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What Do Men Want In A Woman?

November Rain

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this was posted by somebody on my myspace... I don't normally read these soppy things, but I was thinking of this thread of yours>

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• give her the world.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

sigh....,sigh......,then again a big sigh , then a big shout :D and at the end tears all around.


wish many TV members read this post and learn from it :o

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this was posted by somebody on my myspace... I don't normally read these soppy things, but I was thinking of this thread of yours>

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• give her the world.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

I guess resigning to a life of self erotism is more confortable then following the above neverending list.

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I would have to say that it was lust that brought us together. and admiration that has keep us going for all of these years. She has become my best friend, the mother of our two wonderful children and she is right I could not find another as caring as her nor do I want to. We've become one where there was two and we're both better off for it.

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this was posted by somebody on my myspace... I don't normally read these soppy things, but I was thinking of this thread of yours>

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• give her the world.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

sigh....,sigh......,then again a big sigh , then a big shout :D and at the end tears all around.


wish many TV members read this post and learn from it :o

I would bet that most men who really and truely love the women they are with would have no problems with these things. However, allot of us shack up for conveincance and it's a temporary thing.

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Quote Nebukanezer: I would bet that most men who really and truely love the women they are with would have no problems with these things. However, allot of us shack up for conveincance and it's a temporary thing.

Whatever the reasons N, we need 'em and we get into more mischief without 'em than with 'em.

P.S. Did you know that all this sex at home is killing the vice industry?

Edited by qwertz
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this was posted by somebody on my myspace... I don't normally read these soppy things, but I was thinking of this thread of yours>

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• give her the world.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

I think that 99% of women would find that too smothering.

Women like a challenge and once that challenge has gone they get bored very quickly and want to move on. IMHO.

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Quote Robski: I think that 99% of women would find that too smothering.

Women like a challenge and once that challenge has gone they get bored very quickly and want to move on. IMHO.

I was that man. You're replaying my first marriage. Flower power days. The man she married was too busy providing her security to provide the excitement she missed. Maybe NR should factor that into the list of what a woman needs from a man.

Edited by qwertz
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Now this is entertainment!

The question is too.

There are as many different wants as there are different types of people to answer the question.

Ain't that the truth. And you always think you're the only one when there's no answer, but in reality the same scenario is playing a million times right now all over the world. How old is humanity? And the same simple question "What do you want from a woman?" crops up and prompts a thousand answers from a whole cross section of people. When you have it, you take it for granted and when you lose it, you regret it.

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There's been a lot of mention of love in this thread. A dangerous thing is love, because it's an involuntary emotion and when one feels love they want it returned in equal measure without understanding that the other is perhaps loving them too but on a different level. If you don't get as much love as you give, you get progressively hurt, then peevish, then destructive. Human nature. A big macho man might laugh and say he's through all that, a good one nighter is enough but he'll finish up a lost little boy one day because one nighters always culminate in a cold empty bed. That's all you get out of a low maintenance relationship.

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this was posted by somebody on my myspace... I don't normally read these soppy things, but I was thinking of this thread of yours>

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.

• leave her cute text notes.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she looks beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• touch her hair.

• just walk around with her.

• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see.

• tickle her even when she says stop.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• kiss her forehead.

• give her the world.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, hang out with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• when you fall in love with her, tell her.

• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

I think that 99% of women would find that too smothering.

Women like a challenge and once that challenge has gone they get bored very quickly and want to move on. IMHO.

Agree, Robski that most women would find it too smothering (I would), but also wonder what the guy would be getting out of this. Of course, all women (generalising here, sorry!) want to be loved & want to feel they are a (or the) priority in their partner's life, but this sounds like the bloke has to be the one doing all the bending over backwards. What about when he's sick? Or sad? What about his favourite movie? What if they're sick at the same time? And I don't want anyone to kiss me in the pouring rain... that's not romantic, that's cold & wet!! :o

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I would have to say that it was lust that brought us together. and admiration that has keep us going for all of these years. She has become my best friend, the mother of our two wonderful children and she is right I could not find another as caring as her nor do I want to. We've become one where there was two and we're both better off for it.


