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China’s planned focus on domestic economy ‘will hit Thai exports badly’


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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

he PM is strutting the world stage in New York with his chest puffed out and needing something to brag about. All he has heard from home over the last few days is bad news.

They waited till he was out of the country before announcing the bad news.

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3 hours ago, 30la said:

You have bet on the wrong horse, from China you want everything but you are constantly looking towards America because you believe everything that Americans tell you!
The Chinese make you see it every day that they are really smart in everything they do!
They copy? Do they steal patents?
You can answer these questions with yes, and now they produce EVERYTHING the world need!
We all underestimated this giant who slept for so long and we didn't realize he was just waiting for the right moment to come out!
Start working with China in a more sincere and open way, you will benefit greatly! America is not the number 1 anymore!

Can you explain the benefits that you quote with China as apposed to other Countries?

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

China’s import of fresh fruits has been rising in recent years. For instance, she said, durian, mangosteen and longan still remain very popular among Chinese consumers. 


“What worries me is their quality and logistics,” she said. 


She said that Thai farmers and exporters may export low-quality product to meet high demand from China, so the authorities have to ensure the quality of the products is maintained. Also, she said, Thailand needs to improve its logistics because goods heading for China still have to go by road via Vietnam. 

Thailand won’t have time to improve its logistic ! What logistic anyway ? China is already building the railway line that will link it with Vientiane, where it’ll connect to the Nong Khai-Bangkog line and further to Malaysia and Singapore. The Silk Rail is on the move. China is moving because its unique system plans for decades whereas the Western type systems only plan as far electoral mandates last and economic ventures are profitable. The West is facing a true behemoth, and has no idea as to how to stop it: too much money involved, no ideology. 

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I would like to see Thailand "defunded" by these events playing out on the global stage, for that might give them some long lost humility back.


It is, after all, just a developing backwaters, and sadly the "development" often goes in the wrong direction. Their view of themselves and their country is completely out of sync with that reality.

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Can we go back 3 years ago when world GDP growth was 3.4% and trade growth was strong. US companies invested in China and agreed on technology transfers and profit from low wages and a huge domestic market. Cheaper products were brought back to USA and fueled the domestic economy and kept inflation low. Now the world GDP is half and global trade weak because of a xenophobic President. 

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China has very good highways and express ways. Bullet Trains, good Airports,

and the south had a warm ocean, and land joined countries that are in

the tropics like, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand etc. Good location to be in with

such a large population that is travelling when they can afford to do so.

  What does the USA and Canada have to its south. Mexico and Central 

America, and the Carribean, all expensive places to visit. Wonder where I will

continue to travel to for my vacations.


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2 hours ago, Khun Paul said:

From a mere simplistic viewpoint, any country of 70+ million , going arm in arm with a country of 1.5 Billion , will eventually become swallowed up , the larger needs space and Indo China has plenty of it , needs a younger workforce, Indo China has plenty of that as well . Belt and Road Initative  is just the start of colonising by the back door , and their Govts eager to reap huge financial benefits individually will pawn the countries to the only bidder in the market . 100 years from now China will have done what Emperors failed to do centuries ago.

did you mean Genghis Khan


"" Genghis Khan is famous for building the biggest empire in history up to that time. His territory included much of what is now modern China. He and his armies killed, reformed, and destroyed on an amazing scale. He's famous as the world's greatest conqueror.""

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1 hour ago, JMSIII said:

Please explain the huge empty cities in China then?  A lot of China's success is/was because US politicians sold out American jobs and industries to China.  China has raped the US with the politicians help, one example is Bill Clinton in the 90's when he was taking millions in donations from China, after he was elected he opened the immigration flood gates for the Chinese, especially in Silicon Valley, and he opened up the classified information from NASA to the Chinese.  The Chines have made many US politicians very wealthy...   I could go on about how the politicians allowed China to take over the US steel industry, only to sell the US back an inferior steel.  There's a lot more regarding stolen intellectual properties that the US politicians allowed China to do without any attempt to stop them.  As China became richer so did many US politicians and CEO's that sold the country out for extreme wealth.

You also missed out Boeing opening a company in China.... a very big mistake.
China has struggled to get a small commercial jet off the ground with years of delays... but they are getting there now.

China will also soon launch a larger aircraft that will rival anything in Boeings fleet.... then watch out.

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Most of the above comments reflects ignorance and avoiding reality that presently China is worlds 2nd largest economy and by 2030 could be the largest economy as per stats of last 70 years.


They have many alternatives and most of those are not even started to implement. The rail link expansion to EU will bring down voyage time to 14 days compared to existing 60 days. This would be the gateway for China to have more market share then existing.


So far Chinese have not taken any harsh measures against the US tariff. Minerals are the melting point for EU and US companies, if they may decide not to export in the future.


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Just now, Fex Bluse said:

Maybe you have not been watching the news -- outside of Chinese State Media.


China is hurting, badly.


If the West pulls away from China, China has no place to steal from or sell to.


Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia cannot come close to making up the difference.


Pls read carefully my comments. EU is likely to be more dependent on China. Eventually, for energy on Russia.


US, Brit & French have stolen a lot of oil to keep up with their appearances. Microsoft was fined in millions by EU for non competetion so the list goes on.


Now the eyes are again on Saudi oil and its money. Which one will get what share must be discussion of the Western Pirates block of 3 countries as mentioned above.


Relax pls I wont write any further.

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