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After Germany hints at compromise, France tells UK: no new Brexit deal

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9 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

The UK got fast track VIP Service from the EU court.

And you complain about that?

The verdict is unilaterally positive for the UK.


I think it was more like the EU getting VIP service from its own court. 


The verdict was requested by a group of Scots and was contrary to all previous opinion.

3 minutes ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

Unfortunately there is no time for this anymore, so we will have to wait until the Boris/EU deal (that I'm pretty sure will be accepted by parliament) - and then see the reaction of the electorate at the next GE.

THe Boris deal will be the same as the May deal, he's already been told that there will be no more negotiations and the deal will remain essentially the same. It's been rejected 3 times, no reason to believe that it will be accepted on the 4th attempt.


All the time in the world. The EU will readily agree to an extension if a GE and a confirmatory vote is called.


Expect a GE to be coming to a constituency near you soon.

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3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

As a Tory voter, obviously you would say that. As a Labour voter, obviously I would say otherwise.


The biggest obstacle to a Tory success it organising tactical voting in marginals. The Tories, Brexit party or their supporters aren't exactly the brightest pennies in the bucket.

Pot calling kettle. Pot calling kettle. Over.

  • Like 2
29 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Of course your graphic doesn't include the fact that, at the request of government, the EU will agree to extend the date beyond Oct. 31st.


Also, your presumption that the vote of no confidence will fail, is seriously flawed it will be backed by just about every MP apart from some, but not all, Tories.


As for Boris's trip to Europe, uour version of events is just a fantasy. Merkel gave Boris 30 days to come up with an alternative to the backstop (which is an impossibility, even Boris postiulated that it would take him 2 years) or the backstop stays. Macron point blank told Boris that the backstop stays.

you really do believe in faries.  Very sad!  


If Boris Johnson were to request an extension he would be toast, so it ain't going to happen anytime soon..

Should Parliament order him to seek the extension, he just refuses and calls an election and wins a comfortable majority.

15 minutes ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

I've no doubt you believe all of the above....


Personally, I'm equally sure that parliament forcing remain (whether it be by parliamentary measures, or another referendum with the options of 1) accept deal 2) remain) - will lead to simmering resentment for a long time to come.


But as I've said for a long time now - politicians clearly can't be trusted, so another referendum on whether to accept the  politicians 'deal' or leave with no deal is probably a good idea.


Unfortunately there is no time for this anymore, so we will have to wait until the Boris/EU deal (that I'm pretty sure will be accepted by parliament) - and then see the reaction of the electorate at the next GE.

I doubt Johnson would sign such an agreement. He knows that it would mean disaster for the Conservative party in the next GE.

2 hours ago, david555 said:

They are family …. they are our nephews …..century's already , only when they come to visit our country's they stay too long (2 times almost 5 years stay ) , need to kick them out or they never leave …..lol 5555

Besides your royal Family have running a big part of that German blue blood in their veins …..lol

It was your real brothers who kicked them out though, eh? 

35 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Of course your graphic doesn't include the fact that, at the request of government, the EU will agree to extend the date beyond Oct. 31st.


Also, your presumption that the vote of no confidence will fail, is seriously flawed it will be backed by just about every MP apart from some, but not all, Tories.


As for Boris's trip to Europe, uour version of events is just a fantasy. Merkel gave Boris 30 days to come up with an alternative to the backstop (which is an impossibility, even Boris postiulated that it would take him 2 years) or the backstop stays. Macron point blank told Boris that the backstop stays.

You don't know that the EU will agree to extend the date beyond Oct. 31st.

34 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Agreed. And UK could have played a big part in implementing those reforms if it decides to remain. Better standing inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.

UK politicians are as corrupt as EU politicians.  It took the electorate to point this out - via the referendum.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

UK politicians are as corrupt as EU politicians.  It took the electorate to point this out - via the referendum.

Agreed so why leave? Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

1 hour ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

Whilst I agree about referendums that were against the EU having to be voted on again.... I'm not as confident as to the UK govt. genuinely accepting the referendum result....


