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UK lawmakers against no-deal Brexit to bring forward legislation


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It's up to parliament to decide what's right for Britain. That's constitutional democracy in action. By all means lobby your MP, as is your right, but the 'people' do NOT have any constitutional right to make decisions on brexit.


And as far as I can garner, Johnson does seek a deal - at least, that's what most of the media report, and there are indications that a loosening of opposition to the backstop issue by Macron and Merkel - but not Barnier - is possible. 


What is of more concern to me is Gove's lack of any reports on the consequences of a no-deal, just a big cover-up, IMO. The fact that adverse consequences would occur should be pretty clear to anyone with a grain of realism. It is this ongoing negativity, that has influenced MPs to seek legislation to remove a no-deal scenario. 


IMO a new referendum suits no purpose; better to have a GE and let the parties deliver their manifestos - but, in the interim, hope Johnson does obtain concessions from the EU to convince his party to vote for that deal.






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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Just to remove any doubts you appear to have, it was explained to all and sundry, it was very clear, the only people that appear to have selective memory loss are the arch remainers. Hope this refreshes your memory.


Apparently not, see this quote from one of your fellow brexiteers.: " This is what I, and I'm sure most leave supporters voted for. ".

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2 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Sort of remember Boris saying frequently in the run up to the vote that led half the country up the path to lala land we will end up with a better deal out than in

so is where we are today it????

Well yeh, but isn't it a great feeling that the UK will not be controlled by foreigners anymore, as it is now the future would be grim...

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1 minute ago, tebee said:

go back to the people and ask for a mandate to leave with no deal

What is the point of having another losers vote when the remainers in parliament have catagorically said the would not respect it. Be honest tebee you know as well as anybody on here that another bite of the cherry is just a smokescreen to cancel Brexit.

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9 minutes ago, Forethat said:

For instance, EU are about to introduce laws that criminalises criticism against migration politics. They also suggest that laws are introduced that allows the EU to shut down any media that publishes criticism against migration. In essence, we're talking about restricting free speech. If the people say No to Leave with No Deal, should we be allowed to demand a peoples vote on Remain with restricted free speech?   

Have you actuaally got any reliable evidence of this? Sounds like Brexiteer rhetoric to me.

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2 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Absolutely no one in parliament has said that they wouldn't respect the confirmatory vote, whatever the outcome. Evidence please.


If you are convinced that Brexiteers would win the day again, how can it be a smokescreen to cancel Brexit?


Maybe because they know that the support for a no deal Brexit isn't there and that the vote would most likely be to remain.

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3 hours ago, stevenl said:

You don't know because the question on the referendum was not clear regarding exit options.

It was abundantly clear... leave or stay in.... the options then would be thrashed out by politicians... and we all know what they're like ! 

Can't organise a <deleted>-up in a brewery !

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Just now, transam said:

Again you keep going on about democracy but you ignore the democracy regarding the peoples vote that YOU don't like....


Gawd, I hope your place don't have a balcony.....????

So wouldn't a confirmatory vote agreed deal vs remain be the democratic thing to do? You and your fellow Brexiteers seem convinced that Brexit would win that even more convincingly, so what's the problem?


Luckily I live in a detatched bungalow. Probably not a problem for you either. Do they have balconies in Nakon Nowhere?

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24 minutes ago, Forethat said:

I see a problem with this approach:

It is impossible to foresee every single change that could have an impact on voters decision to vote leave or remain.


IF we decide to vote whether we should leave with No Deal and the result is No, should Brexiters then be entitled to demand that we "go back to the people" and ask whether we should Remain each time a new EU law is approved?


You see where that is going, don't you?


For instance, EU are about to introduce laws that criminalises criticism against migration politics. They also suggest that laws are introduced that allows the EU to shut down any media that publishes criticism against migration. In essence, we're talking about restricting free speech. If the people say No to Leave with No Deal, should we be allowed to demand a peoples vote on Remain with restricted free speech?   


I think that is an overwhelmingly important question.

"For instance, EU are about to introduce laws that criminalises criticism against migration politics. They also suggest that laws are introduced that allows the EU to shut down any media that publishes criticism against migration."


Please provide proof of this, first time I have heard of it and I doubt it very, very much.

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