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Why Do We Bitch But Do Nothing?


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I have to tell you I am totally sick of some of the problems encountered here in the LOS on a daily basis. Before you say it NO I am not leaving that defeatisim is best left to cowards and simpltons.I do like many things about Thailand and Thai people but there are things that need to be changed and I do think if enough people complain that things can change.

Here was todays grief. I live on Soi 4, at the bottom not near Nana, I wanted to go with the GF to Platinum The Mall. The first cab refused to take me when I wanted the meter Second cab said ok but when I suggested the route he immediatly got angry and yelled that he has driven cab for 12 years. I told him to calm down and why be Jai Ron I just wanted to go from A to B and would pay the meter to do so. He continued to bitch about the traffic so the GF and I got out. We made our way where we wanted to go caught a movie and were fairly happy.

We wanted to go home and were obviously looking for a cab. A man approaches us ask what we want so I tell him, he says," to where?" I tell him and then he wants 100 baht. I laugh and say no way use the meter. He refuses. We hail another cab and as we tell the guy where to go the first guy yells something in Thai at him and he makes us get out. It took us our third cab to get home.

The question is would the TAT be willing to do sting opperations to get these bums? How many people does it take to cause change? Is this the price to pay in LOS?

I try to walk where ever I go but sometimes people need to take a cab why is it almost always grief?

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"The question is would the TAT be willing to do sting opperations to get these bums?"

Are you talking about Taxi services or gay bars?

sorry couldnt resist, your right taxis are a pain in the rear sometimes, better you get in the cab speak thai and then no probs

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Except for extremely short trips, I think taxi fares are so low now that there just isn't much profit in most trips. Add to that, some taxis are let and sublet and evryone has to try to make a wage. I expect fares will move up a bit, soon, and that will relieve some of the ill will.

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I have to tell you I am totally sick of some of the problems encountered here in the LOS on a daily basis. Before you say it NO I am not leaving that defeatisim is best left to cowards and simpltons.I do like many things about Thailand and Thai people but there are things that need to be changed and I do think if enough people complain that things can change.

Here was todays grief. I live on Soi 4, at the bottom not near Nana, I wanted to go with the GF to Platinum The Mall. The first cab refused to take me when I wanted the meter Second cab said ok but when I suggested the route he immediatly got angry and yelled that he has driven cab for 12 years. I told him to calm down and why be Jai Ron I just wanted to go from A to B and would pay the meter to do so. He continued to bitch about the traffic so the GF and I got out. We made our way where we wanted to go caught a movie and were fairly happy.

We wanted to go home and were obviously looking for a cab. A man approaches us ask what we want so I tell him, he says," to where?" I tell him and then he wants 100 baht. I laugh and say no way use the meter. He refuses. We hail another cab and as we tell the guy where to go the first guy yells something in Thai at him and he makes us get out. It took us our third cab to get home.

The question is would the TAT be willing to do sting opperations to get these bums? How many people does it take to cause change? Is this the price to pay in LOS?

I try to walk where ever I go but sometimes people need to take a cab why is it almost always grief?

Buy yourself a car if you are that wound up.

I cant believe that you are whinging on about 100 baht.

If you get an obnoxious driver or one that wont put the meter on, get out and get another, there is plenty of them!!!

Next time just think of the p#ssing wind and rain in England or wherever you are from, and ask where you would rather be

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I'm confused. Your thread title does not match you post. Are you a troll?

I don't know any Bangkok girls that remember 1995 having problems getting into a cab, especially when their English is as good as yours.


whoever you are what are you doing living in Nana? That's why you have issues.

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Typical Bullsh&^t from you losers yes I do complain about 100 baht it adds up idiot.

No place is perfect but why not try to improve on it. If you read and comprehend you will see I don't want to complain I want to do something about it. Do you for one second think that this behavior is in anyway conducive to a country that relies on tourisim?

It is so easy to predict the forth coming wisdom from you mental giants.

#1. Don't like it move (great advice I guess that solves everything)

#2. Still better here then there( all places have good and bad points why not try to improve where you are?)

#3. Thailand is so wonderful every place else sucks in comparison(Uh I am not a drunk or ugly sod who needs to pay for sex. I like Thailand just fine but would love to see improvement is that a crime?)

Try not to be so predictable it is boring.

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MY Gfs account retard. If you read it would should be able to assume Im a guy. Secondly I have a very nice apartment for a great price at the end of the soi.

You bar stool genuises are something else. If I live on Soi #4 I must be in nana Plaza

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Don't bother posting here then, go and send an e-mail to TAT. Do you think you will even get a reply?

I'm just saying that every country has taxi drivers on the make.

In Scotland I have to wait 45 minutes to get a taxi home on a saturday night. I would gladly pay triple to get home straight away!

PS. Is there any need to be abusive?

Edited by The Dan Sai Kid
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You must be lucky

I must be very bad

last time i was in Bangkok we had to stop 5 taxis befire we could get one that would turn on the metre!

Sorry, but you must be doing something wrong.

First rule is not to take taxis parked in front of tourist areas, but rather catch one driving in the direction you want to go.

Second rule is be able to speak enough Thai to say where you want to go.