IMO they're still looking for a BRINO agreement that they can sell to the electorate.


'Don't count your chickens until they've hatched' springs to mind ☹️.

Hmmm, you become now quit clairvoyant in Boris plans ….you know it is for him just ….Boris …. and the power ...,and he knows / think he can get away with any lie..... so May's  deal with a little changes and under the Boris label ….. and it get swallowed…..maybe ?

1 hour ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

Whilst I agree about referendums that were against the EU having to be voted on again.... I'm not as confident as to the UK govt. genuinely accepting the referendum result....


IMO they're still looking for a BRINO agreement that they can sell to the electorate.


'Don't count your chickens until they've hatched' springs to mind ☹️.

Whilst I can understand your skepticism, I believe that if the UK government current or future does not respect the vote then there would be a political and social upheaval.


This situation would be very different from the Dutch and Irish (which I was making a point in my post) who basically rolled over and accepted the government ignoring the referendum.


I believe the UK would not accept this and the next GE will demonstrate the mistrust of politicians.

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1 hour ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

If the EU had any sense it would have realised that a multitude of reforms were needed - but instead they decided the best idea was to become even more obstinate.....

And because Brexit  the E.U. became more united (and the U.K. more divided )….we must thank U.K. for that …..but no..., don't send us a bill fort that as we did not ordered the delivery ...:clap2:


(Strange Brexit side effect  isn't it ?)

5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Once again total misrepresentation. Lets take number 1. Nigel Farage's children have a German mother, So as many children do is take their parents citizenship. Where does it say that Nigel Farage leaving the EU.


This should be removed at worst as fake news, at best as a poor attempt at a remainer trying to justify staying in the EU and discredit those politicians who voted lave.

the first one may be unfair. But what about the rest? It's hardly "total misrepresentation"

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

the first one may be unfair. But what about the rest?

JRM says Somerset merely opened an Irish fund - they have others elsewhere in the world.


I've seen no news that he might quit his beloved "God's own county" of Somerset.

  • Like 1
56 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

I and many others don't care, even will accept being ruled by the U.K., as long it doesn't affect me/us personally.


I guess we are different, I like many others do care.


I know that Belgiums, like many other countries closely linked to Germany as a country and with language are fine with that.


Again I don't believe the people of the UK are the same.

So your happy and I am happy, we are leaving the EU.


The EU is an organisation an entity. Not a nationality or country which many seem to forget.

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6 minutes ago, nauseus said:

JRM says Somerset merely opened an Irish fund - they have others elsewhere in the world.


I've seen no news that he might quit his beloved "God's own county" of Somerset.

But if Brexit wasn't in prospect, there would be no reason to.

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  • Confused 1
44 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Where does it say that Nigel Farage leaving the EU.

It doesn't. It suggests that he's going to Germany...if he loses his job in Belgium.


Both Belgium and Germany are in the EU.



  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

don't believe the people of the UK are the same.

6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I am happy, we are leaving the EU.




UK was once an empire, a very important country. 

There is still something from that feeling in many British.

Something many Europeans don't have. 

You are happy you are leaving the E.U.,good.

The problem is a great part of the British citizens don't share this feeling. 

The U.K. can not ignore completely 48% of his voters. 

A very difficult task for Great Britain : maintain the U.K. united.

We in Belgian are very well aware of such a situation. 

Flemish and Walloon live moreless in peace with each other, in a federal state. 

1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

Agreed so why leave? Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

At least we can change the type of fuel every 5 years. 

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49 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It doesn't it suggests that he's going to Germany...if he loses his job in Belgium.

No it doesn't suggest that at all. You are lying. It doesn't nothing of the sought but the again that is usually a remainer tactic, which you have just clearly proven. Thank you.

  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

No it doesn't suggest that at all. You are lying. It doesn't nothing of the sought but the again that is usually a remainer tactic, which you have just clearly proven. Thank you.



Talking of liars:-




  • Haha 2

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