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Foreigner also to be charged after head stomped by Bangla security guard


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19 minutes ago, amykat said:

 What does my statement say??  I asked a question, I made a statement.  You need to drop your damn bone dude.  (For posters not in the know, this person has gone crazy in another thread trying to prove everyone wrong about everything.). 

What does my statement say?  I made an observation of your clear suggestion that you may have seen that whereas the poster probably hadn't!  Turned out you hadn't either.

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The drunk farang start the fight.

what the securityman going to do. You think because he farang the thai should not fight? Just allow farang to hit him?


only one thai, but many say on thaivisa everyday “thai can never fight just one person”

So what happened???


And the farang say sorry. The Thai accept. 

Why everyone say thai is the bad one when the farang make the problem?

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16 hours ago, Mikisteel said:

Do expats in Thailand need to stick together and start wearing bodycams to protect one another.

Might help if you're drunk and disorderly down Soi Bangla but if you are simply visiting temples, eating noodles or riding the MRT, then I think body kevlar is more than sufficient.

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12 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

I remember seeing the bouncers cross the beach rd from "we are the world" go-go to give a farang a good kicking for no reason other than he was sitting having a beer. 

Must be the “Thai Supremists” neo nazi gang.


i don’t believe your story. Why the staff kick the customer for”no reason other than he was sitting having a beer”

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Farang seem shock with “kick” in the fight. 

But gun or knife ok?


We learn the Muay Thai at school. The kick is better than fist. Not get to close, hard for other guy to hurt you. 


If you want to fight thai people, then must accept they going to use the foot, fist, knee and elbow.


Better not to fight. Just be polite and smile. Then no problem, we all happy together.

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33 minutes ago, Yinn said:

The drunk farang start the fight.

what the securityman going to do. You think because he farang the thai should not fight? Just allow farang to hit him?


only one thai, but many say on thaivisa everyday “thai can never fight just one person”

So what happened???


And the farang say sorry. The Thai accept. 

Why everyone say thai is the bad one when the farang make the problem?


No one needs to be 'stomping' on anyone else's head especially when they are semi-unconscious on the floor, wouldn't you agree? 


A very drunk tourist is no match for a security bouncer on shift, a gang wasn't required to do the stomping on this occasion although im sure the gang were on standby just in case there was a fair match.

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There should basically never be a need to use fists for a police or a security guard. Let alone legs.


People skills come first and grappling skills second. Great talkers who own a good body language solve lot of situations where others have to use force.


If only we could ask proper training, mindset and grappling skills for the guys who work at the door. But this is Thailand.


There might be a proper reason why the thai started to fight with the foreigner. But there is a chance that there was none.


People who say that they have never gotten into a physical altercation with thai haven't probably spend a lot of time in some wrong bars of eg Patpong or Phuket. I've heard that usual cases include getting a beating by not paying the fake bill.


I've never been overcharged or argued with the security in Seadragon (lived there about a year), but I have also never been really drunk there. If you are really drunk or a tourist the chances that they try to scam you probably grows.


However, a security guard shouls be the last person who 1. Loses his control 2. fights with fists 3. Finishes the fights with stomping. A normal guy does that. But not a professional or trained fighter.


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I will be interested to see what happens when and IF!!? the first Chinese gets a good thumping.

The Chinese are allowed to gamble openly in Thailand, not one of them is arrested for overstay and they do what they want when they want without any repercussions.

I know this is a little off topic but does anyone have similar thoughts to myself?

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Will they charge him while he’s still in ICU ??  Or wait until he’s conscious n upright ? ????????????????????

pattaya beer and or shots equals stupidity n bad outcomes. Rule 1 don’t ever get into a fight in Thailand not unless you’ve got seriously badass backup and can fight like Baukaw (spelling?)

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

The drunk farang start the fight.

what the securityman going to do. You think because he farang the thai should not fight? Just allow farang to hit him?


only one thai, but many say on thaivisa everyday “thai can never fight just one person”

So what happened???


And the farang say sorry. The Thai accept. 

Why everyone say thai is the bad one when the farang make the problem?

Were you there? Or have you ever had a problem with a Thai male? I got so badly knocked out by five idiots who were looking for trouble.


    I even ignored the <deleted> the first and only guy threw in my face to get me going. I was polite and told him that I was not up for troubles, but he was with his mates waiting around the corner.


