic, on his third time the doc told him we can't help you with this anymore you have to help yourself now, we won't see you again because you will die on you next relapse, that was what he needed, not sympathy but a kick up the backside, he has been clean now for three years.

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On 8/2/2019 at 11:53 AM, Matzzon said:

The situation you seem to find yourself in, actually sound very hard. it also sounds very serious. All these problems, and you seem to be aware of them. The first question will be, why in the world you have not been seeking professional help? There is nothing to be ashamed of with that. Many people need to talk to a professional about their problems to sort them out.

You say that you are only 33, and single due to that you cannot find a girlfriend or afford one. Looks to me that you have tried to move to Thailand before you sorted out your life. That´s not a possibility. Even if the money is there, that is not going to make you happy.

The two core problems in this problem seems to be a lack of self confidence as well as a major drinking problem. These two things work very well together, due to that they both speed up the process to reach rock bottom. Your self confidence is telling you to drink to be able to better relate to friends, girls and life. Your confidence is fooling you and leading you on a disaterous path in life. On the other hand, your drinking problem continues to lower your self confidence, due to that everytime the great feeling diappears the real life seems to be harder and harder to cope with.

Is there any underlying problems with economy too? I know some people have money, and get in problem with life anyway. Some try to do more than they can and get in problem and depression out of the inpossibility to achive their goals and dreams. Are you also having problems with your possibilities to stay regarding to anxiety over getting your visas?

I am not any kind of professional in any of these matters, just trying to use common sense. I can not help you with what professional can. what I can do, is to be someone you can talk too. If you feel better talking about this through private messages that´s ok by me. I am sure there must be some chances for a 33 year old guy, that just having a bad streak in life.

You need about 2000 baht an hour for professional help here in Thailand. Often more depending on problem and time of day you visit. Each session is roughly one hour. Happy I don't need it as I could not afford it anyway.

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15 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:



OP, please do not "join the club"! Never spend $ 160/hour to talk to somebody, because nobody else is listening to you. 


It's not as "normal" for some other nationalities. 


It's frightening to me that so many people do seek medical attention regarding a mental issue.


The first part is natural and a difficult one. See it from a positive side, you've got nothing to lose, right?


  Stop drinking alcohol, start doing some sport, and talk to other people who might have an answer to so many questions you might have. 


   Get in shape and do something educational. That could be anything, from reading good books, watching documentaries, teaching English or online jobs.


   Once you're sober and clean, you'll see that there's another part of life, something you gave up when you started drinking.

My dad passed when he's only 50. Diabetes and alcoholism are just too much.



If you're a heavy drinker, please see it as it is. One day, you'll have a fatty liver, then liver cirrhosis and later death.


Not an excellent way to go! Get well soon and I truly hope that you'll start to talk to some guys and you might have all help you needed.


   Best of luck!

I got a good psychiatrist 30 years ago who helped me stop drinking.  It is what a smart educated person would do.  A doctor or some old guy living in Issan?  Who do you trust?

Edited by marcusarelus
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