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I didn't get what I wanted in my woman. I just wanted to live together forever maybe and not get married and not have kids and keep my options open like usual. My wife to be said no go, either this way or that way. I strayed from what I desired and tried things her way. Best decision I ever made. What I want is not always, or even usually, good for me. I have come to trust my wife's instincts. We are a good team.

The qualities I admire most in her are tolerance, good natured, intelligent and a wonderful mother.

The second noble truth comes alive in this thread. What we men want and desire often becomes the foundation for our suffering.

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The perfect woman should lose her ability to wag her fingers at me after the first night together. Preferably this will come in the form of her fingers falling off. No more fingers, no more wagging!

After 2 years I expect her tongue to fall off so that her ability to nag me with her tongue disappears as well. No more tongue. No more fingers and tongue = no more nagging and wagging.

Finally, after 500 encounters in the bedroom, I expect her to explode therefore forcing me to get a new model.


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I want a few of them if I can afford them.

I will stay with the woman who is in the best mood. Maybe I should time the moon properly.

No entitlements. A cave dwelling for her and I need to lock the door when I'm gone.

I want to stay out late anytime and do my work without being bothered.

I need a woman who understands what I mean when I grunt or point or just look really bothered. She should know to turn around and show her sexy bottom to get me back in the happy mood that makes me the swish guy that I am.

I want my woman to borrow from her rich dad when I run out of beer money and don't have a job.

If I bring home a stray, I expect respect and omelettes in the morning. No yelling or storming out.

Beer = cold, ok??

REmote control = mine.

She needs to laugh at anything I say except when I ask her to leave me alone. Then she should get me some pizza and cold beer.

I am not settling for less.

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I was going to write that the other old saying is that "women are like cars, it they have tits or tyres it may be a good ride for a while but sooner or later it's gonna cost you money". Then I decided against it :D

Hope this helps

And I wished if u just kept that to yourself :o

Notice you picked up on one flippant remark and ignored the rest of my post - therein lies the salient point but whatever it takes. No one has ever accused me of being politically correct but if they did they would be horribly mistaken.

I could have written lots of nice flowery stuff about hearts and kisses but bottom line is I want someone who loves me for who I am

Old saying "good friends are people who like you despite knowing you" a good wife is someone who loves her partner despite knowing him. No man and no woman is perfect. My life isn't perfect and my wife isn't either but we are happy together. I have found this thread interesting for a number of reasons not the least is some of the crap that people have espouced on both sides and genders.

Here's something you can try at home - write up a confessional and put in every single thing you ever did wrong. This is a technique that some psychologists use to treat post trauma patients. It is a lot harder than you can imagine without doing it. All those bad things that happened to you and all those things you did, and then you lock it away forever. Right? Wrong - the psychologist will tell you to hand the book to their partner with the simple instruction - read it, because this is me.

My wife knows everything about me - no secrets. A lot of stuff she had difficulty understanding or even comprehending from the person sitting in front of her. She had to take a lot of bad stuff on board and you know what, she's still there, still loves me, still takes care of me. Want to know what I want in a woman - that's it - someone who she can love despite knowing me.

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My wife knows everything about me - no secrets. A lot of stuff she had difficulty understanding or even comprehending from the person sitting in front of her. She had to take a lot of bad stuff on board and you know what, she's still there, still loves me, still takes care of me. Want to know what I want in a woman - that's it - someone who she can love despite knowing me.

My key requirements are more simple.

milk milk lemonade, round the corner fudge is made.

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What we men want and desire often becomes the foundation for our suffering.

i think the same goes for women. if you find a girl or guy you can put up with and who can put up with you, and especially if you find yourself doing naturally the things on that myspace list above that other men (or women) are grumbling about doing, and if you find you want to continue on into the future with this person at your side... you have probably found what you are looking for. sadly i think most of us have a hard time finding that.

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Give me friendship first and foremost and I'll cultivate love from it. Love alone automatically sets out conditions and when subjected to the hard test can often result in jealousy, mistrust, contempt and finally hatred. Friends can talk over a problem and still have plenty of time for emotional displays after they've agreed. The only unconditional love is between parent and child.

