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Thailand still ranks No.1 in region in road accidents: national think tank (see infographics)


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13 hours ago, Tayaout said:

51% teens pregnancy? This is huge. In my country I know almost nobody who got pregnant before finishing high school... 

There's something wrong with that percentage, it might be up or down 51%, after all it is a Thai statistic??

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ofcourse thailand have number one many negative thinks, because have wery poor education and wery stupid peoples, thai ranked number one ,traffic have dangerous, because peoples have totally idiot and no understand rules, corruption ,because all want only money but no want do anythink work,idiots. visa world stupid visa systems, becaus have idiots and no understand how much fail money have idiot visa systems. flood, because have idiots and no newer has build anythink good. and many many more fail because have idiots and <deleted> education systems and idiot peoples in goverment and ministers.

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4 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

Does anyone think that the red light/speed cameras would have been introduced if they were not seen as a profit generator?

Does it matter where the money goes, if it would make people to stop at a red light? The fines should be much higher though.

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3 hours ago, Crusader said:

It is very hard to find anything positive to say on this whole topic.  In my short 26 years in Bangkok, nothing has improved regards the standard of driving - and apart from the mid-month and end-of-month cash collections from the boys in brown, they seem to turn a blind eye as well to most violations.


Pretty much exactly the same that everyone who has lived here 10 + years has said to me. 


Each year a new initiative = Each year nothing changes 

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14 hours ago, Tayaout said:

51% teens pregnancy? This is huge. In my country I know almost nobody who got pregnant before finishing high school... 

What age did kids finish high school in your country?


I finished at 16 in the UK, unfortunately many Thais finish at 15 or younger.


Besides all of the above, 51% teen pregnancy is quite alarming looked at from

a western perspective.

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Average reading time per day 88 minutes - what a load of rubbish. I've never met a Thai that reads anything other than their phone. And with about 25% of the population unable to read that figure goes up to about 100 minutes a day !!! Patting themselves on the back for complete hogwash



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6 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

Will never change until the police are run other than a business. Police have to pay to get in, for promotion, training, uniforms, guns, vehicles and travel. Some even pay the costs of running services at the police stations. With all these expenses and low wages, and little in the way of national funding, the police concentrate on reducing wasteful activities like patrolling, and concentrate on income generators like checkpoints,”gifts” from business owners, and running side businesses. 


Does anyone think that the red light/speed cameras would have been introduced if they were not seen as a profit generator?

I wonder if they still ring the Golden Bell to keep on duty officers awake and whose responsibility is that?



golden bell.jpg

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16 hours ago, Tayaout said:

51% teens pregnancy? This is huge. In my country I know almost nobody who got pregnant before finishing high school... 

This means 51% up from last year's numbers, not 51% of the teens !!!

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Average reading time per day 88 minutes - what a load of rubbish. I've never met a Thai that reads anything other than their phone. And with about 25% of the population unable to read that figure goes up to about 100 minutes a day !!! Patting themselves on the back for complete hogwash



To be fair, Some times ago I would have agreed with you but I saw several times young people read books on the sky-train and underground in Bangkok. I was pleasantly surprised that they were not comics or cartoons.

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10 hours ago, smedly said:


it is a genuine Hub, one that they can claim without challenge


There are many other hubs that are obvious but again not claimed - how to upset tourists and expat residents to the point that they are going elsewhere


In summary - how to totally (deleted) off the steady long standing money stream through blatant corruption and stupidity, and we all know the government agency involved - it begins with "I"

"it is a genuine Hub, one that they can claim without challenge"

Hmm,...I suggest you visit Vietnam for a while, They even drive wore crazy there if possible !?!?

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17 hours ago, Tayaout said:

51% teens pregnancy? This is huge. In my country I know almost nobody who got pregnant before finishing high school... 

How many of the fathers contribute to their child's upbringing?  How many desert the mother at the first sign of morning sickness?  Make child support mandatory and birth control will follow.

