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What options are left for British PM Johnson on Brexit?


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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

I blame Corbyn. He has not articulated ANY policy. If he would come out and SAY what his parties policy is (2nd Ref or whatever) but all he does is say for 2 years "we want an election" then "we don't want an election" when offered one.

Emily Thornbury has made it very clear, they would go to Brussels to secure the best possible deal for the UK then return back to the UK and vote againgst it, how much clarity do you need.

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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

I blame Corbyn. He has not articulated ANY policy. If he would come out and SAY what his parties policy is (2nd Ref or whatever) but all he does is say for 2 years "we want an election" then "we don't want an election" when offered one.

Tactic's only tactic's to block the cheater PM. plan....nothing more and very successful , seeing the mess he is in now....

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I believe get out at any cost and start again, like a marriage too much fear of the unknown, the time has come to go


15 yrs ago, to get out of an eighteen month marriage, in an overseas country, I had to let go 90% of my world wide assets, a  very very substantial sum, many said madness, I even wondered, but today one of the best decisions of my life


The system is unfortunately wrong two thirds majority should be required for major constitutional changes then this mess would not happen

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43 minutes ago, david555 said:

Something is in the making ….


MPs look to bring back May's Brexit deal with vote on referendum 
Cross-party majority moving closer as more current and ex-Tories open to idea, source says



This is a far better compromise solution:



See Rory Stewart quote:

“If we were to go for a no-deal Brexit, we would have about half the country very angry and alienated. They would feel about no-deal Brexit the way that many of the people I’ve seen recently in the north-east feel about Mrs Thatcher,” he said.


“On the other side, if we want for a full remain through a second referendum, you would have about half the country feeling incredibly alienated, angry and tricked.”




Brits have a 'long-standing and mature reputation' for reaching a consensus agreement and, as I hope Johnson told Arlene Foster, the DUP must be willing to accept a viable compromise regarding the Irish backstop.




Edited by stephenterry
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2 minutes ago, spornb said:

I believe get out at any cost and start again, like a marriage too much fear of the unknown, the time has come to go


15 yrs ago, to get out of an eighteen month marriage, in an overseas country, I had to let go 90% of my world wide assets, a  very very substantial sum, many said madness, I even wondered, but today one of the best decisions of my life


The system is unfortunately wrong two thirds majority should be required for major constitutional changes then this mess would not happen

yes 2/3 is needed for serious matters …. 50/50 vote … 1 vote more could  decides for all …..lunacy !!

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11 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

france wll veto a delay. the uk left is deeply scared about new election for nigel farage and boris would team up and guarantee a bloody nose for corby.




Not yet..., but it is coming the veto's in future , I think Boris is working in that way by behaving ridicule as a P.M. …. so some one else solves HIS promise ...as patience is a bucket and it fills up one moment to overflow...

Edited by david555
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23 minutes ago, david555 said:

I think after a few years" out "…..you would not have much problem to get a 2/3 majority to rejoin after the "out" experience ….????

Let's try it then.


A few years out then vote to rejoin (2/3 majority required). That would be democratic, unlike trying to stop the process before we've even left because you think you know better than everyone else. 

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Just now, JonnyF said:

Let's try it then.


A few years out then vote to rejoin (2/3 majority required). That would be democratic, unlike trying to stop the process before we've even left because you think you know better than everyone else. 

Up to the U.K....  you have full freedom to leave from E.U. side …. remember " leave means leave "...etc..... etc ...seems the problem is with half of your own population ...????

Big words but no action 

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