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Is it time to bite the bullet and get out?

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1 hour ago, lkv said:

You explain it for me so I get it.


"It's not that simple".


What is not that simple exactly, can you be more specific?


When a government implements a policy that does not work, it's the fault of the people designing / implementing the policy. Not the fault of the guests.


They should have done a proper risk analysis.


What's so complicated?

It isn't complicated, it really is quite simple, I can explain it for you (which I have) but I can't understand it for you. The meaning of this is quite obvious, if you aint got it, then you aint got it.

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Why don't you help me out? [emoji846]
2014 - We want Chinese, because that's where the money is.
2018 - Chinese tourism dropping, they heard from Prawit it's actually THEIR fault that the boat sank. You see, it must have been a Chinese operated boat, not Thai. Such event cannot be Thai related.
2019, January - Let's feed 10,000 Chinese with mango and sticky rice, it's good PR.
2019, later in the year - Let us lobby Indians, a market with amazing potential.
2021 - We don't like the Indians, they are this and that. Let's lobby the penguins in Antarctica.
But please, help me out, if I am missing anything from the picture [emoji846]

The tourists you claim are lobbied by the Thai government do not have any requirement for a bank deposit.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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19 minutes ago, Sealbash said:

The tourists you claim are lobbied by the Thai government do not have any requirement for a bank deposit.

Well, depends on how much tourism they want to do.


Because if it's any more than 15 days then we go into SETVs and METVs and those would require bank statements.


But yes, local bank deposits are for people that intend to stay longer in Thailand for reasons not related to tourism.


The only reason I made those previous posts, is because I will not accept the silly rhetoric that is being spread by the Government, that it's everybody else's fault, but it's never their.


It's actually their, if things don't turn out as expected, they dictate Immigration policies.

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Only on TVF can you go from a visa issue with a child to tourist number disputes in 5 pages. 


- How did you manage this for the past 18 years of your sons life?

- Why not use a visa agent to sort out the problems?



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2 hours ago, lkv said:

Very simple.


Who lobbied the Chinese, starting 2014? 


The Government


Who is now lobbying the Indians?


The Government.


So they like money, right?


It's so easy. Just restrict the permission of stay, don't lobby anyone. They could turn Thailand into North Korea if they wanted. Nobody comes in without a tour guide. Only visas. No visa exempt. No visa on arrival. No nothing.


Who decides that?


The Government.


So basically, now that they come, and the Government is incompetent in handling them, once they were invited, they regulate everybody.


They can stop them at the Airport, yes? Biometrics bla bla.


No need to regulate everybody.


Why should I blame the Chinese and Indians for misfortunes of Westerners?


I will blame the decision makers, i.e the Government.


It's very simple.


Surely you will agree, now that I have explained it in more detail.

Although I agree with your point, you clearly have no idea what "lobbying" means. 

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To the OP-  Do what you need to do. I don't think you are wrong to leave if that is best for you.  Your son is 18 years old. I worked a massive paper route delivering newspapers 7 days a week from 13-15 years old. I got a work permit and landed a job washing dishes at 40+ hours per week at age 15.  2 weeks later I was a cook at the same restaurant. The next 8 years I worked as a cook, su chef, waiter, bartender, restaurant/ bar manager.  All while going to school full time like everyone else. Completed Uni with a 3.9 GPA. I feel that hard work paid off for me and I applaud my parents for not handing me anything, really. They've always been fairly well off, but I bought my own 1984 Firebird with my paper route money a month after I turned 16. It's a hard knock life. Let your son learn that hard work oays off...even if it's small money it shapes you and strengthens you. 


At his age, you must be what is considered to be an old man or coming close to that.  No need to baby a man.  I wouldn't do it now matter how rich I was.  Time for the kid to leave the nest and fly on his own.  Teach him morals and responsibility rather that "take care" of him (as a Thai term).  


As far as some other posters go, a lot of the ones condemning you are the same ones that write how immature and irresponsible Thai men are every time we see an article about Taxi drivers welding swords or riding down the street in the wrong direction head-on into an oncoming 18 wheeler.  And they think you should nurture a grown man. Think about it.  Best of luck.

