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Wife of Houston-area Navy veteran held in Thailand prison begs politicians for help


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2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

The use of the word 'Veteran' is vastly used and abused. It can include someone who served 6 months, 2 years, ten years, 20 years or more. The fact that he 'served his country' is irrelevant in this case. It can also cover anyone from a Chef to a Tier One SF operator. It's very misleading and disingenuous to bandy the world about. 



A Retired member of the Armed Forces with over 25 years of service.

(Am I a Veteran or not?)

Possibly by age, or just vintaged

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36 minutes ago, Orac said:

Bit more here about it from last year - if he was naive enough to think he was doing nothing wrong he needs locking up for his own safety if nothing else.




Judging from that, he surely must have known what he was getting involved with, or was he that naive?

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2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

The use of the word 'Veteran' is vastly used and abused. It can include someone who served 6 months, 2 years, ten years, 20 years or more. The fact that he 'served his country' is irrelevant in this case. It can also cover anyone from a Chef to a Tier One SF operator. It's very misleading and disingenuous to bandy the world about. 



A Retired member of the Armed Forces with over 25 years of service.

(Am I a Veteran or not?)

No your a public servant.

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I believe the guy was just guillable, flattered by the attention and a chance for a salary. I think some guys would fall for this trap and be used and abused. I recently became acquainted with a retired U. S. Air Force Major. His level of maturity and worldliness could easily make him a, patsy. This new acquaintance possesses naivety on Steroids an causes me to believe that, this accused fellow got dupped in China - believed the con he got caught up in Thailand. It was a great deal for him, spokesman for the great sounding venture, travel, 5 star hotels, business meetings,... Being naive does not make one guilty 

Before his wife took a job at a dance school or something in China the guy ran a trucking company after he got out of the military so obviously he’s not that dumb at least. He only took the job in China in the first place because he went to China with his wife supporting her in her job in China and it appears that this guy simply got involved with the wrong company without knowing what they were getting him into. And now it looks like he’s in trouble for someone else’s crimes possibly. And yeah I’ve read a few of the posts on this topic and most of them are not even worthy of a response they are so stupid so I agree with you on that.

There really are some uncultured people in the military especially some Officers I know because I was in the military for 21 years but I was in Special Forces and other Special Operations Units for most of my career and most of us are very familiar with the world because I only spent most of my life traveling all over the world just like a lot of veterans have who are actually also more familiar then most people around here and most people in general with the ways of the world. This is something that could have happened to a lot of people almost anyone in his situation being gullible probably had nothing to do with it or very little to do with it.
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2 hours ago, Psimbo said:

The use of the word 'Veteran' is vastly used and abused. It can include someone who served 6 months, 2 years, ten years, 20 years or more. The fact that he 'served his country' is irrelevant in this case. It can also cover anyone from a Chef to a Tier One SF operator. It's very misleading and disingenuous to bandy the world about. 



A Retired member of the Armed Forces with over 25 years of service.

(Am I a Veteran or not?)

well I only served 18 months in the Army but I am 72 years old that makes me a veteran I guess

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Before his wife took a job at a dance school or something in China the guy ran a trucking company after he got out of the military so obviously he’s not that dumb at least. He only took the job in China in the first place because he went to China with his wife supporting her in her job in China and it appears that this guy simply got involved with the wrong company without knowing what they were getting him into. And now it looks like he’s in trouble for someone else’s crimes possibly. And yeah I’ve read a few of the posts on this topic and most of them are not even worthy of a response they are so stupid so I agree with you on that.

There really are some uncultured people in the military especially some Officers I know because I was in the military for 21 years but I was in Special Forces and other Special Operations Units for most of my career and most of us are very familiar with the world because I only spent most of my life traveling all over the world just like a lot of veterans have who are actually also more familiar then most people around here and most people in general with the ways of the world. This is something that could have happened to a lot of people almost anyone in his situation being gullible probably had nothing to do with it or very little to do with it.

This was my whole post actually but like I said some of these posters don’t even deserve a response because some of the posts are just nonsense.
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5 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

If you put your life on the line to defend your country, your country should defend you if your innocent. 


