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Oh Man! Foreign tourist racks up 50K bar tab after ringing the bell 20 times!

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

170 Baht a Ladies drink which consists of 10 Bahts worth of orange juice

Oh so you know which bar it was and what they charge ? Or what girls drunk?

5 hours ago, batata said:

he's from Oman, muslim country..... muslims don't (are not supposed to) drink alcohol and don't frequent bars quite surprised with the post

If a dog is born in a stable, it doesn't make it a horse.

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3 minutes ago, AAArdvark said:

I don't see how this is a scam.  53K divided by 20 bell rings divided by 25 ladies and customers.  Seems like a fair price to me.  I have personally witnessed several men who rang the bell many times and they knew.  It this guy didn't know and if his gf did not tell him that should be mostly on him.  There was a previous post about Muslims not being allowed to drink.  I guess the plane loads of Arab men coming to Thailand are for the to look at the Buddhist temples.

It was settled for a lower amount because there was no proof one way or the other.   And like most settlements there is give and take. 

How is it on him to know? Maybe if bar presented bill after the first ring , he would not have done it again?

5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So he was right then, overcharged by nearly 40Kbht.

Police made him pay 14,500bht. 


Nice girlfriend too, he didn't know what ringing the bell meant, and she didn't tell him.

RE - Nice girlfriend too, he didn't know what ringing the bell meant, and she didn't tell him.


* Obviously just met and she may have believed as most of them does (in the beginning) that he was made of money and most likely sunbathed in the light of the 20 positive bells and it's short lasting attentions - this may have changed later on when he didn't had anything left to pay her - poor lad ...

4 hours ago, petermik said:

She was probably on "commission" that`s why.....:thumbsup:

baby look here they have a bell...if you ring it all people in restaurant cheer you cause they like nice sound from you rung bell...u are their hero if u ring bell teeeeraaaak....

and dessert brother enjoyed to make em smile...and gf happy mak mak because big commission with little pussy work...

5 hours ago, Vacuum said:

She should pay half of the bill, or 'work' it off.

The way the Thai's operate is just unbelievable, i.e. the girlfriend gets a cut on each drink purchased by the farang, regardless if she works at the bar or not, and would have negotiated that with the bar owner, no doubt there was a cut for every ring a ding ding, but I doubt she would have been back to collect after the bill was negotiated down. 


When I see a guy ringing those bells, I say to myself, what a tosser, i.e. look at me, I'm the biggest idiot in town buying everyone that I don't know drinks, how big of me and have never accepted a drink from staff when someone rings the bell, just not into it, it's so superficial, 1,000 baht best stay in my pocket for when my mates are over to shout.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe I go to the "wrong" places. But where I go if a customer would ring the bell he would get the bill for that right away. And if he does it again he would get another bill.

And if he does not notice his bill they would probably tell him that he just got another 2000B bill.

Are there any bars where you can ring the bell 5 times and nobody explains the rules? Maybe 2nd floor Patpong but otherwise I don't think so. But please correct me if I am wrong.

and many bars will make a point of showing a customer the bill if it goes over 5,000thb.

thats good for the customer and the bar--no disputes then..

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I was in a bar in Pattaya, and I bought 1 lady a drink, and I had a small Leo.

I decided to move on, and was presented with a bill of over 700 baht, and when I questioned it, the owner said I had ordered drinks for other girls. Had I been a newbie, I probably would have paid it begrudgingly, and moved on, but as I first visited there in 1991, and have lived in the N.E. for 15 years, as a matter of principle, I disputed it.

She wouldnt back down, and either would !, so she called the police, and minutes later they arrived in a pick-up (probably expecting a good pay day from stupid farang !).

It was then decided that I would have to go to Soi 9, in the back of the pick up, and when there, I was told I would be put in a cell for the night, and would appear in court in the morning. They were probably expecting me to bribe my way out of my now predicament, but, instead, I called a highly influential lawyer in Khon Kaen, and passed the phone over to the officer. To this day I do not know what was said, but on handing me the phone back, he told me I was free to go, and the matter was closed.

I find in a lot of places, up here included, some bars are trying scams, as an awful lot of them must be losing money day after day, with customer numbers drastically reduced. 

KK is so quiet, strange when you hear how busy Pattaya is !!!!

  • Confused 1
5 hours ago, batata said:

he's from Oman, muslim country..... muslims don't (are not supposed to) drink alcohol and don't frequent bars quite surprised with the post

For sure!!! And Christians only have sex in the missionary position!!! ????

What a statement!!! 


thats some party trick ‘ can’t believe he got a 44,000 waver from the police,. Everybody who’s visited Thailand know about the bell learnt very early after visiting Pattaya after being handed a 11,000 baht bin..... luckily back then it was 72 baht to the £ so didn’t take a big hit. Would have been disappointed with my Thai girlfriend who for some reason didn’t explain the bell routine - makes me laugh when reading with girlfriend which would indicate he’s just met her from a bar as clearly he don’t understand Thai culture ???? there one born every minute.


