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What Do Men Want In A Woman?

November Rain

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On another forum, I today read a post written by a farang girl, whom I believe to be in her early 20's from previous posts, talking about what she wanted in a guy & why. Basically her reasoning for wanting a guy richer, taller, more intelligent etc than her was so that the guy could feel like he was the "hunter gatherer" & protector. My first thoughts, I admit, were totally contemptuous of someone putting on a girly, helpless act for a guy. My next thought was "How insecure are the men she dates, to need a woman to act like she needs them for absolutely everything?" I had visions of that girl in "The Fast Show" (Brits will probably know what I'm talking about), who is intelligent & ballsy amongst women, but turns into a cutesy bimbo for men.

Then, I started to realise that I might be seeing this wrong & she might be right. On forums, we often see men complaining about "strident" farang women. So, I thought I'd ask the guys on here; what do you look for in a woman? Do you want to be the protector, or would you prefer a partner to be able to do things for herself? I'd be genuinely interested to hear any views, esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women. It'd be better to be positive about what you want, rather than negative about what you don't :o


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I'd like a woman who:-

1) Is my intellectual equal or superior... shouldn't be too tough.

2) Is independant, but sharing.

3) Won't hen peck me.

4) Is reasonably accepting of my many faults, without letting me go too far.

5) Always seems sexy to me (point 1 helps there).

That's about it. - I think I've just written the opposite of my current flame?

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esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women

This part of the post should be adhered to in all replies. Anyone unable to refrain from doing so wil be better off avoiding the thread all together :o

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As I don't know the answer to that question I googled it and the following came up first:

3. A perfect woman is:

A - 36-24-36, blonde, blue eyes

B - Career-oriented and self-motivated

C - 5 feet tall, no teeth, flat head


A - No doubt a blonde, blue eyed 36-24-36 type is a good-looking woman, but not perfect.

B - What, can't support yourself so you're planning on riding on her apron strings?

C - 5 feet tall = the perfect height. No teeth = you know why. Flat head = somewhere to put your drink and ashtray.

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On another forum, I today read a post written by a farang girl, whom I believe to be in her early 20's from previous posts, talking about what she wanted in a guy & why. Basically her reasoning for wanting a guy richer, taller, more intelligent etc than her was so that the guy could feel like he was the "hunter gatherer" & protector. My first thoughts, I admit, were totally contemptuous of someone putting on a girly, helpless act for a guy. My next thought was "How insecure are the men she dates, to need a woman to act like she needs them for absolutely everything?" I had visions of that girl in "The Fast Show" (Brits will probably know what I'm talking about), who is intelligent & ballsy amongst women, but turns into a cutesy bimbo for men.

Then, I started to realise that I might be seeing this wrong & she might be right. On forums, we often see men complaining about "strident" farang women. So, I thought I'd ask the guys on here; what do you look for in a woman? Do you want to be the protector, or would you prefer a partner to be able to do things for herself? I'd be genuinely interested to hear any views, esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women. It'd be better to be positive about what you want, rather than negative about what you don't :o


Hi NR, I love that show. After your recent intelligent input to copter's thread I thought I might reciprocate here out of common courtesy. What do we look for in a woman? We look for 5 women rolled into one:

1. A sister to worry about us when we're down and alone, invite us to tea, sew our buttons on etc.

2. A mother for whom we can just do no wrong.

3. A friend with a shoulder to cry on and bare our souls to when it's all become too much for us and who won't laugh

when we cry, like our buddies might .

4. A red hot lover who's not put off even when we're late back from the pub and whispering beer and crumb laden

nothings in her ear.

5. A capable housewife and parent who can wash, iron, cook and keep the kids quiet all at the same time.

This is why most of us finish up disgruntled because after we marry we find one or more of the above lacking. And when we grumble the farang wife of course becomes strident. Well, we all want to be heard don't we? I suspect the Thai ladies are wise to this and actually read books on how to get a man and keep him.