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When I was 18 shortly after my mother died of cancer, my step father told me to go away. It was not that bad in retrospect since I had some savings.


I rented a room and shortly after broke up with my first girlfriend and went for one of my most memorable travel experience in the Canadian rockies.


It's scary at 18 but many single Thai mother do it all the time and I'm not talking about going for work in bars. Unless your son study he should find himself some work. 


It was not always easy for me but here I am today and very happy about my life. I have a better relationship with my step father now than when we were living together. I would not change anything with my life.


Your son will be fine. 

Edited by Tayaout
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11 hours ago, sotonowl said:

Sounds like the games up and it's time to bale out my friend. What will happen to your lad when you leave? If I win the big premium bond at the turn of the month I'll be back in touch and I'll help you out.

I know it will be of little consolation, but you're one of the easy, early fruit pickings. There's many, many more coming under the spotlight. In 10 years time Thailand will be unrecognisable. There's a lot of people in denial in my opinion, but the writing is on the wall. I just hope most expats can see it for what it is and get some contingency plan in place. 

Don't compare the OP situation with expats. He made a mistake choosing wrong type of Visa when he entered Thailand. If you have a child there are better visas,like the Dependancy Visa. Expats have long stay visas/extensions/multiple entries/re-entries and have no problem with Immigration. Their problems are mostly financial. So,please stay on topic.

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4 hours ago, kenk24 said:

As in 'tis folly to be wise'?


not sure who might be the ignorant in your reference - - guess it could be anyone who doesn't fully comprehend string theory..? 

I think you don't understood the post I commented,so read it again,and maybe you'll finally get it.

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5 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

Time for you to go home and get a job. If you want to help him you can do it from afar. At 18 he should be able to handle things, if he's got a good head on his shoulders. I hope you haven't passed on your financial guidance to him.

Income required for a Non O for Thai dependent, I believe, is B400,000 in bank or income of B40,000/month. It's not much if living outside of your mother countries welfare net. 

BTW B400,000 is about $13,000 US dollars and B40,000 is ~$1,300. 

He could have applied for the 90 days Non-immigrant O Dependancy Visa.That would have giving him at least 90 days without the money in a Thai bank issue. A much smarter choice than a tourist visa, and no problem with Immigration on arrival.

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5 hours ago, brokenbone said:

i think what you mean is: you have reached your breaking point in currency exchange and wonder if a miracle is about to happen, real, real soon ?

He never had the money in the first place. It has nothing to do with exchange rates. He posted that several times.

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7 hours ago, lkv said:

Well, depends on how much tourism they want to do.


Because if it's any more than 15 days then we go into SETVs and METVs and those would require bank statements.


But yes, local bank deposits are for people that intend to stay longer in Thailand for reasons not related to tourism.


The only reason I made those previous posts, is because I will not accept the silly rhetoric that is being spread by the Government, that it's everybody else's fault, but it's never their.


It's actually their, if things don't turn out as expected, they dictate Immigration policies.

The financial requirements for several long stay visas hasn't changed much in years. That's not the problem here. You and other people are complaining about the government all the time. I have no problem understanding why Immigration are acting the way they are at the moment. The misuse of Visa exempts is one major reason.

Many rules are annoying,but just try to follow them. I have been coming and going to Thailand for more than 30 years without any problem what so ever. Go figure. 

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7 hours ago, lkv said:

Well, depends on how much tourism they want to do.


Because if it's any more than 15 days then we go into SETVs and METVs and those would require bank statements.


But yes, local bank deposits are for people that intend to stay longer in Thailand for reasons not related to tourism.


The only reason I made those previous posts, is because I will not accept the silly rhetoric that is being spread by the Government, that it's everybody else's fault, but it's never their.


It's actually their, if things don't turn out as expected, they dictate Immigration policies.

It seems you come from one of those 19 (?) countries who enter Thailand on VOA,and only gets 15 days stay? Am I correct? 

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6 hours ago, piston broke said:


Why not use an agent to sort out a Retirement visa for you ?


Al lot less problametic than throwing the towel in here and setting up a new life in your home country, surely.. ?


Bloke down our way uses one and said it was EPLS .......