A little off topic, but yesterday I was in a 7-11 on Soi Buakhao.  What appeared to be a drunk middle eastern male, was 5 baht short on the two beers he was buying.  The girl keep saying mister, 5 baht please.  The guy said that's all you get and walked out with his two beers.  I put my stuff on the counter and my bill came to 385 baht.  She said 390 please.  I gave her 400, and she gave me 10 baht coin back and then walked away.  I said hey, my total was 385, not 390.  She didn't say a word, walked over to the register a handed me a 5 baht coin and gave me a dirty look.


I know it was only 5 baht.  It's just the principle of what she was trying to do to a "stupid farang."


I wonder how many times myself and others have been short changed without knowing it...

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

The Police should have immediately charged the bar owner with attempted fraud ! or extortion, and send a message to others not to try and fleece tourists, obvious they were not being truthful to allow/agree a reduction/settlement of that size.

the bar was more interested in making a big profit from all the drinks sold....MONEY MONEY MONEY is what Thailand is all about..especially in such dire times for bars !!

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So he was right then, overcharged by nearly 40Kbht.

Police made him pay 14,500bht. 


Nice girlfriend too, he didn't know what ringing the bell meant, and she didn't tell him.

Why was he overcharged 40T? 
Just don't touch things if you don't know what they are for. ???? (and if you are the only one getting soft drinks for your money) 


To summarize, classical conditioning developed by Pavlov and (later developed by Watson, 1913) involves learning to associate an unconditioned stimulus that already brings about a particular response (i.e., a reflex) with a new (conditioned) stimulus, so that the new stimulus brings about the same response.


Duh. After the first bell had he not known the details before, he has all the info he needed. Unless his IQ was in the lower range. After the first bell, he had the bartender look at him and smile, and a half dozen thanks from the bargirls and other patrons.


This incident does not pass the smell test. Something smells "fishy".

  • Like 1

If you act like a sheep you will likely be fleeced. Oman? Sure! Let's replace the European, North American, Aussie tourists with high quality worldly folks from Africa, the Arab world, India and China....good job Thailand!!! HAHAH

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, batata said:

he's from Oman, muslim country..... muslims don't (are not supposed to) drink alcohol and don't frequent bars quite surprised with the post

Oman is quite liberal in terms of Omanis drinking. I worked there for a while and it was interesting to walk into a hotel bar and see nothing but locals for the first 30 minutes or so.

6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So he was right then, overcharged by nearly 40Kbht.

Police made him pay 14,500bht. 


Nice girlfriend too, he didn't know what ringing the bell meant, and she didn't tell him.

I think what he paid was the price that the bar pays for the drink. We all know there is a 2 or 3 times markup in bars ( and quite right they are open to make a profit), plus the girls will usually drink Thai whisky and soda.  I think he was very lucky the bar manager didn't take actions into his own hands. I think a thumbs up is in order for the bar manager for referring it to the police.

5 hours ago, sanemax said:

2500 baht per bell ring sounds reasonable , if there were 10 girls in the bar , plus the owner and cashier and his drink , 2500 Baht isnt an unreasonable amount .

   He paid 700 Baht per bell ring ,which would buy 3 ladies drinks .

It would depend on how many people were in the bar as to whether his bill was padded or not .

  The 50 000 Baht may have been the correct bill , as it was the bar owner that called the police

Yes, do the maths and it is definitely possible to rack up a bill like that.

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, batata said:

he's from Oman, muslim country..... muslims don't (are not supposed to) drink alcohol and don't frequent bars quite surprised with the post

Just saying but......does it say he was drinking alcohol?


Last time I went to my favourite bar i managed 35K and thought that was excessive (It was my Birthday) until I looked at the hall of fame!. Who the hell spends 195K in 3 hrs! I would have though most of the staff would have been on the floor paralytic with that bill!

46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

To summarize, classical conditioning developed by Pavlov and (later developed by Watson, 1913) involves learning to associate an unconditioned stimulus that already brings about a particular response (i.e., a reflex) with a new (conditioned) stimulus, so that the new stimulus brings about the same response.


Duh. After the first bell had he not known the details before, he has all the info he needed. Unless his IQ was in the lower range. After the first bell, he had the bartender look at him and smile, and a half dozen thanks from the bargirls and other patrons.


This incident does not pass the smell test. Something smells "fishy".



should enlist dr pavlov to decondition the girls from reacting hysterically as if they found the "holy grail" when they catch a ping pong ball


Oman is a Arab country, Islam is the leading religion. But! Not everybody is Muslim and drinking is permitted for non Muslims. Saudi is the I understand the only country with laws still in place that effect everyone.

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So he was right then, overcharged by nearly 40Kbht.

Police made him pay 14,500bht. 


Nice girlfriend too, he didn't know what ringing the bell meant, and she didn't tell him.

Probably thought he was "loaded".. ????

7 hours ago, batata said:

he's from Oman, muslim country..... muslims don't (are not supposed to) drink alcohol and don't frequent bars quite surprised with the post

You're not so naive to think that muslims don't drink surely? Drugs, booze, women, gambling, you name it they're into it.

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4 hours ago, fasteddie said:

You need to get out more, plenty of Muslims drink alcohol, a Jordanian pilot I once knew regularly drunk all us expats under the table, he even took me up in his Hunter early one morning right after a messy session and proceeded to roll her and fly upside down trying to get me to throw up, he failed.

Why would he want you throwing up in his aircraft and making a sickening mess? Not to mention some nasty liquid getting into switches and things. 

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