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EU says ready for no-deal Brexit, 'British would be the biggest losers'

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Im gonna make a killing on 1st November with my stocks of corned beef and paracetamol.....people hungry and with headaches will be queing at my door with the shortages....remainers remind me so much Cpt Manwaring

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47 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

You have not understood yet ?

The EU does not want agreement. There is a war treasure to be recovered after the divorce. The EU is certain to have it and does not want to share.

????? War treasure?

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2 minutes ago, Forethat said:

The same goes for British people, we can use the word "salad" without any issues or federation with France and the rest of EU.

Well will see if you can speak in name of all " we". 


There is no stop in nationalisme. 


This can be interpreted as positive or negative. 


11 minutes ago, Bullie said:

I think it is your memory that is short, Sir. Britain amassed gigantic debts because it had to lend money from the UsA to defend itself against an powerful enemy, which certainly would have devoured it were it not for the help of the UsA and Russia. And incidentally: my country was liberated by Canadians, and most of the rest by the Americans and Russia. In spite of this debt In 1950 Britain was 30 % ahead economically over the 6 founding states of the EU. Through a lack of technological renewal Britain got behind, where others forged ahead in Europe through hard work, technical innovations (wirtschaftswunder) and perseverance. Travelling through England it often still feels like its the 1950-ties.

The Netherlands, for instance, is a greater contributor to Europe financially than the UK per capita, but you won't hear us complain: we are still the 4th wealthiest nation on earth whereas you lot come in as no. 10. We don't mind chipping in for the greater good.

You no longer rule the waves, and the EU does NOT " make it as hard as possible" for you to leave, but Ireland is no longer a British dominion, and a border is a border. You are the ones playing hardball, and will have to suffer the brunt of the consequences.

It looks like you're stuck in the 1950s.  Yes, Britain owed America $21B after WW2, but any information included in my post is well documented in the history books, including the reasons that Britain joined the EU.  As you obviously aren't British, I wouldn't expect you to have read the necessary information.  However, your quote, ".....In spite of this debt In 1950 Britain was 30 % ahead economically over the 6 founding states of the EU.", is irrelevant, as Britain didn't join the EU until 1973, 23 years later.  The only "Greater Good", as you put it, will only be for the benefit of the self-serving Eurocrats who have made the EU the Scam artists of the modern world, that they are.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Over 60% of english has its roots from Latin/Greek.

Maybe a reason for some to reject this "foreign" influence, and have a proper language. 

Will see. 

1 minute ago, luckyluke said:

Well will see if you can speak in name of all " we". 


There is no stop in nationalisme. 


This can be interpreted as positive or negative. 


I might be going out on a limb here, but I am pretty confident we won't see hords of nazis marching the streets of London demanding the "salad" is deleted from the Oxford English Dictionary.

  • Haha 2
2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Why are you offering this "foreign" influence to the debate

Because true nationalist have an aptnes to have problems with all what is "foreign". 


And apparently a majority in the U.K. seems to have nationalistic tendencies. 


  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, vogie said:

maybe your country should get a "proper language" instead of having a go at us. ????????????

Indeed, we don't even have a proper language, but we also don't have nationalists.

We have a federal state. 


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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

The evil EU? If there's no agreement it will treat the UK as it would any other country with which it has no agreements. Brutal!!!

Works both ways. With a 68 Billion trade surplus, Germany heading into recession and an ailing banking system we'll see how brutal they are when they miss out on the 39 Billion and we slap tariffs on their goods and buy from elsewhere.








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7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well you make a sweeping statement that was untrue you need to be accountable.

You want an example of a sweeping statement: I've got a humdinger for you:

"I have to disagree totally on this. Half the people I know don't use facebook, so that theory is blown out the water."

Apparently, to your way of thinking, a sample of 1 is statistically valid. Provided that sample is you.

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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Great stuff leaving the EU isn't it.

If you are confident it will. 

I am personally confident that the E.U. will be OK also without the U.K..

For both quite sure not that easy, but being trustful is the word. 