Third rule is act like you know what's up.

I use taxis every day when in Bkk and have never had a problem when following the above rules.

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You must be lucky

I must be very bad

last time i was in Bangkok we had to stop 5 taxis befire we could get one that would turn on the metre!

Sorry, but you must be doing something wrong.

First rule is not to take taxis parked in front of tourist areas, but rather catch one driving in the direction you want to go.

Second rule is be able to speak enough Thai to say where you want to go.

Third rule is act like you know what's up.

I use taxis every day when in Bkk and have never had a problem when following the above rules.

I'm ticking all your boxes, maybe my thai-borne wife should polish her up her Thai a bit!

Last time we were in BKK we found it so hard to get them to tirn on their meters.

Maybe we weren't going to the right places!

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Look I know I shouldn't call names or get upset on a public forum it is futile

Simple as this there are some good people here and you can't all be down and outs but from what I read the responses are way to predictable. I honestly think constructive advice is best and a unified front. If some of you like being cheated where ever that is great be cheated but there are pleanty of people here who work hard for thier money and do not want the hassle.

I simply cannot believe TIT is always the answer. If that is the case why have a forum at all?

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I have to tell you I am totally sick of some of the problems encountered here in the LOS on a daily basis. Before you say it NO I am not leaving that defeatisim is best left to cowards and simpltons.I do like many things about Thailand and Thai people but there are things that need to be changed and I do think if enough people complain that things can change.

Here was todays grief. I live on Soi 4, at the bottom not near Nana, I wanted to go with the GF to Platinum The Mall. The first cab refused to take me when I wanted the meter Second cab said ok but when I suggested the route he immediatly got angry and yelled that he has driven cab for 12 years. I told him to calm down and why be Jai Ron I just wanted to go from A to B and would pay the meter to do so. He continued to bitch about the traffic so the GF and I got out. We made our way where we wanted to go caught a movie and were fairly happy.

We wanted to go home and were obviously looking for a cab. A man approaches us ask what we want so I tell him, he says," to where?" I tell him and then he wants 100 baht. I laugh and say no way use the meter. He refuses. We hail another cab and as we tell the guy where to go the first guy yells something in Thai at him and he makes us get out. It took us our third cab to get home.

The question is would the TAT be willing to do sting opperations to get these bums? How many people does it take to cause change? Is this the price to pay in LOS?

I try to walk where ever I go but sometimes people need to take a cab why is it almost always grief?

The second cab you tried initially was in the right in my opinion, why should he sit in a traffic jam for 40 mins so that you can save 20 baht?

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Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them."

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Why do we bitch but do nothing?Troubles in LOS

If you really think taxi services are sh*te dont use them, walk or take a bus like the rest of us. If your so enthusiastic about moaning and whinging about Thailand don't stay here, go home. If you do really think that your post title means 'Trouble in LOS' I think you are very very niave and should take the next flight out of here. There are more concerning points in Thailand, do you really seem to think in not getting a taxi home justifies your post title 'Troubles in LOS'

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When I was in BKK I was often quoted 300 / 400 B for a trip that cost 55B on the meter. Sometimes it took 4 or 5 taxis to get one to use the meter.

Seems to me that it is part and parcel of life in many places in Thailand being a Farang and wanting a taxi - as well as being a foreigner in most countries.

I think it is a case of live with it, you will never change them and some of their attitudes.

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You must be lucky

I must be very bad

last time i was in Bangkok we had to stop 5 taxis befire we could get one that would turn on the metre!

Sorry, but you must be doing something wrong.

First rule is not to take taxis parked in front of tourist areas, but rather catch one driving in the direction you want to go.

Second rule is be able to speak enough Thai to say where you want to go.

Third rule is act like you know what's up.

I use taxis every day when in Bkk and have never had a problem when following the above rules.

I'm ticking all your boxes, maybe my thai-borne wife should polish her up her Thai a bit!

Last time we were in BKK we found it so hard to get them to tirn on their meters.

Maybe we weren't going to the right places!

Sorry but i have to agree with jingjing, over the past five and a bit years living in Thailand i have rarely encountered problems with taxi drivers and have found most of them to be very nice people.

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Ok this is my last post on this subject.

#1. If you don't like it leave comment would work for anything and accomplishes nothing. "Hey this is Afganistan if you don't like honor rapes leave!" see the argument doesn't hold water.

#2. I speak some Thai going to classes to speak more.

#3. I have a great apartment at the quite end of the soi it is not a tourist place really.

#5. I do not take standing taxis.

#6. The thread is not about taxis as much is it is about why people feel powerless and what can be done.

I do like Thailand and yes there are much bigger problems then my transportation but even you people can see this should not be allowed. It is one problem that could be easy to rectify. Simply have some form of quality control have" Falang" take taxis and rate the service or wear some type of recording device. I am not talking about the countries economics or social problems. I am talking about a small sevice industry that could be made better very easily.

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Personal appearance, confidence and general self confidence (not arrogance) and presentation all play major roles when dealing with anyone in Thailand.

....and you should be able to speak a few words of thai, it helps, beleive me.

Believe me i can do a little more than that.

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