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EU must change its negotiating terms for Brexit, says Britain's Barclay


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18 hours ago, kingdong said:

suppose its likely all the eu citizens  you see massing in diy superstore carparks waiting for a days work in the building trade are all registered for national insurance commitments and paying tax too?

 I have seen these people on my travels, and spoken to many. Their appearance and accents lead me to conclude that most of them are not legal EU migrants, but illegal ones. People who have entered the country illegally and so, of course, cannot claim any state benefits as that would bring them to the attention of the authorities, or are legally here as asylum seekers which means they cannot legally work.


But whatever they are from, one thing is certain; their employers are usually small companies, often one man businesses, owned by British citizens!


Taken as a whole, EU migrants, especially those who arrived since 2000, contribute in taxes than they take out in benefits and other state aid.


Do EU immigrants contribute £1.34 for every £1 received from the UK?

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5 hours ago, superal said:

What a load of codswallop . Nothing constructive written in your reply , just derogatory remarks to me personally . I stand by my original post which you poorly criticised .   I suppose you would have voted for the T. May deal by the sounds of it .  I welcome constructive criticism but yours is unfounded , unqualified and rude . 

Attacking the poster is part of the course providing whoever is on the receiving end is deemed to be supporting UKs decision to leave the EU. Anyone joining in in the other direction find their posts vanishing quicker than a locust in a Terrarium...


Edited by Scott
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10 hours ago, Loiner said:

Constant codswallop from that part of the EU I'm afraid. This poster wasn't even eligible for the referendum, so wouldn't have been able to vote for T. May anyway. This is a typical example from some of our trading 'partners' - no wonder we need to Leave.  

Thanks Loiner ,

                      I think you will agree with me when I say that although we are singing from the same hymn book most of the " Remainers " also contribute to the discussion with sound arguments that make for a decent debate . We can all come up with pros and cons but only history will show if the right decision is made by the UK government . I do not believe that the UK will regret a "Brexit " as it goes solo and returns to self governance . The main concern will be the reaction from the EU which may turn nasty as that of a woman scorned analogy , however the world is watching and any unfair negativity will be frowned on .


Now if Labour table a vote of " no confidence " in the Tory government there will be a general election but could that take place before October 31st ?   Plus if there was a Labour government JC has promised another referendum .   Are we at the final hurdle yet ?  

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