My last wife was a feisty East German and had all of the above qualities, unfortunately not all on the same day. But I loved her dearly and miss her very much as she died a couple of years ago and I'll feel blessed if I find another with just a couple of these qualities in the time I have left to me.

Stay real, Q

P.S. I suppose after this post a marriage proposal is out of the question?

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One thats prepared for the long and winding road ahead.. Tough but fair. Willing to stand up when pushed around. One that knows when to keep her trap shut and when to open it (of course).. One that's not too lazy..And one that likes to have fun together. Most of all one that is a great mother and friend..And for the politically correct (no i haven't forgotten you lot), one that cooks, cleans , irons etc, etc... :o

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I'd like a woman who:-

1) Is my intellectual equal or superior... shouldn't be too tough.

2) Is independant, but sharing.

3) Won't hen peck me.

4) Is reasonably accepting of my many faults, without letting me go too far.

5) Always seems sexy to me (point 1 helps there).

That's about it. - I think I've just written the opposite of my current flame?

agree with this.

Somone who isn't clingy or high maintence. Independent and smarter than me is a key one.

Blond, Strawberry blond, or maybe brunette with green eyes....I'm not fussy :o

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What men want IN a woman is pretty obvious and relates to primeval instinct to reproduce. :o

What men, Look for, Desire from, Expect (Hope) to receive from a woman

Now that is never ending. :D

Above compiled from a reply from my wife when I asked her the question. :D

It must be the definitive answer , My wife is never wrong :D

And YES, I know who is boss in my wife’s house :bah:


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I'd like a woman who:-

1) Is my intellectual equal or superior... shouldn't be too tough.

2) Is independant, but sharing.

3) Won't hen peck me.

4) Is reasonably accepting of my many faults, without letting me go too far.

5) Always seems sexy to me (point 1 helps there).

That's about it. - I think I've just written the opposite of my current flame?


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What Do Men Want In A Woman?

Off topic .. But i want to tell what i want from a man (for equality)

1) Nice

2) smart .. he 'd be smarter than me in the way how to live in this world

3) Intellectual converstaion

4)Open mind

5)Marry me.. mean marry my family aswell .. just respect them ,if he has an arguement with them , he can convince if he has a nice reason.

6)Loyal and honest

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esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women

This part of the post should be adhered to in all replies. Anyone unable to refrain from doing so wil be better off avoiding the thread all together :o

I like a woman who is not pushy or bullying.

A woman who will allow me to speak my mind, and would speak hers without threatening to kick me out of the house.

Someone non threatening, but understanding of the many multi faceted nature of people in general.

I like a woman intelligent enough to appreciate the value of free speech and opinion.

A woman I could discuss politics with, without the threat of kicking me out of the house if she disagrees with my opinions.

A woman who can appreciate being silly or nonsensical, and appreciate wanting to share that feeling with friends.

That would make her beautiful.

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A woman who .... not in any particular order here

Is understanding

Is amenable.

Sensual to the touch (and preferably to look at also).

Who will stand her ground.

Has reasonable intelligence with some independence.

Does not nag.

Likes doing the same / similar things to me.

Has a similar outlook on life.

Is feminine (no bra burners etc.)



Forgot... one who can laugh / be funny / is fun.

Genetics usually decree that a man is the hunter gatherer but in this modern world that is not always the case in a relationship so a balance has to be found.

With the above I hope I can reciprocate - same, same - except for replacing the feminine traits with more masculine ones :o

Edited by duratanium
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esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women

This part of the post should be adhered to in all replies. Anyone unable to refrain from doing so wil be better off avoiding the thread all together :o

I like a woman who is not pushy or bullying.

A woman who will allow me to speak my mind, and would speak hers without threatening to kick me out of the house.

Someone non threatening, but understanding of the many multi faceted nature of people in general.

I like a woman intelligent enough to appreciate the value of free speech and opinion.