The wife is asking for help looking into the situation, as I’m sure any good wife in her position might do. 


So so much negativity when anything remotely political is mentioned, it’s like a mental illness. 

one major problem with politics is there is no truth there everybody knows but they still try to hide it

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I think the fact that neither the State Department nor any of the politicos mentioned in the original article have pursued this with any vigor, tells its own story, unfortunately.. 

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Some people clearly don't understand how corporate crimes like this work. All people at the top level are at fault. I feel sorry for this guy as I do believe he got conned and lied into joking this ponze sceme and how he was brought on puts him in that legally liable state just becaise aspect. Though he should have also done his research fully read over the contract before signing anything too. Ignorance is not a just cause for innocence. If he can prove he honestly had no intentions of being a part of it then I say a much lessor sentence. But his name face and position had a direct cause of the loss of millions of baht. That can't just be ignore. From my end he has the burden of proving he thought he was singing up for a fully legal contract acting job. And if can give maybe 5 years then released back home to America. 

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I think the fact that neither the State Department nor any of the politicos mentioned in the original article have pursued this with any vigor, tells its own story, unfortunately.. 

Yeah but since when does the Department of State or the United States Embassy or local politicians where he’s from ever really do much about these things? Almost never until there’s enough pressure on them to do something. Even in situations like that pastor who was in prison in Turkey he spent years in there before they eventually got him released. I’m sure they will get this guy out of Thai prison eventually but I mean God how long does it have to be when it’s fairly obvious that he probably did nothing wrong.
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1 hour ago, heybuz said:

No your a public servant.

Wrong.  He is a Veteran, not a public servant. Unfortunately, being a Veteran won't even get you a free cup of coffee, it is just a designation of something you "used" to be.  




Learn to pronounce


a person who has had long experience in a particular field.

synonyms:retired soldier; More

a person who has served in the military


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4 hours ago, smedly said:

setting aside all the stupid nonsense posts so far on this thread -


it would be interesting to know what evidence Thai prosecution have on this guy that proves his guilt, just being hired by a "so called" company as a con tractor doesn't mean he knew or was involved in what they were doing - different matter if they have evidence showing he was actively involved in the scam and was in receipt of the criminal proceeds, guilty by association doesn't cut it

They just watch TV and like all here believe that it is all real. Except the ISS which they think is CGI.

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That will come out at the trial, there is no God given law that says a falang is immune from prison in Asia. If found guilty he will 'only' do 6 years or so before being sent back to the land of the free, a slimmer wiser man who dislikes rice and fish.

No but actually YES IT IS a God given right to not even be arrested in the first place when you’ve obviously done nothing wrong or illegal which is clearly the situation here. Obviously the guy took a job with the wrong company and is in trouble for his boss’s crime which I seriously doubt that he even knew anything about. And then he gets arrested just showing up at Suvarnabhumi airport for a vacation because they were waiting for him probably just because his name landed on some legal document in regards to the case on some prosecutors desk. That sounds like that’s pretty much as far as it goes and he should be released immediately because it’s BS. ONLY 6 years huh for what for nothing. This is the kind of posts I was talking about above wow!


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15 minutes ago, Mel52 said:

No but actually YES IT IS a God given right to not even be arrested in the first place when you’ve obviously done nothing wrong or illegal which is clearly the situation here. Obviously the guy took a job with the wrong company and is in trouble for his boss’s crime which I seriously doubt that he even knew anything about. And then he gets arrested just showing up at Suvarnabhumi airport for a vacation because they were waiting for him probably just because his name landed on some legal document in regards to the case on some prosecutors desk. That sounds like that’s pretty much as far as it goes and he should be released immediately because it’s BS. ONLY 6 years huh for what for nothing. This is the kind of posts I was talking about above wow!


If he can prove he is innocent he won't be imprisoned, saying "I did nothing wrong" won't cut it, it has to go to trial, a lot of people lost a lot of money. He would seem to be small fry but that won't make much difference if proved guilty.

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