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Is life hard?

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On 8/3/2019 at 5:55 PM, StreetCowboy said:

  I am not sure my daughter and her cohorts are as fortunate.


They grew up/are growing up with it.


To them it's "normal" and they are adapting/evolving.


When they are as old as you they will also look back to a time when their lives were so much better......before it all "changed".


No doubt they will think the world of their aged future to be a worse world for their children.


It's an "oldie/fings ain't what they used to be, ain't it awful"......thing.





Edited by Enoon
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On 8/3/2019 at 11:09 PM, StreetCowboy said:

I’m more interested in how life is for normal, decent, hard-working young people like you and I once were.

Alcoholism is a disease...just like cancer is, or whatever...would you call (or infer) that a person suffering from cancer is only a bum.

  Neither sufferer I'm sure went to bed every night as children, hoping, dreaming and praying that some day when they get older, they would be inflicted with a disease such as these... or other types.

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As someone who came from a fourth-world shithole to SEA, for me it's a big improvement.


Life is simple: Be temperate, enjoy what you have, work for a better life for you and around you, and be grateful because many don't have what you do.

Edited by limbojunkie
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Not hard, unless just dealt a really bad hand. Otherwise...if healthy and given a modicum of guidance and education...it's what one makes of it. 


LOWER middle class family in USA. Single mom with deadbeat dad. Public education. Bro put himself thru college. I didn’t go...just worked my ass off. We're both retired quite young here in Thailand. 


Been pretty damn great IMO!!! ????

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On 8/3/2019 at 7:03 PM, Yinn said:

I think life is better now.


One hundred years ago not have fidge, microwave, electric, etc.


Today I go hospital (drive my car with air con, airbag, ABS, music player) with my friend, she have the “ultra sound”. Can know it a boy, and healthy. When it will coming.


We have Korean Barbq for eat. Food from everywhere can try.


Airplane so so cheap now. This week I go to Bangkok, only 1 hour 15 minute. 


Have air in the house, good for sleep.


music easy to copy. Free. Movies


hospital always getting better. And new drug can fix problem. Easy to be healthy. 


A lot of opportunities now.


many machine make life easier. On farm, wash the clothes, internet, lift, etc


life is wonderful. Fun. I want to live 500 years.


life get better every year. Young people can not complain.

The old people have the difficult life before. Not easy like now.




At last someone who sees the good aspects of things. Very refreshing. We need more like you, and only a positive attitude like this can help things change, can make other people change.. Being grumpy is unproductive, the proof being that after all those years of trillions of grumpy publications, things have nothing but worsened. That's the fruit of these complains. And that still goes on today.    15 years ago some  would say "hey Thailand is damn cheap, i can buy people, i can have cheap girl, i feel  powerful here". Some thais read all that, they are very proud and felt disrespected.  and they have good memory. And now ? Dual price for some parks or monuments visits, farangs less well considered, harder to live as an expat, some people who made multiple visa runs can't any more.  etc.  Why? Because there were some abuses by some. And this has stained the image of  foreigners visiting or living in Thailand as a whole. Besides, Thai people were amazed at farang people cleaning some thai beaches, or at an expat fixing the potholes on a rural road, or painting the wall of a temple, at his own expense. If i live there one day i want to do good actions, do something for others, not only for myself. Reducing the power of my ego. 


A lot of farangs who go there have 3 main motives : cheap prices, beer, girls, weather. I think these kind of people will never really adapt to Thailand because they have absolutely no inner reason to adapt to Thai culture. and they are the DNA grumpy ones because, aside of their purchase power that is the only reason why they can stay here, when that fails, nothing is left, as they have no interest in Buddhism (except temples for pictures)  they are not made to adapt to thai people and  to live in such a completely different country that is  Thailand.  That's why they keep stuck with a Leo watching English league football matches. Their mind is abroad, while their body is here. Some others, who are married and live in rural areas with Thai wife, and participate in community life,  are happy. But they don't talk in forums. "have a discrete life and you will live happy ". 


Treating others with utmost respect like equals, not looking down at them because we have cash power, is the only attitude to have when we are guests in someone else's country. But many foreigners act like customers, like if  "customer is king". I want to live in Thailand because it's damn cheap, I have purchase power, i can have girls when I want. That's plain selfishness, that can only thrive because there is money behind. . If I were Thai, i would feel really offensed. Would you like your country to be considered as a haven for foreigners to take your women, and to expect a smile from you ? The main reason why i will retire one day in Thailand is the goodness of its people, which i still believe in (because there has to be reciprocity) , the positive aspects of its rich, long traditions and culture. And it is still the main reason why i go there twice a year, it is still my only tourist destination, and my best friends are hard working, dark skin rurals. Some talk about the superiority of Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines etc.. All were colonized, and also suffered so much the war and dictatorial regimes, and have lost a lot of their traditions and cultural continuity, and i find people there  less open and playful, welcoming,  than thai people.