A woman I could discuss politics with, without the threat of kicking me out of the house if she disagrees with my opinions.

A woman who can appreciate being silly or nonsensical, and appreciate wanting to share that feeling with friends.

That would make her beautiful.

10/10 Pumpuiman, and also 10/10 for your signature, that's actually happened to me more than once..

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The useful life of a women is basically 3 years. After that they begin to become a pain and the mind begins to wander. So it really does not matter what we want ..we will, in the end, never find it or achieve it..thus te continued allure of Thailand .

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Some nice replies above!

The useful life of a women is basically 3 years. After that they begin to become a pain and the mind begins to wander. So it really does not matter what we want ..we will, in the end, never find it or achieve it..thus te continued allure of Thailand .

Sid.......your theme was very well put by a quote in my collection:

"the greater part of human activity is designed to make permanent those experiences and joys which are only lovable because they are changing"

The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951) Alan Watts

have u read Dorothy Tennov's "Love and Limerance"?.......she'll agree with you that the infatuation period (limerance) is usually between 6 months and three years I think. However this is where learning communication skills comes in (or "deep listening" as Thich nat Hanh puts it) and that's when limerance can turn into something that really IS "useful". Something that's far more worthwhile and might better be called love. That is where we might start to change a grasping experience into something that is a practise in finding real satisfaction and oneness. Although they sound appalling at first, arranged marriages have positive elements of this "practise in acceptance" although as a single man {good looking too :-) } I don't fancy one myself!

Off topic .. But i want to tell what i want from a man (for equality)

1) Nice

2) smart .. he 'd be smarter than me in the way how to live in this world

3) Intellectual converstaion

4)Open mind

5)Marry me.. mean marry my family aswell .. just respect them ,if he has an arguement with them , he can convince if he has a nice reason.

6)Loyal and honest"

Wow Bambina I might be the man for you!

Edited by reasonstobecheerful
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I like a slutty wife who has never slept with another man. Everything she demonstrates was picked up from listening to gossip and due to her vivid imagination. I've had a string of great luck that all my gfs have been such women. I seem to attract them.

No seriously, can she cook?

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Regardless of what Ms. Tennov' may have to say say on the subject I stand by my words!!! I doubt she has had the pleasure of finding bliss on the white sands of the Adaman sea or at 2am at NEP!!!!

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Regardless of what Ms. Tennov' may have to say say on the subject I stand by my words!!! I doubt she has had the pleasure of finding bliss on the white sands of the Adaman sea or at 2am at NEP!!!!

Well siddv, as a wise man wrote: "To a girl of 20, a 50 year old man looks as old as Santa Claus" so I guess the girls of 20 flock to me because they think my sleigh full of gifts is parked around the corner.

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What Do Men Want In A Woman?

Off topic .. But i want to tell what i want from a man (for equality)

1) Nice

2) smart .. he 'd be smarter than me in the way how to live in this world

3) Intellectual converstaion

4)Open mind

5)Marry me.. mean marry my family aswell .. just respect them ,if he has an arguement with them , he can convince if he has a nice reason.

6)Loyal and honest

Bambi's list for her perfect man is similar to mine for the perfect woman. I'd have to add the ability to make each other laugh. I have been married for 17 years and the relationship just gets better - and we still make each other laugh!

I'd also have to add, empathy and respect.

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Then, I started to realise that I might be seeing this wrong & she might be right. On forums, we often see men complaining about "strident" farang women. So, I thought I'd ask the guys on here; what do you look for in a woman? Do you want to be the protector, or would you prefer a partner to be able to do things for herself? I'd be genuinely interested to hear any views, esp if they can be made without being derogatory to any particular groups or races of women. It'd be better to be positive about what you want, rather than negative about what you don't :o

I think that I've already met the (near) perfect woman.... and married her 6 1/2 years ago. She is everything that my first wife wasn't. She's intelligent, well mannered, considerate, self-confident, caring and loving, a wild animal in bed, and an equal "partner" on our two person team.