And if it doesn't unfortunately not work, the E.U. will have to blaim itself. 

The U.K. can always blame the E.U.. 

  • Haha 2
20 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

There will be more than enough for the UK population. the price will go down and the rest they can sell, if they choose too. Great stuff leaving the EU isn't it.

The price going down will be great for the public at large. Maybe not so much for the fishermen.  And, of course, if this logic is valid, reduced demand for UK products from the EU is going to be really great for the public. Except for that part of the public, who, like fishermen, make a living from a certain historical level of demand for what they produce. 

Not to mention that at certain times of year, certain fish won't be available because they won't be in British waters. And the boats rigged to pursue them will be idle. Or saddled with hihger costs for additional rigging. Higher costs and lower demand. What could be better?

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26 minutes ago, Forethat said:

Ehh, not really. The largest import (2017) of fish comes from China (67,000 tonnes).


And as usual, when I refer to stats I provide you with the source (I don't think I've ever seen a remainer refer to a source other than BBC, the Guardian, Antifa or Lord Adonis)



11 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I think he meant the supermarket



Well at least one person got it. Please tell me that you're not a Brexiteer. 555

6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I've rarely seen a more misleading reading of statistincs than yours. In fact in terms of value, both Iceland and the Faroe Island beat China. And 5 out of the top 6 nations that export to the UK are EU members.





I think you forgot to review the table you just posted. I'll give you anther chance.


Ok, now when you've reviewed the table again you might want to reconsider your statement that "Most people get their fish from Iceland so I doubt the price will go down".


Most people don't get their fish from Iceland

2 hours ago, Forethat said:

I might be going out on a limb here, but I am pretty confident we won't see hords of nazis marching the streets of London demanding the "salad" is deleted from the Oxford English Dictionary.

Maybe the UK (or what's left of it) should adopt Welsh as its official language. The Welsh word for 'salad' is, not surprisingly, 'salad'.



6 minutes ago, Forethat said:


I think you forgot to review the table you just posted. I'll give you anther chance.


Ok, now when you've reviewed the table again you might want to reconsider your statement that "Most people get their fish from Iceland so I doubt the price will go down".


Most people don't get their fish from Iceland

I never said that 

"Most people get their fish from Iceland so I doubt the price will go down". You might want to query Danny Carlton about that.

The fact is you quoted a very misleading factoid to give the impression that China was the #1 seafood exporter In terms of tonnage, yes. In terms of value, no. It's #3 behind Iceland and the Faroe Island. And once again, 5 out of the 6 top seafood exporters to the UK are EU members.

I'd say "nice try" but yours wasn't even close to that.



14 minutes ago, bristolboy said:


I never said that 

"Most people get their fish from Iceland so I doubt the price will go down". You might want to query Danny Carlton about that.

The fact is you quoted a very misleading factoid to give the impression that China was the #1 seafood exporter In terms of tonnage, yes. In terms of value, no. It's #3 behind Iceland and the Faroe Island. And once again, 5 out of the 6 top seafood exporters to the UK are EU members.

I'd say "nice try" but yours wasn't even close to that.




It is fact not misleading as China IS the UKs biggest import source of fish (or processed fish, rather). Again, I was 100% correct and you were wrong. Again.

For me (with far more knowledge and insight than yourself) I would actually challenge the stats for reasons related to "fish" and "processed fish", but let's not complicate matters as that would simply confuse you. But in case you're interested you might want to look up the concept. In particular before referring to gov.uk stats as "very misleading factoid". Good grief.... :cheesy:


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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

only eu scaremongering by useless bureaucrats like alcoholic junckers or hapless uschi von der leyen. this week donald of trump and boris uk trump will announce most likely the compensating trade deal usa and uk. thereto they will kick the faces of lame duck merkel and mummy snatcher macron at the g7 summit, that will be fun.




Good luck with the consumption of genetically manipulated soy and  bleached chicken cadavers.

Any deal with the UsA will favour that country since you are not in a position to make any demands, being a small nation. The Trump will have you for breakfast.

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