OP, seriously consider this. This is what agents are for. Talk to them---what have you got to lose. Don't worry about the TVF police. It's your life..go for it,

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19 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

Undoubtedly he was getting by from the embassy income letter, that is no longer. I feel sorry for him but his lack of funds doesn't seem new. I believe if he got a Non O for Thai dependent he could make up the difference by working teaching English, but would need a work permit first. Unlike Non O Retirement he wouldn't need to show funds come from a foreign source. However when his son turns 20 it would end.

I can't perceive how someone could survive in UK, US or Australia, without help on < B40,000 baht/month without help.



Being in receipt of state pension would have previously got him a Non Imm 'O' multiple entry 12 month visa.

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22 minutes ago, newatthis said:

OP, seriously consider this. This is what agents are for. Talk to them---what have you got to lose. Don't worry about the TVF police. It's your life..go for it,

In some Immigration offices you can get 15 months Non-immigrant O without an agent for about 25k. 

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24 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

Undoubtedly he was getting by from the embassy income letter, that is no longer. I feel sorry for him but his lack of funds doesn't seem new. I believe if he got a Non O for Thai dependent he could make up the difference by working teaching English, but would need a work permit first. Unlike Non O Retirement he wouldn't need to show funds come from a foreign source. However when his son turns 20 it would end.

I can't perceive how someone could survive in UK, US or Australia, without help on < B40,000 baht/month without help.

With a Non-immigrant O Dependancy Visa you are allowed to work,so the work permit is not a problem. But he still needs at least an income of 40k/month. 

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4 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

In some Immigration offices you can get 15 months Non-immigrant O without an agent for about 25k. 



Are you sure ?



"Visas" are normally obtained from an embassy/consulate outside Thailand (I do know Chang Wattana have issued visas).



I have never seen seen a visa issued for more than 12 months.

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24 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Are you sure ?



"Visas" are normally obtained from an embassy/consulate outside Thailand (I do know Chang Wattana have issued visas).



I have never seen seen a visa issued for more than 12 months.

I am 100% sure, and it's 3+12 months. You kind of apply for a 90 days Non-immigrant O then pay for the 1 year extension. So suddenly you have 15 months. But, I don't know if you can do it more than once. I haven't asked. Remember,this is not by the book.

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12 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

I am 100% sure, and it's 3+12 months. You kind of apply for a 90 days Non-immigrant O then pay for the 1 year extension. So suddenly you have 15 months. But, I don't know if you can do it more than once. I haven't asked. Remember,this is not by the book.


Thanks........ I sort of get it, that they grant a single entry 'O' visa the immediately extend for 12 months off that.

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19 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Thanks........ I sort of get it, that they grant a single entry 'O' visa the immediately extend for 12 months off that.

Exactly, but it's not really ok according to immigration laws. 

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39 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Thanks........ I sort of get it, that they grant a single entry 'O' visa the immediately extend for 12 months off that.

In 2016, I applied for 90-day Non O visa and 12 mth extension in Jomtien and they did both at the same time, so, I got 15 mths all at once. I'm not sure if they still do that.


In 2018, a friend tried to do the same thing at CW in Bangkok. He applied for a 90-day O visa and asked about the 12 mth extension also, but IM made him wait until his 800k was seasoned for 2 mths before allowing him to apply for his 12 mth extension.

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4 hours ago, Max69xl said:

Don't compare the OP situation with expats. He made a mistake choosing wrong type of Visa when he entered Thailand. If you have a child there are better visas,like the Dependancy Visa. Expats have long stay visas/extensions/multiple entries/re-entries and have no problem with Immigration. Their problems are mostly financial. So,please stay on topic.

They'll be coming for you soon enough.????

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12 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Not to return to Thailand. No. Im 66 and since I was 16 and left home I dont deal with authoritarian <deleted> unless I get paid, Saudi, Kuwait, Iran Libya, Burma. They paid me to play a stupid game. I love the Thai people with all their quirks but despise the regime and its unholy alliances. I despise even more the farang supporters of the coup. In the past the military had a moderating influence but this is no longer the case. Its very sad.


This should gave read 'The military used to have a moderating influence over them to control their excesses and hold them accountable but this is no longer the case'

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