She may not display all of these qualities each day, but even when her behavior is different on an off day, I know that her core is the same. She knows these same things about me. She may not physically be a super model but she's attractive and takes great pride in her appearance and bearing.... I see great beauty when I look in her eyes or touch her skin. Beauty is far deeper than the skin.

My first wife was passive, whiney, and submissive.... I resented it and she secretly resented me for being the dominant one. Neither of us realized this till it was too late. After divorce, I realized that I (like so many may do) had been thinking with my genitals when I chose her as a mate.

Anyway, the perfect woman is someone with pride, intellect, sensitivity, respect, and overall being able to "blend" with my character to become a team. We're best friends, lovers, and equal characters in our marriage. We complement each other and jointly work through the rough times with sincere affection.

Nothing wrong with being wild and physical.... I enjoyed some fun times between marriages.... but a lifelong relationship needs far more to be well balanced.

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I feel like I already have the perfect woman for me. She;

1) Loves me without condition

2) Hungers ravenously for my affection and no one else's

3) Is naturally VERY feminine, from her walk, talk, grooming, make up, emotions, cuteness...she is comfortable being the traditional women and accepts me being the traditional man in the relationship.

4) She is my intellectual equal but doesn't know it.

5) She dreams like I dream....BIG and unlike others that would have me settle for less, she motivates me onward telling me I can do it rather than saying something like "A Patek Who???? why would you want to spend $180,000 on a watch?!?!?"

6) Her touch makes blood rush with anticipation and when she wants too she can look at me in a way that makes me feel like a shy little boy at a glance from his first feminine infatuation.

7) She respects her self and demands others do the same.

8) She wants to travel, as do I

9) She's a exhibitionist at heart, as am I

10) She cooks, cleans, and takes care of home with a sense of pride and fulfillment. And while she is happy to work, she is equally happy taking care of home

I could go on and on about her good points and her bad ones are very few. However all of these are things I enjoy in a Woman.

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One who has an understanding of their faults/mind, and is not looking to blame someone else.

too many professional victims imo

I read recently its not the things you both like, more the things you both hate.

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Some nice replies above!
The useful life of a women is basically 3 years. After that they begin to become a pain and the mind begins to wander. So it really does not matter what we want ..we will, in the end, never find it or achieve it..thus te continued allure of Thailand .

Sid.......your theme was very well put by a quote in my collection:

"the greater part of human activity is designed to make permanent those experiences and joys which are only lovable because they are changing"

The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951) Alan Watts

have u read Dorothy Tennov's "Love and Limerance"?.......she'll agree with you that the infatuation period (limerance) is usually between 6 months and three years I think. However this is where learning communication skills comes in (or "deep listening" as Thich nat Hanh puts it) and that's when limerance can turn into something that really IS "useful". Something that's far more worthwhile and might better be called love. That is where we might start to change a grasping experience into something that is a practise in finding real satisfaction and oneness. Although they sound appalling at first, arranged marriages have positive elements of this "practise in acceptance" although as a single man {good looking too :-) } I don't fancy one myself!

Off topic .. But i want to tell what i want from a man (for equality)

1) Nice

2) smart .. he 'd be smarter than me in the way how to live in this world

3) Intellectual converstaion

4)Open mind

5)Marry me.. mean marry my family aswell .. just respect them ,if he has an arguement with them , he can convince if he has a nice reason.

6)Loyal and honest"

Wow Bambina I might be the man for you!

:o:D :D :D

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I'd like a woman who:-

1) Is my intellectual equal or superior... shouldn't be too tough.

2) Is independant, but sharing.

3) Won't hen peck me.

4) Is reasonably accepting of my many faults, without letting me go too far.

5) Always seems sexy to me (point 1 helps there).

That's about it. - I think I've just written the opposite of my current flame?

That actually sums it up pretty well. I might add someone that is not a compulsive liar nor is unfaithful.

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