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16 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Must be a mistake, 5.1 % more like it

You are correct - 1n 2012 it was 5.38%


"In Thailand, Youth aged 15-19 years with high childbirth rates increased from 50.1 in year 2008 to 53.8 per 1,000 population of the same age in year 2012. While the rate of teen childbearing age 15-19 years in Japan, Korea, China, Singapore are 2-6 persons per 1000 people and countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with an average of 35 persons per 1000 people in year 2012.http://thaipublica.org/2014/03/motherhood-in-childhood Young Thailand’s teen birth rate is higher than the average in Asia and the Pacific, however, the Ministry of Public Health has targeted that the next 3 years, the birth rate in women aged 15-19 years will not exceed 50 people per 1000 people of the population of the same age from 53.8 per 1000 people in year 2012. "



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6 hours ago, dallen52 said:

A gut full of som tam, a quick bottle of san song, a quick fumble and the odd grunt.

The bloke buggers off to his next one.


Maybe condoms should be distributed in school first aid rooms free....


Maybe free 'morning after' pills given to girls on request would be a better solution.  Expecting any of these young spoilt boys to consider putting on a condom to save the girl from pregnancy is just too much.

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The number one problem in Thailand, "Enforce the law seriously and continuously". Without this, none of the problems in Thailand will ever be solved. No matter how you feel about law enforcement, no country can advance without solid law enforcement. If you're counting on common sense, that has not worked anywhere in the world.

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It seems to be a cultural tradition. In every S.E. Asian country I have visited there is a total disregard for driver courtesy and blatant disrespect for traffic regulations. As many have said, law enforcement has to enforce the existing laws. When I tell a tricycle driver here in the Philippines that cutting through a service station to avoid a traffic light or traveling on the sidewalk would result in a $100-500 fine in the U.S. they simply can't believe it.


I have been living and traveling in S.E. Asia for the past 33 years, little has changed in that time. It is my hope that the people will understand that good governance starts with the individual.


Changing leaders will change little. When crooks, let alone leaders of damaging paradigms are replaced, others take their place and nothing really changes. So don’t expect any next president to be a solution.


Change starts at the bottom with the individual and personal responsibility; it then works its way back to the top.


What I find to be so ironic is that people know the existing laws already in force and the nature of "good will" toward others, but they clamor for strong leaders who somehow will force them to do the things they know they should be doing regardless of who is the president.


When you vote for a candidate, you are not voting for change. What you vote for is a candidate that can help YOU change. Yes, it's YOU that has to change. Learn to respect others. Stop cutting in lines and wait your turn. Stop promoting ignorance. Read a book. Stop jaywalking. Stop littering. Pay your taxes. Know the law. Follow the rules. Study your lessons. Get a job. Go help someone. Plant a tree. Invest in goodness. Report criminal activities. Show some character and let others know when they are violating the law. Make a positive impact.


Because the statement "It's about change" is not something you shout to the world; it's a solemn promise you make to yourself. And if that change does not come, it's not the failure of one particular person, but the collective failure of us as citizens.

Edited by theequalizer
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On 9/2/2019 at 10:31 AM, Tayaout said:

51% teens pregnancy? This is huge. In my country I know almost nobody who got pregnant before finishing high school... 

"Teen" would include anyone who is under the age of 20 so that is in no way an alarming number. To the contrary, places like Germany or France wish they could get fertility numbers like that. 


As for the road fatalities, I think Vietnam might catch up or surpass Thailand in the coming decade as more and more people there become car owners. It is the car/motorobike ratio that really drives the deaths. 

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On 9/2/2019 at 8:09 AM, fishtank said:

Of course it does.

It always will until the police decide to actually decide to do anything about it.

While the police are only interested in collecting dinner money nothing will change.

That's pure <deleted>!

If you want accidents in Thailand to go down you'll need to redesign the roadways.  So much bad design here that would never be allowed in Canada or the USA!

Bad design will lead to bad accidents!


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