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Five dead, seven injured as student hits van carrying Cambodians


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1 hour ago, poohy said:

Ok i will bite 

Why is it stupid ? Camrys are expensive cars, hes a 20 year old student

So its borrowed or Nicked i doubt hes bought with his pocket money has he???

The Camry he was driving is not an expensive car; it was when it was made, at about the time that the student was two or three years old.

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1 hour ago, poohy said:

Ok i will bite 

Why is it stupid ? Camrys are expensive cars, hes a 20 year old student

So its borrowed or Nicked i doubt hes bought with his pocket money has he???

Weird comment. Everyone I knew in high school were driving a car bought by parents or second family car


Believe it or not all Thais are poor farmers

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26 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Yes, it is spot-on, for a derogatory remark.  My point was, why use that term when you know nothing about the circumstances, or the driver?  Were you using it as a Thai-basher's generalisation, perhaps?


You read that the car hit a kerb first which could start the launch, before being assisted by a tree, didn't you?   A car can be rolled at 30mph if it hits a solid obstacle and the front wheels are turned, which is what would happen if a kerb is hit at an angle.  This car could have been on it's roof as a result of the impact with the van. 


Has it been stated that hitting the kerb was his fault?  Was this a high-speed road, perhaps his speed was perfectly reasonable for the circumstances?

Plus the vehicle the student hit could have been travelling at twice the legal speed and overloaded, so possibly not his complete fault. 

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5 hours ago, poohy said:

How did a 20 yo manchild get a camry to drive.

Very sad for the passengers deaths

5 hours ago, poohy said:

came here 20 years ago and met guy in Bangkok he said Thais cant drive they cant go from buffaloes to cars in one step. Then i thought it was maybe a tad harsh 

NOW I know completely utterly true

Fast cars limited


20 years old is not a man child. What a stereotype you present. Thai's going from buffalo's to cars, wow.. Then calling a Camry a fast car when it is a family sedan that can be driven fast.   A dumb kid crashed his car killing innocent victims. Sadly it happens all over the world. More often here yes, but that's due to lack of driving training, or often a lack of a license itself. Do you always use such a broad brush to paint your social commentary?

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Whatever the cause, RIP to all the deceased and speedy recoveries for the injured. In my opinion, to blame is the "learning to drive" (road sense) system before even taking a test - there isn't one! Here in Thailand, you can go to the local DLT Center, take 3 tests, one each for color blindness, reaction and judgement. Then sit and watch a long traffic/driving related video. Then take a written "Highway Code" test. Then go out to a car park where you get into your car and drive a few meters to park and/or reverse into designated spaces. If you are successful, you get your driving licence.  There isn't a hill start, no test driving out on the open road and no experience of traffic light protocol. Interestingly, my Thai driving licence allows me, as an OAP, to drive my Nissan pick-up, any car and any passenger type van like the one in the accident. I am forbidden to drive a motorcycle of any size! Driving School training should be mandatory before taking a test (as in the UK) but TIT!

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2 hours ago, marin said:

20 years old is not a man child. What a stereotype you present. Thai's going from buffalo's to cars, wow.. Then calling a Camry a fast car when it is a family sedan that can be driven fast.   A dumb kid crashed his car killing innocent victims. Sadly it happens all over the world. More often here yes, but that's due to lack of driving training, or often a lack of a license itself. Do you always use such a broad brush to paint your social commentary?

Its a racist attitude many of the expats have especially those that did not accomplish much in their own home country. They need someone to look down upon to feel a little more successful themselves.

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6 hours ago, jvs said:

What happened to the checkpoints every 90 km?


Wouldn't have helped here would it, forget checkpoints spend the money on traffic  police, who patrol stop and prosecute offenders of which there are many, but where did the checkpoints go minister? 

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its a racist attitude many of the expats have especially those that did not accomplish much in their own home country. They need someone to look down upon to feel a little more successful themselves.

I find myself agreeing with you 

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6 hours ago, jvs said:

What happened to the checkpoints every 90 km?



4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


Or maybe he just had a blow out tyre ?? Or a mechanical failure ??



and not rich in his Camry, the problem is you never get a comprehensive report so its guess guess guess

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8 minutes ago, Artisi said:

And what is wrong with "undertaking" if the road was marked with appropriate lane markings? 

Look at road fatalities in LOS, undertaking and U turns are a contributing factors , you are sure to disagree , fine, but go and take a long drive in Europe, come back and write another post about your experience, i drive twice weekly from Issan to Bangkok, now rely on my experience of accidents almost every journey and a large % involve side swipes or U Turns.

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6 minutes ago, Almer said:

Look at road fatalities in LOS, undertaking and U turns are a contributing factors , you are sure to disagree , fine, but go and take a long drive in Europe, come back and write another post about your experience, i drive twice weekly from Issan to Bangkok, now rely on my experience of accidents almost every journey and a large % involve side swipes or U Turns.

This is Thailand, not Europe - Thailand allows passing on the "underside" as you call it, it is legal on dual and multi carriageways duly marked with lane separating lines. 


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9 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

What can you say.....

Plenty, but the  biggest fallacy is they will blame "speed" when really most of the time its  just their total inability to pay any attention to the road or any knowledge of road conditions or  consequences of their actions such as the far  bigger  risks than speed of driving  too  close.

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5 minutes ago, Artisi said:

This is Thailand, not Europe - Thailand allows passing on the "underside" as you call it, it is legal on dual and multi carriageways duly marked with lane separating lines. 


Is  also legal in the UK under certain conditions such as one way streets, slow  moving traffic etc, mind you its 30+ years since I took a UK driving test, though did manage to pass both car and bike tests first time after only 2  driving lessons,  much to the amusement of my Father and Mother who both failed first time.

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

seems we have "wanna be" experts on this thread that think a car that took off flying over a central barrier (designed to stop such things) and pretty much demolished another vehicle carrying passengers and killing most of them was driving at 50mph and in full control


well that is just weird 


my expert opinion says otherwise

Centre barrier, more from your on-site investigation, and as for 50mph, not worthy of comment 


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24 minutes ago, Peterphuket said:

When I only see the wheels of the minibus, makes me think.

Of course it's not proven yet....

But I can imagine this kind of driver.

When I look at the original posting, the first photo has the majority of the van (minibus) showing with the second photo showing a full side view - of the van/minibus. 

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