Thailand still remains very unique in many positive aspects.  I won't talk about the negative ones, which exist, like  the corruption, dishonesty of some, which have been described multiple times in the forums. Of course  there are negative aspects, like in any country. But once I go there, I must accept to deal with that. Or I don't go there at all. And,  what is the attitude of western countries toward Thai people when they come to visit Europe ? i think these Thai tourists must feel very bad when they see the coldness of people, the high prices of everything from transport to food, hotels. So not complaining, enjoying the present moment, respecting people, having self discipline, learning the culture, having a real goal and spiritual project, a proactive attitude in bringing something to the community, all this is a prerequisite for not being swallowed  by negativity.  


Edited by Alainpm
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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 5:18 PM, CGW said:

Reading through this thread it is noticeable that people consider that "money" is the number one driver in their lives, whatever happened to spirituality? going to be difficult to take that money with you, appears that this is a mute point with most, which makes me wonder if "society" has got just a little lost with its goals?

Society has sold out to the bankers. It's all about having the nice car ( even if it's on borrowed money ) and having everything now instead of saving and only buying if can afford. I got sucked in by the scum credit card provider. Took me years till I paid it back and then I cut it up.

The welfare society has also gone, so try living a good life without money outside the pension. Not possible.

Spirituality is only for people that can afford it, now.

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 9:30 PM, GTgrizzly said:

What a great outlook on life you have, you will go far

Its a shame there are so many miserable people on this planet

Dream it- do it

He obviously has money and support. Try getting married to the wrong woman, lose all your money to her thieving family, get divorced and start again with nothing. No house, no car, no income except pension because she took everything. Might sing a different tune then.

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17 hours ago, Alainpm said:

A lot of farangs who go there have 3 main motives : cheap prices, beer, girls, weather. I think these kind of people will never really adapt to Thailand because they have absolutely no inner reason to adapt to Thai culture. and they are the DNA grumpy ones because, aside of their purchase power that is the only reason why they can stay here, when that fails, nothing is left,


I agree about the cheap prices, girls and weather. 

I don't agree that we have to adapt though. I didn't and still had a better life than back home. I'm not Thai, so why should I try to imitate one? Should I go pray to a 3 headed elephant or leave my children with granny to go work? Should I throw all my rubbish everywhere and ruin beaches for greed?

If Thais don't want their women going with farangs, they should stop opening bars that offer Thai women to farangs.

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24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Society has sold out to the bankers. It's all about having the nice car ( even if it's on borrowed money ) and having everything now instead of saving and only buying if can afford. I got sucked in by the scum credit card provider. Took me years till I paid it back and then I cut it up.

The welfare society has also gone, so try living a good life without money outside the pension. Not possible.

Spirituality is only for people that can afford it, now.

We are spiritual beings, that is a fact that can't be changed!

Not so sure I agree that society has sold out to the bankers, more a case of its been hijacked - whether we like it or not ???? 

Life is "difficult" for the vast majority, "their" plan has been very successful!

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Anyone who thinks life is easy isn't doing it right.



...adversity traditionally has been linked to negative life outcomes. However, emerging evidence suggests...links between adversity and resilience, with adversity often enhancing cooperation in the face of joint suffering. ...increasing severity of past adversity predicts increased empathy, which in turn, is linked to a stable tendency to feel compassion for others in need...resulting individual differences in compassion appear to engender behavioral responses meant to assist others (i.e., charitable giving, helping a stranger).



Verse 87 If unhappiness befalls your enemy Why should this be a cause for your rejoicing? ... whatever suffering befalls your enemy, treat it as an opportunity to practice compassion towards him. When any distraction comes to us, we should capture our minds through mindfulness and introspection and make what is troublesome, a factor that will enhance one’s spiritual practice....


Compassion in the face of adversity? Who can not feel for the mother of the Dayton shooter?



Following the April post in which she declared herself a very lucky mama, Moira posted another picture of her son and daughter, whom she again called “my loves.”


Imagine being the mother of the mass murderer who just killed also your daughter and then ask if life is hard.


Yes, life is hard--if you're doing it right.




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