    He could have said anything to me, but not the "Jet Mae" that followed. Unfortunately, did my mom die in my arms and that was the most painful event in my life.


   I snapped, but couldn't get him well enough because I had a visible leg injury. 


    All in a sudden were his mates there to beat the living shi+e out of me.


    Two broken ribs, a broken nose, I was bleeding almost everywhere and these people didn't even stop when I was unconscious. 


They only stopped when my wife yelled that I'd be already dead. Now please stop and make these people to angels. 


     I've learned boxing when I was pretty young, but you can't fight against five brainless idiots.


  And the people who've posted similar stories might have experienced something similar. There's no one on one fight in this country. Kau Tchai Mai?


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Got to add that sometimes all you have to do is watch. Let the drunken customer let out some steam and then he will get tired.


Couple months ago I watched some drunken foreigner picking up a fight with a bigger bouncer in Soi Cowboy. The bouncer just stood there, watched the drunken guy in anger, with a loving look in his eyes. After couple of minutes the foreigner was out of steam, out of anger and situation got back to normal.

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3 hours ago, Yinn said:

Farang seem shock with “kick” in the fight. 

But gun or knife ok?


We learn the Muay Thai at school. The kick is better than fist. Not get to close, hard for other guy to hurt you. 


If you want to fight thai people, then must accept they going to use the foot, fist, knee and elbow.


Better not to fight. Just be polite and smile. Then no problem, we all happy together.

You misunderstand, the issue is Thais kicking and stomping people in the head when they're on the ground. Can easily kill someone this way.

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one of the main reasons head kicking goes on is the guy that is doing the kicking is because he thinks if that guy gets up he is going to belt the hell out of me it used to be called gutless but no doubt has a good name now

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2 minutes ago, mikecha said:

why  let thin esculate to a fight must have been some reason


best is shut up and walk away  then done 



but as always some farangs /Thai are hard learners 


True, and it takes x2 to fight.  Hence they are both being charged, rightly so.

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I was assaulted by a Thai bar owner and a bunch of Thai goons, knocked to the ground, stomped on. Another Thai who saw what happened stepped in, and I managed to get away. Few cuts and bruises, could have been a lot worse. This was unprovoked, maybe looked at them wrong or said the wrong thing.


Even though it was a clear case of assault, with plenty of witnesses, it never even crossed my mind to call the police until a friend asked why, after.


I've 0 faith in the police here. I imagine some story would have been spun and I'd be fined.



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5 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Were you there?

Not there.

But watch the video and read about it. The farang say sorry for start fight. That why the farang charge with police.




   There's no one on one fight in this country. 


This one was. 


I not say say your fight was. I just say not every fight like you.



Sorry about your mum.

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5 hours ago, NoComment said:

I will be interested to see what happens when and IF!!? the first Chinese gets a good thumping.

Treat same as farang.


5 hours ago, NoComment said:

The Chinese are allowed to gamble openly in Thailand,



5 hours ago, NoComment said:



not one of them is arrested for overstay and they do what they want when they want without any repercussions.

Wrong, wrong, wrong







5 hours ago, NoComment said:

I know this is a little off topic but does anyone have similar thoughts to myself?

No, you imagine wrong?

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On 8/9/2019 at 11:59 AM, Baerboxer said:


Behavior reminiscent of many UK establishment bouncers back in the 70's. Some thought having such a reputation good as it put the trouble makers off. Of course it often didn't. The real hard cases saw it as a challenge! Many bouncers were just out for a chance to wallop someone; others just needed the extra cash.


Now it's highly regulated and door staff and security must be trained and are strictly controlled in what they can and can't do. 

HaHaHa yea right !!!!!!!!!!!

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On 8/8/2019 at 8:44 PM, E020 said:

Probably some drunk bloke asking for it.. if you dont do crazy you wont get in troubles in the world.. he must have deserved it..

You are quite wrong in your assessment of this type of situation. I got sucker punched and threatened even more of a beating simply because I was insistent I had 2 helmets when I parked my bike in a guarded and paid for parking lot and when I went to get my bike there was only one helmet. The man collecting money went off his rocker at my statement and attacked me. After police intervention they owner of the lot arrived at the police station with my other helmet. 

Thais fly off their rockers for flagrant reasons unknown to us foreigners. Perhaps it is the foreigners fault for being adamant or unrelenting when we know and expect things to done rightly and speak out when something is amiss and we don't believe in mai pan rai as a solution. 

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