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Give me friendship first and foremost and I'll cultivate love from it. Love alone automatically sets out conditions and when subjected to the hard test can often result in jealousy, mistrust, contempt and finally hatred. Friends can talk over a problem and still have plenty of time for emotional displays after they've agreed. The only unconditional love is between parent and child.

thats very good MR qwertz and i like your quote the best as its so true. :o

i salute you. :D

thank you very much, and its too bad you are not a girl, as we could off possibly got it on. :D :D

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Give me friendship first and foremost and I'll cultivate love from it. Love alone automatically sets out conditions and when subjected to the hard test can often result in jealousy, mistrust, contempt and finally hatred. Friends can talk over a problem and still have plenty of time for emotional displays after they've agreed. The only unconditional love is between parent and child.

thats very good MR qwertz and i like your quote the best as its so true. :D

i salute you. :D

thank you very much, and its too bad you are not a girl, as we could off possibly got it on. :bah::D

Why not give it a go, Terry? If the sex doesn't work out, two guys can always share a beer and talk about football and fishing! :D

And thank for your acclaim. I'm invariably intoxicated by the velocity of your verbosity too! :o

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Give me friendship first and foremost and I'll cultivate love from it. Love alone automatically sets out conditions and when subjected to the hard test can often result in jealousy, mistrust, contempt and finally hatred. Friends can talk over a problem and still have plenty of time for emotional displays after they've agreed. The only unconditional love is between parent and child.

thats very good MR qwertz and i like your quote the best as its so true. :D

i salute you. :bah:

thank you very much, and its too bad you are not a girl, as we could off possibly got it on. ;):D

Why not give it a go, Terry? If the sex doesn't work out, two guys can always share a beer and talk about football and fishing! :bah:

And thank for your acclaim. I'm invariably intoxicated by the velocity of your verbosity too! :o

urr, umm ,

i like the sydney swans, and catching 25 kg mackeral at coral bay with my top mate speedy and drinking towers of brown frothy ale. :D

can we leave it at that please MR qwertz, as i dont do that rumpy pumpy back bottom gig with dudes. :D:D

and once again,

thank you very much :o

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On another forum, I today read a post written by a farang girl, whom I believe to be in her early 20's from previous posts, talking about what she wanted in a guy & why. Basically her reasoning for wanting a guy richer, taller, more intelligent etc than her was so that the guy could feel like he was the "hunter gatherer" & protector. My first thoughts, I admit, were totally contemptuous of someone putting on a girly, helpless act for a guy. My next thought was "How insecure are the men she dates, to need a woman to act like she needs them for absolutely everything?" I had visions of that girl in "The Fast Show" (Brits will probably know what I'm talking about), who is intelligent & ballsy amongst women, but turns into a cutesy bimbo for men.

Then, I started to realise that I might be seeing this wrong & she might be right. On forums, we often see men complaining about "strident" farang women. So, I thought I'd ask the guys on here; what do you look for in a woman? Do you want to be the protector, or would you prefer a partner to be able to do things for herself? I'd be genuinely interested to hear any views, esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women. It'd be better to be positive about what you want, rather than negative about what you don't :o


November Rain,

this thread has dropped of the back of the forum but I was wondering if you and the other ladies on this board had any comments on the posts made here? Did it make you understand what the guys in Thailand want from a partner/girlfriend/wife or is it just too depressing to contemplate?



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Sorry, CB, I tried to answer this earlier, but my computer wasn't letting me post (started to think I'd earned a holiday and nobody had informed me! :o:D)

I can't speak for any other women who have read the answers on this thread, but I must say, in the main, they've really impressed me. They did answer my queries to a certain extent, but I was also impressed about how honest & thoughtful a lot of answers were. I was never asking to see how I stood regarding men in Thailand, just out of curiosity, so it certainly didn't depress me. I'm glad I started the thread, because certain members proved I was right to have a good opinion of them & others rose in my estimation. All in all, I think TV has a fairly good bunch of guys posting on it. :D

Thanks to everyone that answered.

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